Research activities


  • “Best Presentation Award”
    The 13th CIMAC CASCADES, Prof. Dr. KIM received the award. 2024/8/15
  • “Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Miura Prize”
    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Japan, Mr. Ueda (M2) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2024/3/22

  • “Student Recognition”
    Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering,Ms. Saeki (D2) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2024/3/22

  • “Student Recognition”
    Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Mr. Ueda (M2) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2024/3/22

  • “The 8th Labyrinthura Symposium Best Poster Award”
    The 8th Labyrinthura Symposium, Ms. Arai of Prof. Aki’s group received the award. 2023/8/26

  • “Excellent Student Scholarship Award”
    Hiroshima University, Ms. Ueno (M2) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2023/12/23

  • “Excellent Student Scholarship Award”
    Hiroshima University, Mr. Tanaka(M2) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2023/12/23

  • “Excellent Student Scholarship Award”
    Hiroshima University, Mr. Ueda (M2) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2023/12/23

  • “Excellent Student Scholarship Award”
    Hiroshima University, Mr. Liu Miao (M2) of Prof. Matsumura’s group received the award. 2023/12/19

  • “Excellent Student Scholarship Award”
    Hiroshima University, Mr. Iseki(M2) of Prof. Matsumura’s group received the award. 2023/12/19

  • “Best Poster Award”
    The 19th Biomass Science Conference, Prof. Matsumura received the award. 2023/12/8

  • “Dean’s Special Award at the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering”
     Advanced Care for Energetics, Hiroshima University(HU-ACE) . 2023/11/29
  • “Best Presentation Award”
    The 61th Combustion Symposium, Ms. Saeki (D2) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2023/11/16

  • “Best Presentation Award”
    The 61th Combustion Symposium, Ms. Tanabe(M2) Assist. Prof. Shimokuri’s group received the award. 2023/11/16

  • “Young Scientist Encouragement Award”
    FY2023 The Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Mr. Ueda (M2) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2023/10/6

  • “Academic Encouragement Award”
    The Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Ms. Saeki (D2) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2023/10/6

  • “Excellent Presentation Award”
    The 7th International Symposium on Fuels and Energy(ISFE2023), Ms. Saeki (D2) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2023/7/4

  • “Excellent Presentation Award”
    The 7th International Symposium on Fuels and Energy(ISFE2023), Mr. Ueda (M2) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2023/7/4

  • “FY2023 Year Student Encouragement Award of the Japan Society of Fire and Fire Science”
    FY2023 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Fire Science, Mr. Ueda (M2) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2023/5/28

  • “FY2023 Year Student Encouragement Award of the Japan Society of Fire and Fire Science”
    FY2023Mr. Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Fire Science, Tanaka (M2) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2023/5/28

  • “Safety Engineering Student Lecture Award”
    Japan Society of Safety Engineering, Ms. Saeki (D2) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2023/5/24

  • “Excellent Student Scholarship Award”
    Hiroshima University, Ms. Ueno (student) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2022/12/21

  • “Excellent Student Scholarship Award”
    Hiroshima University, Ms. Ueno (student) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 

  • “Best Presentation Award”
    Combustion Society of Japan, Mr. Ueda (student) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2022/11/24
  • “The AMS Best Student Award”
    13th Asian Microgravity Symposium, Ms. Saeki (student) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2022/10/21
  • “The AMS Best Student Award”
    13th Asian Microgravity Symposium, Ms. Ueno (student) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2022/10/21
  • “Student Oral Presentation Award the Grand Prize”
    Japan Society of Microgravity Aplication, Ms. Saeki (student) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2022/9/16
  • “The Mouri Poster combativity Award”
    Japan Society of Microgravity Aplication, Ms. Ueno (student) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2022/9/16
  • “Best poster awards”
    In The 20th International Conference on the Physisc of Highly Charged Ions, Jiahao Wang (D2) of Prof. Namba’s group received the award.2022/8/29
  • ”Encouragement Award”
    Japan Association fo Fire Science and Engineering, Ms. Ueno (student) of Assist. Prof. KIM’s group received the award. 2022/5/29
  • “Safety Engineering Paper Award”
    In The Japan Society of Safety Engineering, Assistant Prof. Wookyung KIM received the award. 2022/5/23
  • “The Encouragement Award of the Power System Technical Committee”
    In The Power System Technical Committee, Hiroki Yokota of Prof. Yorino’s group received the award. 2022/3/1
  • “The Encouragement Award of the Power System Technical Committee”
    In The Power System Technical Committee, Takuya Shimada of Prof. Yorino’s group received the award. 2022/3/1
  • “The Encouragement Award of the Electric Power Technology Committee”
    In The Electric Power Technology Committee, Mumbere Samuel Kihembo of Prof. Yorino’s group received the Award. 2022/3/1
  • “The IEEJ Excellent Paper Award”
    In Academic Society of Electrical and Information Technology Societies The Chugoku region, Makoto Ueoka a member of Prof. Yorino Group received the Award. 2022/2/4
  • “The IEEJ Excellent Paper Award”
    In Academic Society of Electrical and Information Technology Societies The Chugoku region, Naoki Takahashi a member of Prof. Yorino Group received the Award. 2022/2/4
  • “The Best Paper Award”
    In IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Asia 2021, Hiroki Yokota a member of Prof. Yorino Group received the Award. 2022/2/1
  • “The IEEE PES Japan Joint Chapter Student Best Paper Award”
    In IEEE Power & Energy Society Japan Joint Chapter, Mumbere Samuel Kihembo a member of Prof. Yorino Group received the Award. 2022/1/21
  • “The IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award”
    In IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter, Makoto Ueoka a member of Prof. Yorino Group received the Award. 2021/12/18
  • “The IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researchers Executive Committee Encouragement Award”
    In IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter, Naoki Takahashi a member of Prof. Yorino Group received the Award. 2021/12/18
  • “Best poster Awards”
    In 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, Masato Sumino (M2) of Prof.Namba’s group received the award.2021/10/26
  • “Best Student Paper Award”
    In 20th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2021), Mumbere Samuel Kihembo of Prof. Yorino Group received the Award. 2021/10/22
  • “Best Paper Award”
    In IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe 2021, Mumbere Samuel Kihembo of Prof. Yorino Group received the Award. 2021/10/21
  • “AAPPS-DPP 2021 Poster Prize”
    In 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, Masato Sumino a member of Prof. Namba Group received the Award. 2021/9/26
  • “Environmental Biotechnology Award”
    In Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Environmental Biotechnology 2020, Prof.Kato received the Award. 2021/9/3
  • “Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Contribution Award”
    In Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Thermal Engineering Division 2021, Associate Prof. Shimokuri received the Award. 2021/3/31
  • “the Glass Memorial Lecture Award”
    In Japan Shockwave Study Group, Prof. Takuma Endo received the Award. 2021/3/4
  • “the Glass Memorial Lecture Award”
    At the 2020 Shockwave Symposium, Prof. Takuma Endo received the Award. 2021/3/4
  • “Best Presentation Award”
    At HU-ACE, Assistant Prof. Wookyung KIM received the award. 2020/12/7
  • “Japan Combustion Society Encouragement Award”
    In Japan Combustion Society, Assistant Prof. Wookyung KIM received the award. 2020/12/3
  • “Araki Memorial Paper Award”
    In National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Assistant Prof. Wookyung KIM received the award. 2020/9/4
  • “Research Achievement Award”
    In Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Engine System Division, Prof. Miyoshi received the award. 2020/9/1
  • “Academic Technology Encouragement Award”
    In Society for Japan Safety Engineering, Assistant Prof. Wookyung KIM received the award. 2020/5/29
  • “Uchida Encouragement Award”
    In Japan Fire Society, Assistant Prof. Wookyung KIM received the award. 2020/5/28
  • “poster award”
    8th IWA Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering Specialist Conference (MEWE2019), Mr. Horio a member of Prof. Okamura Group received the Award. 2019/11/20
  • “the Student Encouragement Award”
    Japan Oil Chemists’ Society, Mis.Ran Hirotani (student) of the Prof. Aki Group won the award. 2019/11/5
  • “Best Paper Award of the Japan Combustion Society”
    Japan Combustion Society, Prof. Miyoshi won the award. 2019/11/1
  • “poster award”
    In Marine Biotechnology Conference 2019 (MBC2019), Ms. Yamashita a member of Prof. Okamura Group received the Award. 2019/9/13
  • “The Excellent Poster Award”
    At the Summer Seminar 2019 a gathering of young researchers in bioengineering, Miho Fujino (M1) a member of Prof. Kato Group received the Award. 2019/7/21
  • “the Institute Award (Academic Division) of Japan Institute of Energy”
    In The Japan Institute of Energy, Prof. Matsumura received the Award. 2019/2/26
  • “Japan Combustion Society Best Paper Award”
    In Combustion Zociety of Japan, Assistant Prof. Wookyung KIM received the award. 2018/11/23
  • “Best Paper Award”
    In Asia Pacific Symposium on Safety 2017, Assistant Prof. Wookyung KIM received the award. 2017/12/1
  • “The Japan Institute of Energy Progress Award (Academic Division)”
    In The Japan Institute of Energy, Prof. Ichikawa received the award. 2017/2/28

