Greeting from the Former HU-ACE head

Center Director’s Greetings

Director of Advanced Core for Energetics, Hiroshima University (HU-ACE)
Keiya Nishida
(Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering)

西田恵哉(広島大学大学院工学研究院 教授)

“Advanced Core of Energetics (HU-ACE)”, the research core authorized by Hiroshima University, was established and started its activities in October 2016. HU-ACE focuses its efforts on the research and development of “super-advanced” technologies of creation, reservation, and utilization of energy/fuels mainly for the transportation sector. HU-ACE contributes as well for the education of next-generation researchers in this field. The professors and researchers in the university hardly made joint activities among their departments. Professor Yukihiko Matsumura, vice head of HU-ACE, made the great efforts to organize the research core, which 23 professors and researchers join from Graduate Schools of Engineering, Advanced Sciences of Matters, Integrated Arts and Sciences, International Development and Corporation, and Institute for Advanced Materials Research. Engine combustion, my research area, is recently requested to adopt various biofuels. I got acquainted with a professor in the neighboring department, who conducts the advanced bio-fuel creation research. HU-ACE conducts the super-advanced energy/fuels research based on the joint activities by professors and researchers in the university.