【2024/5/24開催】第140回広島大学拠点セミナー(HU-ACE Seminar)を開催します

対面 & オンラインのハイブリッド形式

【場所】工学部108講義室, 広島大学東広島キャンパス
【オンライン】 ZOOM, オンラインご希望の方は下部のメールアドレス宛にご連絡ください。

【参加費】 無料

【講師】Dr. Novi Syaftika
Research Centre for Industrial Process and Manufacturing Technology
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia

【演題】Biofuel Advancements in Indonesia: Status and Progress

【要旨】 Indonesia, as a vast tropical archipelago abundant in resources, finds itself as a significant importer of crude oil in the energy sector. Recognizing this, and driven by the necessity for decarbonization, Indonesia has embarked on various efforts and programs to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, particularly through the utilization of biofuels for transportation. Being the largest producer of palm oil in the world, Indonesia utilizes this resource to lead global biodiesel production for transportation fuel. However, the development of other biofuel types such as bioethanol and biogas hasn’t been as extensive as biodiesel. This presentation will address various aspects related to biofuel development in Indonesia, encompassing policies, regulations, current status of market and technology, also its challenges. Additionally, research conducted in collaboration with Hiroshima University utilizing unconventional biomass, specifically macroalgae, will also be shared.


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4.参加形態:□オンライン □対面