News Letter

Original treatise


887) Sugiura, T; Kume, M; Morita, H; Namba, S; Higashiguchi, T: Improvement of EUV Spectra by Optical Thickness Control: PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH: 20: 10.1585/pfr.20.2406004: (2025)
886) Dominguez-Palacios, J; Futatani, S; Garcia-Munoz, M; van Vuuren, AJ; Viezzer, E; Gonzalez-Martin, J; Toscano-Jimenez, M; Oyola, P; Todo, Y; Suzuki, Y; Sanchis, L; Rueda-Rueda, J; Galdon-Quiroga, J; Hidalgo-Salaverri, J; Chen, H; Rivero-Rodriguez, JF; Velarde, L: Effect of energetic ions on edge-localized modes in tokamak plasmas: NATURE PHYSICS: 21: 10.1038/s41567-024-02715-6: (2025)
885) Ohashi, H; Kawasaki, H; Shimada, Y; Namba, S; O’sullivan, G; Higashiguchi, T: EUV Spectra from Laser-Produced Tungsten Plasmas: PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH: 20: 10.1585/pfr.20.2401014: (2025)
884) Soramoto, T; Niinuma, T; Morita, H; Namba, S; Higashiguchi, T: EUV Emission from a Regenerative Liquid Target Laser-Produced Plasma: PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH: 20: 10.1585/pfr.20.2406013: (2025)
883) Toida, T; Sugiura, T; Yazawa, H; Morita, H; Namba, S; Higashiguchi, T: Water-Window Soft X-Ray Spectra from Dual Laser-Produced Bi Plasmas: PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH: 20: 10.1585/pfr.20.2406003: (2025)
882) Endo, T: Analytical study of initial flame kernel in laser ignition: JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: 20: 10.1299/jtst.24-00405: (2025)
881) Nishizawa, T; Tokuda, S; Sanpei, A; Hasegawa, M; Yamasaki, K; Fujisawa, A: Equilibrium reconstruction of axisymmetric plasmas by combining Gaussian process regression and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling: PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION: 67: 10.1088/1361-6587/ad9521: (2025)
880) Li, WH; Seike, M; Fujiwara, A; Chikaraishi, M: Slow walking behavior with negative emotion in smoke-filled model-scale tunnel: TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY: 156: 10.1016/j.tust.2024.106224: (2025)
879) Shimokuri, D; Miyake, T; Wakata, Y; Sharma, A; Kishimura, T; Sonoda, T; Hashimoto, N; Nakamura, H; Sato, J: Low NOx ammonia / methane combustion with highly preheated air in a furnace: JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: 20: 10.1299/jtst.24-00347: (2025)
878) Trhavorn, R; Kuboon, S; Charinpanitkul, T; Matsumura, Y: Binary Analysis on Interaction between Cellulose, Lignin, and Xylose during Hydrothermal Carbonization: JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF ENERGY: 103: 105: 114: (2024)
877) Liu, B; Kawamura, G; Dai, SY; Xu, Y; Suzuki, Y; Shimizu, A; Frerichs, H; Feng, Y: A universal target plate design scheme for stellarators: theoretical basis and its application to heat load control: NUCLEAR FUSION: 65: 10.1088/1741-4326/ad8edc: (2025)
876) Kawasaki, K; Kitano, H; Kindaichi, S; Nishina, D: Heat sink temperature modeling for reservoir source heat pumps with experimental validation: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT: 10.1080/23744731.2024.2433385: (2024)
875) Holcomb, CT; Abbate, J; Abe, A; Abrams, A; Adebayo-Ige, P; Agabian, S; Ahmed, S; Aiba, N; Akcay, N; Akiyama, T; Albosta, R; Aleynikov, P; Allen, S; Anand, H; Anderson, J; Andrew, Y; Ashburn, M; Ashourvan, A; Austin, M; Avdeeva, G; Ayala, D; Ayub, M; Bagdy, E; Banerjee, S; Barada, K; Bardoczi, L; Bardsley, O; Barr, J; Bass, E; Battey, A; Bayler, Z; Baylor, L; Bechtel, T; Beidler, M; Belli, E; Benedett, T; Bergstrom, Z; Berkel, M; Bernard, T; Bertelli, N; Bielajew, R; Bodner, G; Boedo, J; Boivin, R; Bolzonella, T; Bonoli, P; Bortolon, A; Bose, S; Boyer, M; Boyes, W; Bradley, L; Brambila, R; Braun, A; Brennan, D; Bringuier, S; Brodsky, L; Brookman, M; Brooks, J; Brower, D; Brown, W; Buck, J; Buczek, S; Burgess, D; Burke, M; Burrell, K; Butt, J; Buttery, R; Bykov, I; Byrne, P; Cacheris, A; Callahan, K; Callen, J; Campbell, D; Candy, J; Canik, J; Cappelli, L; Carlstrom, T; Carr, R; Carrig, W; Carter, B; Carter, T; Carvalho, I; Cary, W; Casali, L; Ceelen, L; Cengher, M; Cha, M; Chaban, R; Chan, V; Chapman, B; Char, I; Chen, J; Chen, R; Chen, J; Chen, X; Chen, Y; Chiriboga, J; Cho, E; Choi, G; Choi, W; Choudhury, H; Chowdhury, S; Chrystal, C; Chung, Y; Churchill, R; Clark, R; Clement, M; Coburn, J; Coda, S; Coffee, R; Collins, C; Colmenares-Fernandez, J; Conlin, W; Coon, R; Cote, T; Creely, A; Crocker, N; Crowe, C; Crowley, B; Crowley, T; Curie, M; Curreli, D; Dal Molin, A; Damba, J; Dart, E; Dautt-Silva, A; Davda, K; De, A; de Boucaud, N; de Jong, Y; De Vries, P; de-Villeroche, A; DeGrandchamp, G; deGrassie, J; Demers, D; Denk, S; DeShazer, E; Di Genova, S; Diallo, A; Dimits, A; Ding, R; Ding, S; Donovan, D; Du, X; Dunsmore, J; Dupuy, A; Duran, J; Dvorak, A; Effenberg, F; Eidietis, N; Elder, D; Eldon, D; Elsey, Y; Ennis, D; Erickson, K; Ernst, D; Fajardo, M; Farre-Kaga, H; Fenstermacher, M; Ferraro, N; Ferron, J; Feyrer, A; Fimognari, P; Finden, R; Finkenthal, D; Fitzpatrick, R; Flanagan, S; Ford, B; Fox, W; Freiberger, S; Fu, L; Gage, K; Gajaraj, V; Garcia, I; Garcia, F; Garcia, A; Munoz, MG; Garnier, D; Garofalo, A; Gattuso, A; Geiger, B; Gentle, K; Ghai, Y; Gill, K; Glass, F; Gohil, P; Gong, X; Gonzalez-Martin, J; Gorelov, Y; Graber, V; Granetz, R; Gray, C; Greenfield, C; Grierson, B; Groebner, R; Grosnickle, W; Groth, M; Gu, S; Guo, H; Guterl, J; Guttenfelder, W; Hager, R; Hahn, S; Halfmoon, M; Hall, J; Hall-Chen, V; Halpern, F; Hammett, G; Han, X; Hansen, C; Hansen, E; Hanson, J; Hanson, M; Harris, A; Harvey, R; Haskey, S; Hatch, D; Hayashi, W; Hayes, A; Heidbrink, W; Herfindal, J; Hicok, J; Hinson, E; Hisakado, T; Holcomb, C; Holland, C; Holland, L; Hollmann, E; Holm, A; Holmes, I; Holtrop, K; Hong, R; Hood, R; Horvath, L; Houshmandyar, S; Howard, N; Howell, E; Hu, W; Hu, Y; Hu, Q; Huang, Y; Huang, J; Huang, A; Hubbard, A; Hughes, J; Humphreys, D; Hurtado, J; Hyatt, A; Imada, K; Izzo, V; Jalalvand, A; Jardin, S; Jarvinen, A; Jeon, Y; Ji, H; Jian, X; Jian, L; Jiang, Y; Johnson, C; Johnson, J; Jones, M; Joung, S; Jouzdani, P; Jung, E; Kallenberg, E; Kalling, R; Kaplan, D; Kaptanoglu, A; Kellman, D; Kennedy, J; Khabanov, F; Kim, J; Kim, H; Kim, E; Kim, S; Kim, K; Kim, C; Kim, T; King, J; Kinsey, A; Kirk, D; Klasing, D; Kleiner, A; Knolker, M; Kochan, M; Koel, B; Koenders, J; Koepke, M; Kolasinski, R; Kolemen, E; Kostadinova, E; Kostuk, M; Kramer, G; Kube, R; Kumar, N; La Haye, R; Laggner, F; Lahban, C; Lan, H; Landry, R; Lantsov, R; Lao, L; Lasnier, C; Lau, C; Leccacorvi, R; Leddy, J; Lee, M; Lee, S; Lee, K; Lee, R; Lehnen, M; Leonard, A; Leppink, E; LeSher, M; Lestz, J; Leuer, J; Leuthold, N; Li, G; Li, X; Li, Y; Li, L; Li, N; Li, Z; Lin, D; Lin, Z; Lin, Z; Lin, Y; Linsenmayer, E; Liu, J; Liu, D; Liu, D; Liu, C; Liu, Z; Liu, Y; Liu, C; Loarte-Prieto, A; Loch, S; LoDestro, L; Logan, N; Lohr, J; Lore, J; Rodriguez, UL; Loughran, J; Lowell, M; Luce, T; Luhmann, N; Lunia, P; Lunsford, R; Lupin-Jimenez, L; Lvovskiy, A; Lyons, B; Ma, X; MacDonald, J; Macwan, T; Maingi, R; Major, M; Malhotra, L; Margo, M; Marini, C; Marinoni, A; Maris, A; Martin, E; Mateja, J; Mattes, R; Maurizio, R; Mauzey, D; McAllister, L; McArdle, G; McClenaghan, J; McCollam, K; McKee, G; McLaughlin, K; McLean, A; Mehta, V; Meier, E; Meitner, S; Menard, J; Meneghini, O; Merlo, G; Messer, S; Meyer, W; Michael, C; Miller, D; Miller, M; Mitchell, J; Mitra, E; Moeller, C; Mohamed, M; Molesworth, S; Montes, K; Mordijck, S; Morosohk, S; Moser, A; Mueller, D; Munaretto, S; Murphy, C; Muscatello, C; Myers, R; Nagy, A; Nath, D; Navarro, M; Nazikian, R; Neiser, T; Nelson, A; Nesbet, P; Nespoli, F; Nguyen, P; Nguyen, D; Nguyen, R; Nichols, J; Nocente, M; Nuckols, L; Nygren, R; Odstrcil, T; Okabayashi, M; Olofsson, E; Orlov, D; Orozco, D; Osborne, N; Osborne, T; OShea, F; Pace, D; Packard, D; Martinez, AP; Pakosta, C; Pan, C; Pandya, M; Panici, D; Pankin, A; Park, Y; Park, J; Park, J; Parker, C; Parker, S; Parks, P; Parsons, M; Paruchuri, S; Paz-Soldan, C; Pederson, T; Peebles, W; Penaflor, B; Perez, E; Periasamy, L; Perillo, R; Petty, C; Pharr, M; Pierce, D; Pierren, C; Pierson, S; Pigarov, A; Pigatto, L; Piglowski, D; Pinches, S; Pinsker, R; Pitts, R; Pizzo, J; Podesta, M; Popovic, Z; Porkolab, M; Pratt, Q; Prechel, G; Pusztai, I; Puthan-Naduvakkate, P; Qian, J; Qin, X; Ra, O; Raines, T; Rakers, K; Rath, K; Rauch, J; Rea, C; Reed, R; Reiman, A; Reinke, M; Reksoatmodjo, R; Ren, Q; Ren, J; Ren, Y; Rensink, M; Rhodes, T; Richner, N; Ridzon, J; Riggs, G; Riquezes, J; Fernandez, PR; Rognlien, T; Ronchi, G; Rondini, L; Rosati, R; Rosenthal, A; Ross, M; Rost, J; Rothstein, A; Roveto, J; Ruane, J; Rudakov, D; Rupani, R; Rutherford, G; Sabbagh, S; Sachdev, J; Sadeghi, N; Salmi, A; Salvador, F; Sammuli, B; Samuell, C; Sandorfi, A; Sang, C; Santa, D; Sarff, J; Sauter, O; Savelli, H; Schaefer, C; Schamis, H; Schellpfeffer, J; Schissel, D; Schmitz, L; Schmitz, O; Schroeder, P; Schultz, K; Schuster, E; Sciortino, F; Scotti, F; Scoville, J; Seltzman, A; Seo, J; Serrano, J; Sfiligoi, I; Shafer, M; Shapov, R; Shen, H; Shi, N; Shiraki, D; Short, B; Shousha, R; Si, H; Sierra, C; Sinclair, G; Sinha, P; Sips, G; Skinner, C; Slendebroek, T; Slief, J; Smirnov, R; Smith, S; Smith, D; Snoep, G; Snyder, P; Solomon, W; Song, X; Sontag, A; Soukhanovskii, V; Spong, D; Squire, J; Staebler, G; Stagner, L; Stange, T; Stangeby, P; Starling, E; Stewart, S; Stoltzfus-Dueck, T; Storment, S; Strait, E; Su, D; Sugiyama, L; Sun, P; Sun, Y; Sun, Y; Sun, X; Sung, C; Suttrop, W; Suzuki, Y; Sweeney, R; Taczak, B; Takemura, Y; Tang, S; Tang, S; Tang, W; Tardini, G; Taussig, D; Teixeira, K; Thackston, K; Thomas, D; Thome, K; Tinguely, Y; Tobin, M; Tooker, J; de Sousa, AT; Traverso, P; Trevisan, G; Trier, E; Truong, D; Tsui, C; Turco, F; Turnbull, A; Turner, L; Unterberg, E; Van Compernolle, B; van Kampen, R; Van Zeeland, M; Victor, B; Vieira, R; Viezzer, E; Vincena, S; Vollmer, D; Wai, J; Walker, M; Waltz, R; Wampler, W; Wang, L; Wang, Y; Wang, H; Wang, Z; Wang, G; Wang, A; Watkins, J; Watkins, M; Watts, T; Webber, L; Weber, K; Wehner, W; Wei, X; Weisberg, D; Welander, A; Welsh, A; White, A; Wilcox, R; Wilkie, G; Wilks, T; Willensdorfer, M; Wilson, H; Wingen, A; Wu, M; Wu, D; Wukitch, S; Xia, J; Xie, R; Xing, Z; Xu, G; Xu, X; Yan, Z; Yang, X; Yang, L; Yang, S; Yang, J; Yoo, M; Yu, G; Yu, J; Zalzali, A; Zamengo, A; Zamkovska, V; Zamperini, S; Zarrabi, K; Zeger, E; Zeller, K; Zeng, L; Zhang, X; Zhang, J; Zhang, B; Zhang, J; Zhao, B; Zhao, C; Zheng, Y; Zhu, Y; Zhu, J; Ziegel, J; Zimmerman, J; Zuniga, C: DIII-D research to provide solutions for ITER and fusion energy: NUCLEAR FUSION: 64: 10.1088/1741-4326/ad2fe9: (2024)
874) Tanaka, T; Kindaichi, S; Kawasaki, K; Nishina, D: Energy-Saving Effects of the Intermittent Control of Pumps in Ground Source Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems with a Buffer Water Tank: ENERGIES: 17: 10.3390/en17225564: (2024)
873) Inoue, S; Kumagai, S; Endo, T: Formation Mechanism of Carbonized Solid from Cellobiose under Hydrothermal Conditions: JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF ENERGY: 103: 90: 94: (2024)
872) Soramoto, T; Ogiwara, A; Morita, H; Jiang, WH; Sakaue, K; Ejima, T; O’sullivan, G; Namba, S; Higashiguchi, T: Laser-produced plasma water-window x-ray source by continuous liquid bismuth jet: OPTICS LETTERS: 49: 5791: 5794: 10.1364/OL.539678: (2024)
871) Oppata, H; Shimokuri, D; Miyoshi, A: Systematic study on the hydrogen abstraction reactions from oxygenated compounds by H and HO2: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL KINETICS: 10.1002/kin.21761: (2024)
870) Isobe, R; Suzuki, M; Endo, S; Kino, Y; Ishikawa, R; Inaba, Y; Fukumoto, M; Chida, K: Analysis of cellular effects by continuous exposure AT low concentration of tritium: RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY: 200: 1631: 1635: 10.1093/rpd/ncae112: (2024)
869) Bagramova, A; Zhumadilov, K; Endo, S; Kajimoto, T; Sakaguchi, A; Zeinulla, Z; Hoshi, M: Gamma ray registration efficiency simulation of a HPGe detector with PHITS: JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY: 10.1007/s10967-024-09839-2: (2024)
868) Grulke, O; Albert, C; Belloso, JA; Aleynikov, P; Aleynikova, K; Alonso, A; Anda, G; Andreeva, T; Arvanitou, M; Ascasibar, E; Aymerich, E; Avramidis, K; Bähner, JP; Baek, SG; Balden, M; Baldzuhn, J; Ballinger, S; Banduch, M; Bannmann, S; Navarro, AB; Baylor, L; Beidler, CD; Beurskens, M; Biedermann, C; Birkenmeier, G; Bluhm, T; Boeckenhoff, D; Boeyaert, D; Bold, D; Borchardt, M; Borodin, D; Bosch, HS; Bouvain, H; Bozhenkov, S; Bräuer, T; Braune, H; Brandt, C; Brezinsek, S; Brunner, KJ; Büschel, C; Bussiahn, R; Buzás, A; Buttenschoen, B; Bykov, V; Calvo, I; Cappa, A; Carovani, F; Carralero, D; Carls, A; Carvalho, B; Castaño-Bardawil, D; Chaudhary, N; Chelis, I; Chen, S; Cipciar, D; Coenen, JW; Conway, G; Cornelissen, M; Corre, Y; Costello, P; Crombe, K; Cseh, G; Csillag, B; Castillo, HIC; Czymek, G; Damm, H; Davies, RJ; Day, C; Degenkolbe, S; De Wolf, R; Dekeyser, W; Demby, A; Despontin, P; Dhard, CP; Dinklage, A; d’Isa, FA; Dittmar, T; Dreval, M; Drevlak, M; Drews, P; Droste, J; Dunai, D; 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867) Ida, K; Yoshinuma, M; Kobayashi, M; Kobayashi, T; Kenmochi, N; Nespoli, F; Magee, RM; Warmer, F; Dinklage, A; Matsuyama, A; Sakamoto, R; Nasu, T; Tokuzawa, T; Kinoshita, T; Tanaka, K; Tamura, N; Nagaoka, K; Nishiura, M; Takemura, Y; Ogawa, K; Motojima, G; Oishi, T; Morishita, Y; Varela, J; Hayashi, WHJ; Markl, M; Bouvain, H; Liang, Y; Leconte, M; Moseev, D; Moiseenko, VE; Albert, CG; Allfrey, I; Alonso, A; Arellano, FJ; Ashikawa, N; Azegami, A; Bardoczi, L; Van Berkel, M; Beurskens, M; Binderbaue, MW; Bortolon, A; Brezinsek, S; Bussiahn, R; Cappa, A; Carralero, D; Chan, IC; Cheng, J; Dai, X; Den Hartog, DJ; Dhard, CP; Ding, F; Ejiri, A; Ertmer, S; Fornal, T; Fujita, K; Fujiwara, Y; Funaba, H; Garcia, L; Garcia-Regana, JM; Garcia-Cortés, I; Garkusha, IE; Gates, DA; Ghai, Y; Gilson, EP; Gota, H; Goto, M; Green, EM; Haak, V; Hamaguchi, S; Hanada, K; Hara, H; Hartmann, D; Hayashi, Y; Henning, T; Hidalgo, C; Hillairet, J; Hutton, R; Ido, T; Igami, H; Ikeda, K; Inagaki, S; Ishizawa, A; Ito, S; Isobe, M; Isobe, Y; Ivkovic, M; Jiang, Z; Jo, J; Kamio, S; Kasahara, H; Kato, D; Katoh, Y; Kawachi, Y; Kawamoto, Y; Kawamura, G; Kawate, T; Kazakov, YO; Klumper, V; Knieps, A; Ko, WH; Kobayashi, S; Koike, F; Kovtun, YV; Kubkowska, M; Kubo, S; Lam, SSH; Langenberg, A; Laqua, H; Lazerson, S; Lestz, J; Li, B; Liao, L; Lin, Z; Lunsford, R; Masuzaki, S; Matsuura, H; McCarthy, KJ; Medina-Roque, D; Mitarai, O; Mollen, A; Moon, C; Mori, Y; Morisaki, T; Morita, S; Mukai, K; Murakami, I; Murakami, S; Murase, T; Muscatello, CM; Nagasaki, K; Naujoks, D; Nakano, H; Nakata, M; Narushima, Y; Nagy, A; Nicolau, JH; Nishizawa, T; Nishimoto, S; Nuga, H; Nunami, M; Ochoukov, R; Ohdachi, S; Ongena, J; Osakabe, M; Pablant, NA; Panadero, N; Peterson, B; Villén, JD; Romazanov, J; Rosato, J; Rud, M; Sakakibara, S; Sakaue, HA; Sakai, H; Sakon, I; Salewski, M; Sangaroon, S; Sereda, S; Stange, T; Saito, K; Satake, S; Seki, R; Seki, T; Sharapov, S; Shimizu, A; Shimozuma, T; Shivam, G; Shoji, M; Spong, DA; Sugama, H; Sun, Z; Suzuki, C; Suzuki, Y; Tajima, T; Takada, E; Takahashi, H; Toi, K; Tsuchibushi, Y; Tsujii, N; Tsumori, K; Tsujimurai, TI; Ueno, G; Uehara, H; Velasco, JL; Wang, E; Watanabe, KY; Wauter, T; Wenzel, U; Yajima, M; Yamada, H; Yamada, I; Yanagihara, K; Yamaguchi, H; Yanai, R; Yasuhara, R; Yokoyama, M; Yoshimura, Y; Zarnstorff, M; Zhao, M; Zhong, GQ; Zhou, Q; Ziaei, S: Overview of Large Helical Device experiments of basic plasma physics for solving crucial issues in reaching burning plasma conditions: NUCLEAR FUSION: 64: 10.1088/1741-4326/ad3a7a: (2024)
866) Stepanenko, V; Sato, H; Kaprin, A; Fujimoto, N; Kushugulova, A; Ivanov, S; Shegay, P; Bogacheva, V; Petukhov, A; Zhumadilov, K; Ostroumova, E; Yasuda, H; Kawano, N; Ohtaki, M; Endo, S; Sakaguchi, A; Chulenbayeva, L; Mukhanbetzhanov, N; Hoshi, M: Internal radiation dose estimates in organs of Wistar rats exposed to sprayed neutron-activated 31SiO2 microparticles: first results of international multicenter study: JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH: 10.1093/jrr/rrae063: (2024)
865) Deng, RJ; Ming, TF; Li, B; Shi, QQ; Hou, SW; Yang, SQ; Liu, XJ; Liu, SC; Li, GQ; Gao, X; Suzuki, Y; Liang, YF: VUV imaging of type-I ELM filamentary structures and their temporal characteristics on EAST: PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: 26: 10.1088/2058-6272/ad621c: (2024)
864) Xie, W; Lang, YF; Jiang, ZH; Suzuki, Y; Li, L; Hua, JK; Huang, J; Knieps, A; Zhou, S; Mao, FY; Xu, X; Li, KZ; Yang, YT; Jing, ZY; Li, CK: Application of three-dimensional MHD equilibrium calculation coupled with plasma response to island divertor experiments on J-TEXT: PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: 26: 10.1088/2058-6272/ad70e1: (2024)
863) Inoue, S; Suzuki, K; Kambara, H; Matsumura, Y: Estimation of magnesium diffusion pathways and diffusion barriers within the cathode of tin-magnesium oxide system: COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE: 246: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2024.113437: (2025)
862) Tun, E; Nishikiori, T; Varghese, V; Chikaraishi, M; Seike, M; Fujiwara, A: Emergency shelter location-allocation analysis with time-varying demand: ASIAN TRANSPORT STUDIES: 10: 10.1016/j.eastsj.2024.100152: (2024)
861) Abdullah, R; Xavier, BD; Namgung, H; Varghese, V; Fujiwara, A: Managing transit-oriented development: A comparative analysis of expert groups and multi-criteria decision making methods: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY: 115: 10.1016/j.scs.2024.105871: (2024)
860) Takada, M; Yagi, N; Nakamura, S; Shimada, K; Itami, J; Igaki, H; Nakamura, M; Nunomiya, T; Endo, S; Kajimoto, T; Tanaka, K; Aoyama, K; Narita, M; Nakamura, T: Development of an online neutron beam monitoring system for accelerator-based boron neutron capture therapy in a hospital: MEDICAL PHYSICS: 10.1002/mp.17480: (2024)
859) Yoshioka, T; Chikaraishi, M; Fujiwara, A: Empirical models of consumer and merchant behavior in the two-sided market of local currency: ASIAN TRANSPORT STUDIES: 8: 10.1016/j.eastsj.2021.100051: (2022)
858) Seki, R; Todo, Y; Suzuki, Y; Spong, DA; Ogawa, K; Isobe, M; Osakabe, M: Orbit-following simulations of fast-ion transport and losses due to the Alfvén eigenmode burst in the Large Helical Device: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS: 31: 10.1063/5.0221069: (2024)
857) Lorenz, S; Grittani, GM; Kondo, K; Kon, A; Liu, YK; Sagisaka, A; Ogura, K; Nakanii, N; Huang, K; Bierwage, A; Namba, S; Ohiro, H; Pikuz, TA; Koga, JK; Chen, P; Kiriyama, H; Kando, M; Esirkepov, TZ; Bulanov, SV; Pirozhkov, AS: In-vacuum post-compression of optical probe pulses for relativistic plasma diagnostics: HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: 12: 10.1017/hpl.2024.29: (2024)
856) Kawaguchi, M; Iwasaki, M; Nakayama, R; Yamamoto, R; Nakashima, A; Ogata, Y: Mode analysis for multiple parameter conditions of nozzle internal unsteady flow using Parametric Global Proper Orthogonal Decomposition: FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH: 56: 10.1088/1873-7005/ad716a: (2024)
855) Nagatomo, H; Johzaki, T; Takizawa, R; Fujioka, S: Formation of high areal density core using an efficient and robust implosion method for fast ignition: NUCLEAR FUSION: 64: 10.1088/1741-4326/ad6b38: (2024)
854) Nakajima, H; Ohno, M; Uno, K; Endo, S; Suzuki, M; Toki, H; Saito, T: Effects of generational low dose-rate 137Cs internal exposure in descendant mice: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY: 10.1080/09553002.2024.2400521: (2024)
853) Sharma, A; Kishimura, T; Miyake, T; Qiao, YM; Wakata, Y; Sonoda, T; Shimokuri, D: Flame behavior and emission characteristics of methane and ammonia fueled high-temperature flame in a bench-scale furnace: JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: 19: 10.1299/jtst.24-00063: (2024)
852) Li, WH; Seike, M; Fujiwara, A; Chikaraishi, M: Negative emotion degree in smoke filled tunnel evacuation: TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY: 153: 10.1016/j.tust.2024.106010: (2024)
851) Teramoto, Y; Ogoe, S; Endo, T: Accelerating development in wood-plastic composites: Presenting key material properties and demonstrating statistical methods: POLYMER COMPOSITES: 10.1002/pc.28990: (2024)
850) Li, YB; Rao, B; Mao, FY; Zhou, S; Li, KZ; Zhao, CX; Ren, ZK; Li, D; Huang, Z; He, Y; Hu, B; Huang, J; Wang, NC; Jiang, ZH; Ding, YH; Suzuki, Y: The design of the external rotational transform coil on the J-TEXT tokamak: FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN: 206: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2024.114591: (2024)
849) Arikawa, Y; Zhanngui, H; Tsubakimoto, K; Morace, A; Takizawa, R; Shiraga, H; Nakai, M; Pikuz, T; Martynenko, AS; Iwata, N; Sentoku, Y; Hata, M; Kojima, S; Johzaki, T; Nakata, Y; Fujioka, S; Yogo, A; Kodama, R: Second harmonic generation of focused beams on the LFEX laser facility: OPTICS EXPRESS: 32: 28390: 28401: 10.1364/OE.525281: (2024)
848) Le, T; Suzuki, Y; Ohtani, H; Hasegawa, H; Moritaka, T: Poloidally asymmetric potential formation on plasma boundary in axisymmetric magnetic field: FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS: 12: 10.3389/fphy.2024.1398172: (2024)
847) Sugiura, T; Yazawa, H; Morita, H; Sakaue, K; Nakamura, D; Takahashi, EJ; Sunahara, A; O’Sullivan, G; Namba, S; Higashiguchi, T: Efficient extreme ultraviolet emission by multiple laser pulses: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS: 125: 10.1063/5.0214952: (2024)
846) Zhang, ML; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Mechanism simulation of polar and nonpolar organic solvent vapor adsorption on a multiwall carbon nanotubes paper gas sensor: RSC ADVANCES: 14: 24985: 24991: 10.1039/d4ra04474f: (2024)
845) Takizawa, R; Sakagami, H; Nagatomo, H; Arikawa, Y; Morita, H; Dun, J; Tsuido, T; Karaki, Y; Matsubara, H; Law, KFF; Katagiri, K; Ozaki, N; Hironaka, Y; Shigemori, K; Abe, Y; Habara, H; Kuramitsu, Y; Johzaki, T; Nakai, M; Shiraga, H; Azechi, H; Kodama, R; Sentoku, Y; Fujioka, S: Effect of irradiation uniformity on quasi-isentropic shock compression of solid spheres: HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS: 52: 10.1016/j.hedp.2024.101124: (2024)
844) Kobayashi, T; Fujisawa, A; Nagashima, Y; Moon, C; Yamasaki, K; Nishimura, D; Inagaki, S; Shimizu, A; Tokuzawa, T; Ido, T: Identification of nonlinear effects of background asymmetry on solitary oscillations in a cylindrical plasma: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS: 14: 10.1038/s41598-024-62969-1: (2024)
843) Rintarak, P; Suzuki, Y; Kawamura, G: Numerical study of sheath formation in multi-ion species plasmas: CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS: 10.1002/ctpp.202300140: (2024)
842) Liu, ER; Kawaguchi, M; Nakayama, R; Iwasaki, M; Nishida, K; Nakashima, A; Ogata, Y: Effect of vortex fluctuation in a 90-degree curved pipe on the surface fluctuation of an ejected liquid jet: JOURNAL OF FLUID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: 19: 10.1299/jfst.2024jfst0030: (2024)
841) Neri, KD; Devanadera, MKP; Watanabe, K; Bennett, RM; Arafiles, KHV; Aki, T; Dedeles, GR: Fatty acid profiles of oomycetes (Halophytophthora and Phytopythium spp.) from Philippines mangroves: LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY: 76: 10.1093/lambio/ovad022: (2023)
840) Hadi, HS; Fan, CY; Takayama, A; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Mahmud, R: Experimental study on diesel spray flame and wall heat transfer of two-dimensional combustion chamber: effect of common rail pressure: APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING: 249: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2024.123369: (2024)
839) Inoue, S; Matsuo, I; Matsumura, Y: Humidity and oxygen effects on photochromic properties of magnesium tin oxide/indium tin oxide thin films: IONICS: 10.1007/s11581-024-05674-3: (2024)
838) Thairattananon, P; Le, GTT; Matsumura, Y; Wu, KCW; Charinpanitkul, T: Effect of pyrolysis temperature on characteristics of tunable magnetic biochar synthesized from watermelon rind and its tetracycline adsorption performance: JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS: 160: 10.1016/j.jtice.2024.105345: (2024)
837) Takada, M; Endo, S; Kajimoto, T; Horiguchi, T; Yamanishi, H; Yagi, N; Masuda, A; Matsumoto, T; Tanaka, H; Nunomiya, T; Aoyama, K; Narita, M; Nakamura, T: Thickness-dependent neutron detection efficiency of LiF-Si-based active neutron detector for boron neutron capture therapy: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT: 1064: 10.1016/j.nima.2024.169352: (2024)
836) Agpoon, IEP; Aya, FA; Watanabe, K; Bennett, RM; Aki, T; Dedeles, GR: Pichia kudriavzevii as feed additive in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) diet: LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY: 77: 10.1093/lambio/ovae057: (2024)
835) Kobayashi, T; Kobayashi, M; Narushima, Y; Suzuki, Y; Tanaka, K; Motojima, G; Watanabe, KY; Mukai, K; Hayashi, Y: New type of self-sustained divertor oscillation driven by magnetic island dynamics in Large Helical Device: NUCLEAR FUSION: 64: 10.1088/1741-4326/ad5367: (2024)
834) Wang, H; Lauber, PW; Todo, Y; Suzuki, Y; Li, HZ; Wang, JL; Wei, SZ: Nonlinear excitation of energetic particle driven geodesic acoustic mode by Alfvén instability in ASDEX-Upgrade Tokamak: NUCLEAR FUSION: 64: 10.1088/1741-4326/ad4a8d: (2024)
833) Ueda, A; Kim, Y; Kim, W: Laminar burning velocity of lithium-ion battery thermal runaway vent gas in air: JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES: 89: 10.1016/j.jlp.2024.105293: (2024)
831) Zhang, GX; Xu, HM; Wu, DW; Yang, JF; Morsy, ME; Jangi, M; Cracknell, R; Kim, W: Deep learning-driven analysis for cellular structure characteristics of spherical premixed hydrogen-air flames: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY: 68: 63: 73: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.04.232: (2024)
830) Wang, JH; Zhang, W; Wu, CY; Hong, YH; Shen, GA; Wang, WW; Tang, HZ; Mochidzuki, K; Cui, ZJ; Khan, A; Wang, WD: Synergistic analysis of lignin degrading bacterial consortium and its application in rice straw fiber film: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT: 927: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172386: (2024)
829) Kato, J; Fujii, T; Kato, S; Wada, K; Watanabe, M; Nakamichi, Y; Aoi, Y; Morita, T; Murakami, K; Nakashimada, Y: Genetic engineering of a thermophilic acetogen, Moorella thermoacetica Y72, to enable acetoin production: FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY: 12: 10.3389/fbioe.2024.1398467: (2024)
828) Okamura, Y; Suemitsu, M; Ishikawa, T; Takahashi, H: Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase Specific Genome Amplification Using Rolling Circle Amplification for Targeted Gene Sequencing: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES: 25: 10.3390/ijms25105089: (2024)
827) Honda, T; Ogawa, S; Kida, Y; Kim, W; Johzaki, T; Yatsufusa, T; Endo, T: Flame acceleration and detonation initiation around a T-shaped bifurcation: JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES: 89: 10.1016/j.jlp.2024.105280: (2024)
826) Tanaka, N; Zhu, BJ; Liu, C; Wang, YB; Nishihara, K; Hernandez, JE; Johzaki, T; Sunahara, A; Kang, KS; Ueyama, S; Ozawa, K; Fujioka, S: Absolute density measurement of hydrogen radicals in XUV induced plasma for tin contamination cleaning via laser-induced fluorescence: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS: 124: 10.1063/5.0189605: (2024)
825) Kakujo, R; Chikaraishi, M; Fujiwara, A: Effects of autonomous driving on residential location choice behavior: A travel-based multitasking perspective: TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIETY: 36: 10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100790: (2024)
824) Yoon, UG; Park, B; Kim, W; Kim, Y: Large scale experiment of a roof vented deflagration of high-concentration hydrogen-air mixtures: PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: 184: 1411: 1423: 10.1016/j.psep.2024.02.049: (2024)
823) Alikulov, K; Aminov, Z; Anh, L; Dang, XT; Kim, W: Effect of ammonia and hydrogen blends on the performance and emissions of an existing gas turbine unit: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY: 61: 432: 443: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.02.315: (2024)
822) Thavorn, R; Kuboon, S; Charinpanitkul, T; Matsumura, Y: Evaluation of Hydrochar from the Lignocellulose Component Using the Color Intensity: JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF ENERGY: 103: 18: 24: (2024)
821) Tanaka, K; Ueda, A; Kim, Y; Kim, W: Cellular instabilities of outwardly propagating spherical hydrogen-oxygen flames using a soap bubble method: PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: 183: 645: 652: 10.1016/j.psep.2024.01.016: (2024)
820) Nishimoto, S; Nagaoka, K; Nakata, M; Yoshimura, S; Tanaka, K; Yokoyama, M; Nunami, M; Tokuzawa, T; Suzuki, C; Seki, R; Yoshinuma, M; Motojima, G; Ida, K; Suzuki, Y: Experimental study of the effect of geodesic curvature on turbulent transport in magnetically confined plasma: PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION: 66: 10.1088/1361-6587/ad27f0: (2024)
819) Alikulov, K; Aminov, Z; Anh, LH; Xuan, TD; Kim, W: Comparative Technical and Economic Analyses of Hydrogen-Based Steel and Power Sectors: ENERGIES: 17: 10.3390/en17051242: (2024)
818) Shimokuri, D: Effects of fuel on the performance of miniature vortex combustion power system: JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: 19: 10.1299/jtst.23-00471: (2024)
817) Hida, A; Okano, N; Tadokoro, C; Fukunishi, M; Ahmed, AA; Takenaka, K; Tateuchi, Y; Fujioka, K; Torii, H; Tajima, T; Kato, J: Fermented botanical fertilizer controls bacterial wilt of tomatoes caused by Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum: BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY: 10.1093/bbb/zbae016: (2024)


816) Sunahara, A; Hassanein, A; Tomita, K; Namba, S; Higashiguchi, T: Optimization of extreme ultra-violet light emitted from the CO2 laser-irradiated tin plasmas using 2D radiation hydrodynamic simulations: OPTICS EXPRESS: 31: 31780: 31795: 10.1364/OE.497282: (2023)
815) Tajima, T; Kawaguchi, S; Matsutani, T; Hida, A; Kato, J: Acclimation of Microbial Consortia to Ammonia and Salt in Methane Fermentation: FERMENTATION-BASEL: 10: 10.3390/fermentation10020098: (2024)
814) Hartulistiyoso, E; Farobie, O; Anis, LA; Syaftika, N; Bayu, A; Amrullah, A; Moheimani, NR; Karnjanakom, S; Matsumura, Y: Co-production of hydrochar and bioactive compounds from Ulva lactuca via a hydrothermal process: CARBON RESOURCES CONVERSION: 7: 10.1016/j.crcon.2023.05.002: (2024)
813) Niinuma, T; Sugiura, T; Morita, H; Jiang, W; Sakaue, K; O’Sullivan, G; Namba, S; Higashiguchi, T: Angular distribution separation of the extreme ultraviolet emission and suprathermal ions with energy reduction: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS: 124: 10.1063/5.0180842: (2024)
812) Kume, M; Sugiura, T; Morita, H; Jiang, WH; Sakaue, K; Namba, S; O’Sullivan, G; Higashiguchi, T: Spectral control of beyond extreme ultraviolet emission from a dual-laser-produced plasma: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS: 124: 10.1063/5.0180836: (2024)
811) Nishimura, D; Fujisawa, A; Nagashima, Y; Moon, C; Yamasaki, K; Nishizawa, T; Kobayashi, T; Kobayashi, T; Shimizu, A; Tokuzawa, T: Velocity Field Estimation using Tomography in a Cylindrical Plasma: PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH: 19: 10.1585/pfr.19.1201005: (2024)
810) Ray, SC; Safiullah; Naito, S; Andersson, M; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Characterization of diesel spray with novel high-speed laser absorption scattering technique under diesel engine-like condition: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER: 222: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2023.125103: (2024)
809) Shi, PH; Zhang, GX; Luo, HL; Ogata, Y; Nishida, K: Effect of wall-impingement distance on fuel adhesion characteristics of split injection spray under cross-flow condition: FUEL: 362: 10.1016/j.fuel.2023.130807: (2024)
808) Kato, J; Matsuo, T; Takemura, K; Kato, S; Fujii, T; Wada, K; Nakamichi, Y; Watanabe, M; Aoi, Y; Morita, T; Murakami, K; Nakashimada, Y: Isopropanol production via the thermophilic bioconversion of sugars and syngas using metabolically engineered Moorella thermoacetica: BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS: 17: 10.1186/s13068-024-02460-1: (2024)
807) Ali, MAM; Noguchi, T; Zhang, ML; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Reaction characteristics of homogeneous and heterogenous reactions for glucose gasification in supercritical water using ruthenium catalyst supported on carbon nanotube: JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS: 206: 10.1016/j.supflu.2023.106156: (2024)
806) Zhai, C; Liu, EW; Zhang, GX; Xing, WJ; Chang, FX; Jin, Y; Luo, HL; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Similarity and normalization study of fuel spray and combustion under ultra-high injection pressure and micro-hole diameter conditions-spray characteristics: ENERGY: 288: 10.1016/ (2024)
805) Yamasaki, K; Sumino, M; Sunada, Y; Yanagi, O; Okuda, K; Kono, J; Saito, A; Mori, D; Tomita, K; Pan, Y; Tamura, N; Suzuki, C; Okuno, H; Guo, F; Namba, S: Development of a large-bore plasma window with an indirectly heated hollow cathode: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS: 134: 10.1063/5.0166798: (2023)
804) Li, WH; Seike, M; Fujiwara, A; Chikaraishi, M: Structural equation modeling of negative emotion and walking behavior by smoke-filled model-scale tunnel experiments: SAFETY SCIENCE: 171: 10.1016/j.ssci.2023.106394: (2024)
803) Neri, KD; Devanadera, MKP; Watanabe, K; Bennett, RM; Arafiles, KHV; Aki, T; Dedeles, GR: Fatty acid profiles of oomycetes (Halophytophthora and Phytopythium spp.) from Philippines mangroves: LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY: 10.1093/lambio/ovad022: (2023)
802) Nakagawa, T; Miyamoto, T; Miki, S; Watanabe, K; Aki, T; Shidara, H; Yamashita, H: Preparation of egg-koji for developing a novel food: JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING: 135: 447: 450: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2023.03.006: (2023)
801) Hernandez, JE; Tanaka, N; Yamada, R; Wang, YB; Nishihara, K; Johzaki, T; Sunahara, A; Kang, KS; Ueyama, S; Ozawa, K; Fujioka, S: Efficient photo-dissociation-induced production of hydrogen radicals using vacuum ultraviolet light from a laser-produced plasma: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS: 124: 10.1063/5.0186829: (2024)
800) Suzuki, Y: Anisotropic heat diffusion in stochastic magnetic fields: CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS: 10.1002/ctpp.202300143: (2024)
799) Hou, N; Nishina, D; Sugita, S; Jiang, R; Kindaichi, S; Oishi, H; Shimizu, A: Virtual reality space in architectural design education: Learning effect of scale feeling: BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT: 248: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.111060: (2024)
798) Seres, J; Seres, E; Serrat, C; Dinh, TH; Hasegawa, N; Ishino, M; Nishikino, M; Namba, S: Spectral Shift and Split of Harmonic Lines in Propagation Affected High Harmonic Generation in a Long-Interaction Gas Tube: ATOMS: 11: 10.3390/atoms11120150: (2023)
797) Stepanenko, V; Shinkarev, S; Kaprin, A; Apsalikov, K; Ivanov, S; Shegay, P; Ostroumova, E; Kesminiene, A; Lipikhina, A; Bogacheva, V; Zhumadilov, K; Yamamoto, M; Sakaguchi, A; Endo, S; Fujimoto, N; Grosche, B; Iatsenko, V; Androsova, A; Apsalikova, Z; Kawano, N; Hoshi, M: Comparison of external dose estimates using different retrospective dosimetry methods in the settlements located near Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site, Republic of Kazakhstan: JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH: 10.1093/jrr/rrad082: (2023)
796) Ray, SC; Safiullah; Naito, S; Andersson, M; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Evaluation of Vaporizing Diesel Spray with High-Speed Laser Absorption Scattering Technique for Measuring Vapor and Liquid Phase Concentration Distributions: FUELS: 4: 75: 91: 10.3390/fuels4010006: (2023)
795) Yamasaki, K; Okuda, K; Kono, J; Saito, A; Mori, D; Suzuki, R; Kambara, Y; Hamada, R; Namba, S; Tomita, K; Pan, Y; Tamura, N; Suzuki, C; Okuno, H: Development of the Thomson scattering measurement system for cascade arc device with indirectly heated hollow cathode: JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION: 18: 10.1088/1748-0221/18/11/C11007: (2023)
794) Kato, Y; Fujimoto, K; Guo, GM; Kawaguchi, M; Kamigaki, M; Koutoku, M; Hongou, H; Yanagida, H; Ogata, Y: Heat Transfer Characteristics of Turbulent Flow in Double-90°-Bend Pipes: ENERGIES: 16: 10.3390/en16217314: (2023)
793) Morita, D; Raytchev, B; Elhanashi, A; Kawaguchi, M; Ogata, Y; Higaki, T; Kaneda, K; Nakashima, A; Saponara, S: Fast detection of bag-breakups in pulsating and steady airflow using video analysis and deep learning: JOURNAL OF REAL-TIME IMAGE PROCESSING: 20: 10.1007/s11554-023-01363-y: (2023)
792) Namgung, H; Fujiwara, A; Yamamoto, J; Zhang, JY: Small and medium-sized taxi firm operators’ stated choices of future business models: A case study in Japan based on hybrid choice model with panel effects: RESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION ECONOMICS: 101: 10.1016/j.retrec.2023.101341: (2023)
791) Moen, TE; Suzuki, Y: The effects of anisotropic pressure on plasma displacement and its deviation from flux surfaces: NUCLEAR FUSION: 63: 10.1088/1741-4326/acf58c: (2023)
790) Fujiwara, K; Varghese, V; Chikaraishi, M; Maruyama, T; Fujiwara, A: Does response lag affect travelers’ stated preference? Evidence from a real-time stated adaptation survey: TRANSPORTATION: 10.1007/s11116-023-10435-8: (2023)
789) Moen, TE; Suzuki, Y; Proll, JHE: The effect of pressure anisotropy on 3-D MHD stability for low magnetic field LHD equilibria: JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS: 89: 10.1017/S0022377823001149: (2023)
788) Shi, PH; Zhang, GX; Luo, HL; Ogata, Y; Nishida, K: The effect of split injection on fuel adhesion characteristics under static flow and cross-flow field conditions: FUEL: 354: 10.1016/j.fuel.2023.129282: (2023)
787) Tani, A; Masuda, S; Fujitani, Y; Iga, T; Haruna, Y; Kikuchi, S; Shuaile, W; Lv, HX; Katayama, S; Yurimoto, H; Sakai, Y; Kato, J: Metabolism-linked methylotaxis sensors responsible for plant colonization in Methylobacterium aquaticum strain 22A: FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY: 14: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1258452: (2023)
786) Zhai, C; Jin, Y; Feng, ZH; Chang, FX; Luo, HL; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Characterization of diesel spray combustion under micro-hole and ultra-high injection pressure conditions-analyses of diffused back-illumination imaging and OH* chemiluminescence imaging: FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY: 252: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2023.107955: (2023)
785) Kato, Y; Guo, GM; Kamigaki, M; Fujimoto, K; Kawaguchi, M; Nishida, K; Koutoku, M; Hongou, H; Yanagida, H; Ogata, Y: An Examination of Heat Transfer Dynamics in Pulsating Air Flow within Pipes: Implications for Automotive Exhaust Engines: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND TECHNOLOGY: 41: 815: 826: 10.18280/ijht.410404: (2023)
784) Nishimura, D; Fujisawa, A; Yamasaki, K; Nagashima, Y; Moon, C; Nishizawa, T; Kobayashi, TK; Kobayashi, T; Shimizu, A; Tokuzawa, T; Ido, T: Rotational movement analysis based on Fourier-rectangular function transform for cylindrical plasma: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS: 134: 10.1063/5.0165318: (2023)
783) Ramal-Olmedo, JC; Menor-Salván, CA; Miyoshi, A; Fortenberry, RC: Possible Gas-Phase Synthesis of Neutral Malononitrile (C3H2N2) and Isocyanoacetonitrile (NCCH2NC) under the Upper Atmospheric Conditions of Titan: ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.3c00107: (2023)
782) Luo, HL; Jin, Y; Zhai, C; Chang, FX; Xing, WJ; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Very low soot formation with modulated liquid length and lift-off length of diesel spray flame: JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE: 111: 10.1016/j.joei.2023.101383: (2023)
781) Ramal-Olmedo, JC; Menor-Salvan, CA; Miyoshi, A; Fortenberry, RC: Possible Gas-Phase Synthesis of Neutral Malononitrile (C3H2N2) and Isocyanoacetonitrile (NCCH2NC) under the Upper Atmospheric Conditions of Titan: ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY: 7: 1694: 1712: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.3c00107: (2023)
780) Jin, Y; Wu, Q; Zhai, C; Kim, J; Luo, HL; Ogata, Y; Nishida, K: Evaporating characteristics of diesel sprays under split-injection condition with a negative dwell time: ENERGETIC MATERIALS FRONTIERS: 2: 265: 271: 10.1016/j.enmf.2021.08.003: (2021)
779) Okamura, Y; Shimizu, R; Tominaga, Y; Maki, S; Aki, T; Matsumura, Y; Nakashimada, Y: Characterization of Biogenic PbS Quantum Dots: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES: 24: 10.3390/ijms241814149: (2023)
778) Pan, YM; Sunahara, A; Namba, S; Higashiguchi, T; Tomita, K: Thomson scattering measurements of electron temperature and electron density in laser-driven Gd plasmas: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS: 56: 10.1088/1361-6463/ace36f: (2023)
777) Abdel-Hady, GN; Tajima, T; Ikeda, T; Ishida, T; Funabashi, H; Kuroda, A; Hirota, R: A novel salt- and organic solvent-tolerant phosphite dehydrogenase from Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142: FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY: 11: 10.3389/fbioe.2023.1255582: (2023)
776) Khoo, CG; Hirose, Y; Matsumura, Y; Lam, MK; Tan, IS; Lee, KT: Valorisation of Chlorella vulgaris biomass for multi-products synthesis via hydrothermal processing: ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT-X: 20: 10.1016/j.ecmx.2023.100399: (2023)
775) Ueda, A; Tanaka, K; Kim, Y; Kim, W: Onset of flame acceleration in propane-oxygen mixtures: JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE: 110: 10.1016/j.joei.2023.101335: (2023)
774) Matsumura, N; Johzaki, T; Kim, W; Endo, T: Effect of Kilo-Tesla Magnetic Fields on Ignition and Burn Dynamics in Fast Ignition Laser Fusion*): PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH: 18: 10.1585/pfr.18.2404061: (2023)
773) Kawasaki, K; Cristoforetti, G; Idesaka, T; Hironaka, Y; Tanaka, D; Batani, D; Fujioka, S; Gizzi, LA; Hata, M; Johzaki, T; Katagiri, K; Kodama, R; Nagatomo, H; Matsuo, S; Nicolai, P; Ozaki, N; Sentoku, Y; Takizawa, R; Yogo, A; Yamada, H; Shigemori, K: Effects of hydrogen concentration in ablator material on stimulated Raman scattering, two-plasmon decay, and hot electrons for direct-drive inertial confinement fusion: PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH: 5: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.033051: (2023)
772) Yamasaki, K; Yanagi, O; Sunada, Y; Okuda, K; Saito, A; Kono, J; Mori, D; Tamura, N; Okuno, H; Namba, S: Generation of stationary high-density cascade arc plasma and application to plasma windows: JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS: 62: 10.35848/1347-4065/acd55e: (2023)
771) Takamura, Y; Kajimoto, T; Tanaka, K; Yamamoto, T; Suzuki, M; Inaba, Y; Chida, K; Fukumoto, M; Rangacharyulu, C; Endo, S: Internal organ dose rate conversion coefficients of Japanese macaques to Cs-134,Cs-137 and I-131: JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH: 10.1093/jrr/rrad055: (2023)
770) Yang, K; Guo, GM; He, ZX; Jin, Y; Shen, YH; Lu, K; Nishida, K: Effect of oxygen concentration on the split injection combustion process of diesel spray injected into 2D piston cavity: APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING: 231: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2023.120934: (2023)
769) Hadi, HS; Fan, CY; Takayama, A; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Experimental study on wall heat transfer from diesel spray flame in two-dimensional combustion chamber operated with rapid compression and expansion machine (RCEM): APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING: 231: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2023.120882: (2023)
768) Takemura, K; Kato, J; Kato, S; Fujii, T; Wada, K; Iwasaki, Y; Aoi, Y; Matsushika, A; Morita, T; Murakami, K; Nakashimada, Y: Enhancing acetone production from H2 and CO2 using supplemental electron acceptors in an engineered Moorella thermoacetica: JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING: 136: 13: 19: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2023.04.001: (2023)
767) Qian, JF; Liu, ZT; Lin, S; Liu, HX; Ali, M; Kim, W: Re-explosion hazard potential of solid residues and gaseous products of coal dust explosion: ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY: 34: 10.1016/j.apt.2023.104129: (2023)
766) Chang, FX; Luo, HL; Dong, PP; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Hara, R; Uchida, K; Zhang, W: Characteristics of Droplet Behaviors during Spray Breakup Process: SUSTAINABILITY: 15: 10.3390/su15129356: (2023)
765) Seo, EY; Jung, D; Epstein, SS; Zhang, WY; Owen, JS; Baba, H; Yamamoto, A; Harada, M; Nakashimada, Y; Kato, S; Aoi, Y; He, S: A targeted liquid cultivation method for previously uncultured non-colony forming microbes: FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY: 14: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1194466: (2023)
764) Le, T; Suzuki, Y; Hasegawa, H; Moritaka, T; Ohtani, H: High heat flux reduction to materials using current filaments: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS: 13: 10.1038/s41598-023-35109-4: (2023)
763) Namgung, H; Chikaraishi, M; Fujiwara, A: Influence of real and video-based experiences on stated acceptance of connected public transportation and autonomous vehicles in a transit mall: A hybrid choice modeling approach: TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE: 173: 10.1016/j.tra.2023.103695: (2023)
762) Nagashima, Y; Fujisawa, A; Yamasaki, K; Inagaki, S; Moon, C; Kin, F; Kawachi, Y; Arakawa, H; Yamada, T; Kobayashi, T; Kasuya, N; Kosuga, Y; Sasaki, M; Ido, T: A Proposal to Evaluate Electron Temperature and Electron Density Fluctuations Using Dual Wavelength Emission Intensity Tomography in a Linear Plasma: JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN: 92: 10.7566/JPSJ.92.033501: (2023)
761) Xu, S; Liang, Y; Knieps, A; Zhou, S; Feng, Y; Reiter, D; Suzuki, Y; Jia, M; Geiger, J; Reimold, F; Konig, R; Dinklage, A; Harting, D; Luo, Y; Drews, P; Jakubowski, M; Gao, Y; Pasch, E; Pandey, A; Langenberg, A; Pablant, N; Brezinsek, S; Wang, E; Liu, S; Xiang, H; Neubauer, O; Huang, J; Cai, J; Yang, J; Liu, J; Liao, L; Gao, Y: Modeling of plasma beta effects on the island divertor transport in the standard configuration of W7-X: NUCLEAR FUSION: 63: 10.1088/1741-4326/acc7b8: (2023)
760) Ramal-Olmedo, JC; Menor-Salvan, CA; Miyoshi, A; Fortenberry, RC: Gas-phase molecular formation mechanisms of cyanamide (NH2CN) and its tautomer carbodiimide (HNCNH) under Sgr B2(N) astrophysical conditions: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS: 672: 10.1051/0004-6361/202245811: (2023)
759) Nurcholik, SD; Sou, A; Miwa, T; Kawaguchi, M; Matsumoto, Y; Nishida, K; Wada, Y; Ueki, Y: Single and twin string cavitation swirling flows in multi-hole mini-sac diesel injector and sprays: JOURNAL OF FLUID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: 18: 10.1299/jfst.2023jfst0023: (2023)
758) Seki, Y; Kim, W; Johzaki, T; Endo, T: Journal of Thermal Science and Technology: JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: 18: 10.1299/jtst.23-00038: (2023)
757) Yadav, J; Anoop, MD; Yadav, N; Rao, NS; Singh, F; Ichikawa, T; Jain, A; Awasthi, K; Singh, R; Kumar, M: Tuning of charge carriers in Bi2Te3 thin films via swift heavy ion irradiation: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS: 34: 10.1007/s10854-022-09478-x: (2023)
756) Martynenko, AS; Pikuz, TA; Skobelev, IY; Pikuz, SA; Iwata, N; Johzaki, T; Kawanaka, J; Law, KFF; Fujioka, S; Kodama, R; Morace, A: Enhancement of K-shell spectroscopy for temperature measuring of isochorically heated matter in the sub-keV range: PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION: 65: 10.1088/1361-6587/acc357: (2023)
755) Zhang, ZH; Miyoshi, A; Ito, M; Dang, CB; Chen, Y; Hihara, E: Suppression of the HFO-1123 disproportionation reaction by adding R290: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION: 149: 299: 307: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2022.12.012: (2023)
754) Tanaka, H; Masuzaki, S; Kawamura, G; Hayashi, Y; Kobayashi, M; Suzuki, Y; Mukai, K; Kajita, S; Ohno, N: Correlation of the Orthogonal Basis of the Core Plasma Distribution to the Divertor Footprint Distribution in LHD*): PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH: 18: 10.1585/pfr.18.2402021: (2023)
753) Van Duc, L; Nagao, S; Mojarrad, M; Miyagawa, Y; Li, ZY; Inoue, D; Tajima, T; Ike, M: Bioaugmentation with marine sediment-derived microbial consortia in mesophilic anaerobic digestion for enhancing methane production under ammonium or salinity stress: BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY: 376: 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.128853: (2023)


752) Kuwana, K; Yazaki, S; Kim, W; Mogi, T; Dobashi, R: Gravity Effects on the Minimum Explosive Concentrations in 1-D Dust Explosion: COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: 10.1080/00102202.2023.2182203:
751) Yamasaki, K; Yanagi, O; Sunada, Y; Hatta, K; Shigesada, R; Sumino, M; Yamaguchi, T; Islam, MA; Tamura, N; Okuno, H; Namba, S: Discharge characteristics of steady-state high-density plasma source based on cascade arc discharge with hollow cathode: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS: 93: 10.1063/5.0076388: (2022)
750) Jin, Y; Luo, HL; Zhang, GX; Zhai, C; Ogata, Y; Matsumura, Y; Ichikawa, T; Nakashimada, Y; Kim, W; Nishida, K: Ignition timing effect on the combustion performance of hydrogen addition in methane fermentation gas in a local energy system: FUEL: 324: 10.1016/j.fuel.2022.124714: (2022)
749) Maeda, H; Hirata, Y; Takahashi, H; Watanabe, K; Aki, T; Okamura, Y: Development of a Transformation System for Nitratireductor sp.: MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY: 10.1007/s10126-023-10198-4:
748) Naruemon, I; Liu, L; Mei, QH; Wu, Y; Ma, XZ; Nishida, K: Investigating the effects of split injection with different injection patterns on diesel spray mixing: FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH: 10: 10.3389/fenrg.2022.933591: (2023)
747) Kim, W; Saeki, R; Ueno, Y; Johzaki, T; Endo, T; Choi, K: Effect of particle size on the minimum ignition energy of aluminum powders: POWDER TECHNOLOGY: 415: 10.1016/j.powtec.2022.118190: (2023)
746) Liang, YF; Chen, ZP; Wang, NC; Cheng, ZF; Knieps, A; Zhou, S; Rao, B; Xu, S; Drews, P; Zhang, XL; Wang, H; Wang, ZS; Yang, J; Xu, X; Hua, JK; Yang, QH; Yan, W; Li, CK; Yang, YT; Li, SH; Liu, SC; Nie, L; Long, T; Liao, L; Wang, FQ; Suzuki, Y: Towards advanced divertor configurations on the J-TEXT tokamak: PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: 24: 10.1088/2058-6272/acaa8d: (2022)
745) Naing, S; Kristyawan, IPA; Murakami, H; Hinokuma, S; Matsumoto, Y; Omori, T; Wang, YL; Yokohata, H; Kawano, M; Takebayashi, H; Miyoshi, A; Shimokuri, D: Development of Detailed Surface Reaction Mechanism of C2H4/C(3)H(6)Oxidation on Pt/Al(2)O(3)Monolith Catalyst Based on Gas Phase and Surface Species Analyses: COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: 194: 1458: 1480: 10.1080/00102202.2020.1817905: (2022)
744) Yoshida, K; Ogata, Y; Hirai, S; Hosotani, K: Numerical study of the correlation between fish school arrangement and propulsive performance: ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS: 10.1007/s10015-023-00851-5: (2023)
742) Luo, HL; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Zhang, WC: Microscopic characteristics of near-nozzle spray at the initial and end stages, FUEL, 283, , 118953 (2021).
741) Luo, HL; Jin, Y; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Yao, J; Chen, R: Microscopic characteristics of impinging spray sliced by a cone structure under increased injection pressures, FUEL, 284, , 119033 (2021).
740) Prasetya, R; Sou, A; Oki, J; Nakashima, A; Nishida, K; Wada, Y; Ueki, Y; Yokohata, H: Three-dimensional flow structure and string cavitation in a fuel injector and their effects on discharged liquid jet, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH, 22, 243-256 (2021).
739) Luo, HL; Chang, FX; Jin, Y; Ogata, Y; Matsumura, Y; Ichikawa, T; Kim, W; Nakashimada, Y; Nishida, K: Experimental investigation on performance of hydrogen additions in natural gas combustion combined with CO2, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 46, 34958-34969 (2021).
735) Pathak, P; Shrivastava, K; Ichikawa, T; Jain, A; Singh, R: Pseudo-Binary Phase Diagram of LiNH2-MH (M = Na, K) Eutectic Mixture, MOLECULES, 27, , 4093 (2022).
734) Singh, K; Yao, YC; Ichikawa, T; Jain, A; Singh, R: Zinc as a Promising Anodic Material for All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries, BATTERIES-BASEL, 8, , 113 (2022).
732) Watanabe, K; Nishijima, M; Mayuzumi, S; Aki, T: Utilization of Sugarcane Bagasse as a Substrate for Lipid Production by Aurantiochytrium sp., JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE, 71, 1493-1500 (2022).
731) Tiwari, A; Agarwal, S; Shrivastava, K; Ichikawa, T; Jain, A; Singh, R: XPS Investigation on Improving Hydrogen Sorption Kinetics of the KSiH3 System by Using Zr-Based Catalysts, MATERIALS, 15, , 7454 (2022).
730) Yatsufusa, T; Goto, Y; Hiroi, S; Yoshida, K; Shimokuri, D: Analysis of flame detection data from multiple-ion probes using feature extraction, JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 17, , (2022).
729) Matsumura, Y; Yamamoto, H: Ratio of Heating Value to Carbon Content as Calculation Parameter for Biomass Carbon Resource, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF ENERGY, 101, 171-177 (2022).
728) Kobari, E; Tanaka, K; Nagao, M; Okazaki, K; Hayashi, F; Kazama, S; Ohira, T; Yasumura, S; Shimabukuro, M; Maeda, M; Sakai, A; Yabe, H; Hosoya, M; Takahashi, A; Harigane, M; Ohto, H; Kamiya, K; Kazama, JJ: Impact of lifestyle and psychosocial factors on the onset of hypertension after the Great East Japan earthquake: a 7-year follow-up of the Fukushima Health Management Survey, HYPERTENSION RESEARCH, 45, 1609-1621 (2022).
727) Jayapiriya, US; Inoue, S; Goel, S: A facile technique to develop conductive paper based bioelectrodes for microbial fuel cell applications, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, 214, , 114479 (2022).
726) Wu, LL; Chikaraishi, M; Nguyen, HTA; Fujiwara, A: Analysis of post-disaster population movement by using mobile spatial statistics, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION, 54, , 102047 (2021).
725) Sharma, S; Singh, R; Ichikawa, T; Jain, A; Agarwal, S: Milling induced surface modification of V-based catalyst to improve sorption kinetics of KSiH3: An XPS investigation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 47, 41911-41919 (2022).
724) Patodia, T; Gupta, MK; Singh, R; Ichikawa, T; Jain, A; Tripathi, B: Electrochemical Performance of Graphene-Modulated Sulfur Composite Cathodes Using LiBH4 Electrolyte for All-Solid-State Li-S Battery, ENERGIES, 14, , 7362 (2021).
723) Sharma, K; Singh, R; Ichikawa, T; Kumar, M; Jain, A: Lithiation mechanism of antimony chalcogenides (Sb2X3; X = S, Se, Te) electrodes for high-capacity all-solid-state Li-ion battery, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH, 45, 11135-11145 (2021).
722) Kim, W; Saeki, R; Dobashi, R; Endo, T; Kuwana, K; Mogi, T; Lee, M; Mikami, M; Nakamura, Y: Research on Risk of Dust Explosions in Microgravity for Lunar and Planetary Exploration, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MICROGRAVITY SCIENCE AND APPLICATION, 38, , 380204 (2021).
721) Yadav, J; Singh, R; Anoop, MD; Yadav, N; Rao, NS; Singh, F; Sulania, I; Ojha, S; Awasthi, K; Kumar, M: Tuning of fermi level in antimony telluride thin films by low-energy Fe–ion implantation, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 127, , 973 (2021).
720) Yadav, J; Singh, R; Anoop, MD; Yadav, N; Rao, NS; Singh, F; Awasthi, K; Kumar, M: Impact of defects on the structural and electrical transport properties of Sb2Te3 thin films by SHI irradiation, MATERIALS LETTERS-X, 12, , 100113 (2021).
719) Yadav, J; Anoop, MD; Singh, R; Yadav, N; Rao, NS; Singh, F; Jain, A; Ichikawa, T; Awasthi, K; Kumar, M: A reversible tuning of Fermi level in BiSbTe3 thin films through ion implantation, MATERIALS LETTERS, 306, , 130923 (2022).
718) Tokuda, S; Kawachi, Y; Sasaki, M; Arakawa, H; Yamasaki, K; Terasaka, K; Inagaki, S: Bayesian inference of ion velocity distribution function from laser-induced fluorescence spectra, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11, , 20810 (2021).
717) Kobayashi, T; Kobayashi, M; Narushima, Y; Suzuki, Y; Watanabe, KY; Mukai, K; Hayashi, Y: Self-Sustained Divertor Oscillation Driven by Magnetic Island Dynamics in Torus Plasma, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 128, , 85001 (2022).
716) Sok, R; Kataoka, H; Kusaka, J; Miyoshi, A; Reitz, RD: A novel laminar flame speed equation for quasi-dimensional combustion model refinement in advanced, ultra-lean gasoline spark-ignited engines, FUEL, 333, , 126508 (2023).
715) Kawamura, G; Nakata, M; Suzuki, Y; Hayashi, Y; Sakamoto, R: Divertor leg control of a quasi-symmetry stellarator with external coils and its consequences for transport, CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS, 62, , e202100196 (2022).
714) Sharma, P; Singh, R; Sharma, R; Mukhiya, R; Awasthi, K; Kumar, M: Palladium-oxide extended gate field effect transistor as pH sensor, MATERIALS LETTERS-X, 12, , 100102 (2021).
713) Suzuki, Y; Nakata, T; Watanabe, M; Battulga, S; Enkhtaivan, D; Demberel, S; Odonbaatar, C; Bayasgalan, A; Badral, T: Discovery of Ulaanbaatar Fault: A New Earthquake Threat to the Capital of Mongolia, SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 92, 437-447 (2021).
712) Kawachi, Y; Inagaki, S; Sasaki, M; Kosuga, Y; Yamasaki, K; Kobayashi, T; Kin, F; Yamada, T; Arakawa, H; Nagashima, Y; Moon, C; Kasuya, N; Fujisawa, A: Dynamic interaction between fluctuations with different origins in a linear magnetized plasma, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 28, , 112302 (2021).
711) Bader, A; Anderson, DT; Drevlak, M; Faber, BJ; Hegna, CC; Henneberg, S; Landreman, M; Schmitt, JC; Suzuki, Y; Ware, A: Modeling of energetic particle transport in optimized stellarators, NUCLEAR FUSION, 61, , 116060 (2021).
710) Kojima, S; Abe, Y; Miura, E; Ozaki, T; Yamanoi, K; Ikeda, T; Wang, YB; Dun, JY; Guo, SW; Maekawa, T; Takizawa, R; Morita, H; Asano, S; Arikawa, Y; Sawada, H; Ishii, K; Hanayama, R; Okihara, S; Kitagawa, Y; Kajimura, Y; Morace, A; Shiraga, H; Shigemori, K; Sunahara, A; Iwata, N; Sano, T; Sentoku, Y; Johzaki, T; Nishikino, M; Iwamoto, A; Nagaoka, K; Sakagami, H; Fujioka, S; Mori, Y: Demonstration of a spherical plasma mirror for the counter-propagating kilojoule-class petawatt LFEX laser system: OPTICS EXPRESS: 30: 43491: 43502: 10.1364/OE.475945: (2022)
709) Safiullah; Ray, SC; Nishida, K; McDonell, V; Ogata, Y: Effects of full transient Injection Rate and Initial Spray Trajectory Angle profiles on the CFD simulation of evaporating diesel sprays- comparison between singlehole and multi hole injectors: ENERGY: 263: 10.1016/ (2023)
708) Wang, JH; Kishimoto, M; Johzaki, T; Mizushima, K; Kumeda, C; Higashiguchi, T; Sunahara, A; Ohiro, H; Yamasaki, K; Namba, S: Generation of Highly Charged Au Ion in Laser-Produced Plasma for Water Window X-ray Radiation Sources: ATOMS: 10: 10.3390/atoms10040150: (2022)
707) Namba, S; Wang, JH; Ohiro, H; Zhang, JW; Kishimoto, M; Yamasaki, K; Hasegawa, N; Dinh, T; Ishino, M; Higashiguchi, T; Nishikino, M: Enhancement of Gain Coefficient of Li-Like Ion 3d-4f Soft X-ray Laser Oscillation by a Single Resonator: ATOMS: 10: 10.3390/atoms10040128: (2022)
706) Ario, I; Hama, Y; Chanthamanivong, K; Chikahiro, Y; Fujiwara, A; Ma, HC: Influence Line-Based Design of Scissors-Type Bridge: APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL: 12: 10.3390/app122312170: (2022)
705) Naito, S; Suzuki, Y; Tsutsui, H: Numerical Analysis of the Vertical Instability Stabilizing Effect of Saddle Coils in Tokamak: PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH: 17: 10.1585/pfr.17.2403069: (2022)
704) Lee, M; Saeki, R; Kim, W: Numerical study of hydrogen addition effects on aluminum particle combustion: JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE: 105: 72: 80: 10.1016/j.joei.2022.07.009: (2022)
703) Johzaki, T; Yoshitake, K; Endo, T; Kim, W; Fujioka, S; Nagatomo, H; Morita, H; Takizawa, R; Takemura, M: Dependence of resistivity gradient guiding of laser-driven relativistic electron beams on laser intensity and duration: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS: 29: 10.1063/5.0101615: (2022)
702) Shigesada, R; Islam, MA; Kawazome, H; Okuda, K; Sunada, Y; Yanagi, O; Sumino, M; Hatta, K; Tamura, N; Yamasaki, K; Kawata, J; Namba, S: Evaluation of self-absorption effect of He I resonance line by measurement of forbidden emission in helium arc jet plasma: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS: 29: 10.1063/5.0109171: (2022)
701) Safiullah; Ray, SC; Nishida, K; McDonell, VG; Ahmed, A; Ogata, Y: Evaluation of multi-hole diesel injectors spray under evaporating conditions: Effects of adjacent spray plumes on the macroscopic and mixture characteristics of target spray: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING: 10.1177/09544070221133880: (2022)
700) Ali, MAM; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Carbon nanotube as catalyst support in supercritical water: JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS: 190: 10.1016/j.supflu.2022.105755 : (2022)
699) Yadav, N; Anoop, MD; Yadav, J; Singh, R; Bera, N; Patel, SR; Jain, A; Ichikawa, T; Singh, F; Awasthi, K; Kumar, M: Effect of Cu ion implantation on the structural and electrical properties of BiSbTe3 single crystals: BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE: 45: 10.1007/s12034-022-02785-3: (2022)
698) Farobie, O; Syaftika, N; Masfuri, I; Rini, TP; Es, DPAL; Bayu, A; Amrullah, A; Hartulistiyoso, E; Moheimani, NR; Karnjanakom, S; Matsumura, Y: Green algae to green fuels: Syngas and hydrochar production from Ulva lactuca via sub-critical water gasification: ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS: 67: 10.1016/j.algal.2022.102834: (2022)
697) Zhou, S; Liang, Y; Knieps, A; Suzuki, Y; Geiger, J; Dinklage, A; Langenberg, A; Pasch, E; Jakubowski, M; Pablant, N; Wang, NC; Drews, P; Bozhenkov, S; Liu, S; Xu, S; Gao, Y; Ding, YH; Huang, Z: Equilibrium effects on the structure of island divertor and its impact on the divertor heat flux distribution in Wendelstein 7-X: NUCLEAR FUSION: 62: 10.1088/1741-4326/ac8439: (2022)
696) Wang, H; Todo, Y; Huang, J; Suzuki, Y; Shimizu, A; Ogawa, K; Wang, XQ; Adulsiriswad, P: Simulations of energetic particle driven instabilities in CFQS: NUCLEAR FUSION: 62: 10.1088/1741-4326/ac843a: (2022)
695) Khan, D; Fujiwara, A; Shiftan, Y; Chikaraishi, M; Tenenboim, E; Nguyen, TAH: Risk Perceptions and Public Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicles: A Comparative Study in Japan and Israel: SUSTAINABILITY: 14: 10.3390/su141710508: (2022)
694) Ario, I; Yamashita, T; Tsubaki, R; Kawamura, S; Uchida, T; Watanabe, G; Fujiwara, A: Investigation of Bridge Collapse Phenomena due to Heavy Rain Floods: Structural, Hydraulic, and Hydrological Analysis: JOURNAL OF BRIDGE ENGINEERING: 27: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001905: (2022)
693) Zhumadilov, K; Ivannikov, A; Stepanenko, V; Toyoda, S; Kazymbet, P; Kaprin, A; Ivanov, S; Shegay, P; Endo, S; Hoshi, M: Tooth enamel ESR dosimetry for Hiroshima ‘black rain’ zone residents: JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH: 63: I61: 165: 10 .1093/jrr/rrac024: (2022)
692) Stepanenko, V; Kaprin, A; Ivanov, S; Shegay, P; Sato, H; Toyoda, S; Kawano, N; Fujimoto, N; Endo, S; Bogacheva, V; Kolyzhenkov, T; Khailov, A; Zhumadilov, K; Zhumalina, A; Yerimbetova, D; Hoshi, M: Estimation of ‘dose-depth’ profile in the surface layers of a quartz-containing tile from the former Hiroshima University building indicates the possible presence of beta-irradiation from residual radioactivity after A-bombing: JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH: 63: I54: I60: 10.1093/jrr/rrac029: (2022)
691) Stepanenko, V; Sato, H; Fujimoto, N; Shichijo, K; Toyoda, S; Kawano, N; Endo, S; Kaprin, A; Ivanov, S; Shegay, P; Petukhov, A; Kolyzhenkov, T; Bogacheva, V; Chaizhunusova, N; Shabdarbaeva, D; Zhumadilov, K; Hoshi, M: External dose estimates of laboratory rats and mice during exposure to dispersed neutron-activated Mn-56 powder: JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH: 63: I16: I20: 10.1093/jrr/rrac032: (2022)
690) Stepanenko, V; Kaprin, A; Ivanov, S; Shegay, P; Bogacheva, V; Sato, H; Shichijo, K; Toyoda, S; Kawano, N; Ohtaki, M; Fujimoto, N; Endo, S; Chaizhunusova, N; Shabdarbaeva, D; Zhumadilov, K; Hoshi, M: Microdistribution of internal radiation dose in biological tissues exposed to Mn-56 dioxide microparticles: JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH: 63: I21: I25: 10.1093/jrr/rrac023: (2022)
689) Shi, BH; Yogo, A; Okamoto, K; Golovin, D; Mirfayzi, SR; Morace, A; Arikawa, Y; Yamanoi, K; Abe, Y; Murakami, M; Gu, YJ; Mima, K; Sentoku, Y; Nakai, M; Nishimura, H; Shiraga, H; Fujioka, S; Johzaki, T; Iwamoto, A; Sakagami, H; Kodama, R: Picosecond snapshot imaging of electric fields induced on a cone guide target designed for fast ignition scenario: JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS: 88: 10.1017/S0022377822000599: (2022)
688) Kindaichi, S; Kindaichi, T: Indoor thermal environment and energy performance in a central air heating system using a heat pump for a house with underfloor space for heat distribution: BUILDING SERVICES ENGINEERING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY: 10.1177/01436244221117356: (2022)
687)Zhai, C; Zhang, GX; Jin, Y; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Luo, HL: Characterization of diesel spray combustion using two-color pyrometry and OH* chemiluminescence imaging- comparison between micro-hole and ultra-high injection pressure effects: JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE: 103: 104: 116: 10.1016/j.joei.2022.05.012: (2022)
686) Zhang, GX; Shi, PH; Luo, HL; Ogata, Y; Nishida, K: Investigation on fuel adhesion characteristics of wall-impingement spray under cross-flow conditions: FUEL: 320: 10.1016/j.fuel.2022.123925: (2022)
685) Ozaki, T; Miura, E; Kojima, S; Arikawa, Y; Abe, Y; Yamanoi, K; Ikeda, T; Ishii, K; Sunahara, A; Johzaki, T; Sawada, H; Fujioka, S; Sakagami, H; Kitagawa, Y; Mori, Y; Estimation of a Plasma Mirror Reflectivity of LFEX Laser and Relevant Results Using Electron Energy Spectrometers; PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH; 17; 10.1585/pfr.17.2404084; (2022)
684) Zhang, ML; Inoue, SH; Matsumura, Y; Difference in Gas-Sensing behavior of Multi-walled carbon Nanotube-Paper-Based gas sensor to polar and non-Polar organic solvents; CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS; 798; 10.1016/j.cplett.2022.139596; (2022)
683) Kobayashi, S; Kato, J; Wada, K; Takemura, K; Kato, S; Fujii, T; Iwasaki, Y; Aoi, Y; Morita, T; Matsushika, A; Murakami, K; Nakashimada, Y: Reversible Hydrogenase Activity Confers Flexibility to Balance Intracellular Redox in Moorella thermoacetica: FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY: 13: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.897066: (2022)
682) Zhang, GX; Si, ZB; Zhai, C; Luo, HL; Ogata, Y; Nishida, K: Characteristics of wall-jet vortex development during fuel spray impinging on flat-wall under cross-flow conditions: FUEL: 317: 10.1016/j.fuel.2022.123507: (2022)
681) Chang, FX; Luo, HL; Hagino, Y; Tashima, T; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Effect of split injection on fuel adhesion characteristics under non-evaporation and evaporation conditions: FUEL: 317: 10.1016/j.fuel.2022.123465: (2022)
680) Morace, A; Abe, Y; Honrubia, JJ; Iwata, N; Arikawa, Y; Nakata, Y; Johzaki, T; Yogo, A; Sentoku, Y; Mima, K; Ma, T; Mariscal, D; Sakagami, H; Norimatsu, T; Tsubakimoto, K; Kawanaka, J; Tokita, S; Miyanaga, N; Shiraga, H; Sakawa, Y; Nakai, M; Azechi, H; Fujioka, S; Kodama, R: Super-strong magnetic field-dominated ion beam dynamics in focusing plasma devices: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS: 12:10.1038/s41598-022-10829-1: (2022)
679) Osakabe, M; Takahashi, H; Yamada, H; Tanaka, K; Kobayashi, T; Ida, K; Ohdachi, S; Varela, J; Ogawa, K; Kobayashi, M; Tsumori, K; Ikeda, K; Masuzaki, S; Tanaka, M; Nakata, M; Murakami, S; Inagaki, S; Mukai, K; Sakamoto, M; Nagasaki, K; Suzuki, Y; Isobe, M; Morisaki, T; Group, TLE: Recent results from deuterium experiments on the large helical device and their contribution to fusion reactor development: NUCLEAR FUSION: 62: 10.1088/1741-4326/ac3cda: (2022)
678) Fujiwara, A; Chikaraishi, M; Khan, D; Ogawa, A; Suda, Y; Yamasaki, T; Nishino, T; Namba, S: Autonomous Bus Pilot Project Testing and Demonstration using Light Rail Transit Track: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH: 10.1007/s13177-021-00264-3:
677) Ohiro, H; Pirozhkov, AS; Ogura, K; Sagisaka, A; Pikuz, TA; Huang, K; Kando, M; Yamasaki, K; Namba, S: Construction of a Magnetic Bottle Electron Spectrometer for Electron Energy Measurement in BISER X-Rays and Xe Interaction: PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH: 17: 10.1585/pfr.17.2406020: (2022)
676) Seres, J; Seres, E; Serrat, C; Dinh, TH; Hasegawa, N; Ishino, M; Nishikino, M; Nakano, K; Namba, S:Nonlinear propagation effect in x-ray parametric amplification during high harmonic generation:JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS:39:1263:1271:(2022)


675) Amrullah, A; Farobie, O; Bayu, A; Syaftika, N; Hartulistiyoso, E; Moheimani, NR; Karnjanakom, S; Matsumura, Y: Slow Pyrolysis of Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta) for Sustainable Production of Bio-Oil and Biochar: SUSTAINABILITY: 14: 10.3390/su14063233: (2022)
674) Kawamura, G; Nakata, M; Suzuki, Y; Hayashi, Y; Sakamoto, R: Divertor leg control of a quasi-symmetry stellarator with external coils and its consequences for transport: CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS: 10.1002/ctpp.202100196
673) Yorino, N; Sekizaki, S; Adachi, K; Sasaki, Y; Zoka, Y; Bedawy, A; Shimizu, T; Amimoto, K: A novel design of single-phase microgrid based on non-interference core synchronous inverters for power system stabilization: IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION: 10.1049/gtd2.12455
672) Kato, J; Gotoh, T; Nakashimada, Y: Removal of Acetic Acid from Bacterial Culture Media by Adsorption onto a Two-Component Composite Polymer Gel: GELS: 8: 10.3390/gels8030154: (2022)
671) Ali, MAM; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Gasification characteristics of carbon nanotube in supercritical water: JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS: 182: 10.1016/j.supflu.2022.105532: (2022)
669) Abouelenien, F; Miura, T; Nakashimada, Y; Elleboudy, NS; Al-Harbi, MS; Ali, EF; Shukry, M: Optimization of Biomethane Production via Fermentation of Chicken Manure Using Marine Sediment: A Modeling Approach Using Response Surface Methodology: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH: 18: 10.3390/ijerph182211988: (2021)
668) Ray, SC; Kim, J; Kakami, S; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Effects of dwell time of split injection on mixture formation and combustion processes of diesel spray: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING: 236: 1977: 1990: 10.1177/09544070211053693: (2022)
667) Hirano, T; Kikkawa, J; Shimokuri, D; Nandiyanto, ABD; Ogi, T: Sinter-Necked, Mixed Nanoparticles of Metallic Tungsten and Tungsten Oxide Produced in Fuel-Rich Methane/Air Tubular Flames: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN: 54: 557: 565: 10.1252/jcej.21we009: (2021)
666) Kawaguchi, M; Nakayama, R; Ma, LJ; Nishida, K; Yokohata, H; Koutoku, M; Nishikawa, J; Nakashima, A; Ogata, Y: Effects of characteristic decomposed modes of the internal flow of a circular 90-degree bent nozzle on the behavior of the oil jet interface: JOURNAL OF FLUID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: 16: 10.1299/jfst.2021jfst0023: (2021)
664) Kawaguchi, M; Nitta, G; Mimura, K; Nishida, K; Koutoku, M; Yamamoto, R; Nakashima, A; Ogata, Y: Effect of flow in the circular 90-degree curved nozzles on ejecting oil jet behavior: JOURNAL OF FLUID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: 16: 10.1299/jfst.2021jfst0011: (2021)
662) Luo, GL; Fujii, S; Koda, T; Tajima, T; Sambongi, Y; Hida, A; Kato, J: Unexpectedly high thermostability of an NADP-dependent malic enzyme from a psychrophilic bacterium, Shewanella livingstonensis Ac10: JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING: 132: 445: 450: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2021.07.005: (2021)
661) Kato, S; Suzuki, K; Kenjo, T; Kato, J; Aoi, Y; Nakashimada, Y: Single-Cell Time-Lapse Observation Reveals Cell Shrinkage upon Cell Death in Batch Culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: MBIO: 12: 10.1128/mBio.03094-21: (2021)
660) Mori, Y; Ishii, K; Hanayama, R; Okihara, S; Kitagawa, Y; Nishimura, Y; Komeda, O; Hioki, T; Motohiro, T; Sunahara, A; Sentoku, Y; Iwamoto, A; Sakagami, H; Miura, E; Johzaki, T: Ten hertz bead pellet injection and laser engagement: NUCLEAR FUSION: 62: 10.1088/1741-4326/ac3d69 (2022)

659) Knieps, A; Suzuki, Y; Geiger, J; Dinklage, A; Zhou, S; Rahbarnia, K; Schilling, J; Neuner, U; Thomsen, H; Jakubowski, M; Koenig, R; Endler, M; Gao, Y; Sitjes, AP; Niemann, H; Beurskens, M; Bozhenkov, S; Liang, Y: Plasma beta effects on the edge magnetic field structure and divertor heat loads in Wendelstein 7-X high-performance scenarios: NUCLEAR FUSION: 62: 10.1088/1741-4326/ac3a18 (2022)

658) Zhu, JY; Shan, CH; Nishida, K; Long, WQ; Dong, DS: Simultaneous PIV/LIF-PIV measurements and numerical simulation of liquid flow and ambient gas flow for transient diesel spray: FUEL: 309: 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.122211 (2022)
657) Takada, M; Abe, Y; Nakamura, S; Masuda, A; Kajimoto, T; Endo, S: Spectrometer design of low energy neutrons for boron neutron capture therapy: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT: 1020: 10.1016/j.nima.2021.165848 (2021)

656) Le, T; Suzuki, Y; Hasegawa, H; Moritaka, T; Ohtani, H: Particle Simulation of Controlling Particle and Heat Flux by Magnetic Field: PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH: 16: 10.1585/pfr.16.1401103 (2021)

655) Zhang, GX; Luo, HL; Kita, K; Ogata, Y; Nishida, K: Statistical variation analysis of fuel spray characteristics under cross-flow conditions: FUEL: 307: 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121887 (2022)


653) Ueda, A; Nisida, K; Matsumura, Y; Ichikawa, T; Nakashimada, Y; Endo, T; Kim, W: Effects of hydrogen and carbon dioxide on the laminar burning velocities of methane-air mixtures: JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE: 99, 178-185 (2021)
652) Takemura, K; Kato, J; Kato, S; Fujii, T; Wada, K; Iwasaki, Y; Aoi, Y; Matsushika, A; Murakami, K; Nakashimada, Y: Autotrophic growth and ethanol production enabled by diverting acetate flux in the metabolically engineered Moorella thermoacetica: JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING: 132, 569-574 (2021)
651) Nagatomo, H; Johzaki, T; Hata, M; Sentoku, Y; Fujioka, S; Mima, K; Sakagami, H: Improvement of ignition and burning target design for fast ignition scheme: NUCLEAR FUSION, 61, Article number:126032
650) Ichiguchi, K; Suzuki, Y; Todo, Y; Sakakibara, S; Ida, K; Takemura, Y; Sato, M; Sugiyama, LE; Carreras, BA: Non-resonant global mode in LHD partial collapse with net toroidal current: NUCLEAR FUSION, 61, Article number:126056
649) Suzuki, Y; Futatani, S; Geiger, J: Nonlinear MHD simulation of core plasma collapse events in Wendelstein 7-X: PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, 63, Article number:124009
648) Takeuchi, K; Naito, M; Kawai, S; Tsukamoto, M; Kadomatsu, Y; Kubo, Y; Okada, R; Nagayoshi, M; Tamura, T; Hishida, A; Nakatochi, M; Sasakabe, T; Hashimoto, S; Eguchi, H; Momozawa, Y; Ikezaki, H; Murata, M; Furusyo, N; Tanaka, K; Hara, M; Nishida, Y; Matsuo, K; Ito, H; Oze, I; Mikami, H; Nakamura, Y; Kusakabe, M; Takezaki, T; Ibusuki, R; Shimoshikiryo, I; Suzuki, S; Nishiyama, T; Watanabe, M; Koyama, T; Ozaki, E; Watanabe, I; Kuriki, K; Kita, Y; Ueshima, H; Matsui, K; Arisawa, K; Uemura, H; Katsuura-Kamano, S; Nakamura, S; Narimatsu, H; Hamajima, N; Tanaka, H; Wakai, K: Study Profile of the Japan Multi-institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study: JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY: 31, 660-668 (2021)
647) Takada, M; Nunomiya, T; Masuda, A; Matsumoto, T; Tanaka, H; Nakamura, S; Endo, S; Nakamura, M; Aoyama, K; Ueda, O; Narita, M; Nakamura, T: Development of a real-time neutron beam detector for boron neutron capture therapy using a thin silicon sensor: APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 176, Article number:109856
646) Miura, E; Mori, Y; Ishii, K; Sakata, S; Abe, Y; Arikawa, Y; Nakajima, N; Takizawa, R; Morita, H; Matsuo, K; Mirfayzi, SR; Sunahara, A; Ozaki, T; Iwamoto, A; Komeda, O; Hanayama, R; Okihara, S; Sentoku, Y; Fujioka, S; Sakagami, H; Johzaki, T; Kitagawa, Y: Verification of fast heating of core plasmas produced by counter-illumination of implosion lasers: HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, 37, Article number:100890
645) Ozaki, T; Abe, Y; Arikawa, Y; Okihara, S; Miura, E; Sunahara, A; Ishii, K; Hanayama, R; Komeda, O; Sentoku, Y; Iwamoto, A; Sakagami, H; Johzaki, T; Kawanaka, J; Tokita, S; Miyanaga, N; Jitsuno, T; Nakata, Y; Tsubakimoto, K; Mori, Y; Kitagawa, Y: Hot Electron and Ion Spectra in Axial and Transverse Laser Irradiation in the GXII-LFEX Direct Fast Ignition Experiment: PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH, 16, Article number:2404076
644) Rocabado, DSR; Nanba, Y; Koyama, M: Density Functional Theory and Machine Learning Description and Prediction of Oxygen Atom Chemisorption on Platinum Surfaces and Nanoparticles: ACS OMEGA: 6, 17424-17432 (2021)
643) Amemiya, T; Denou, M; Enomoto, H; Ito, T; Kaibe, K; Sawada, N; Tomari, M; Matsumura, Y: Feasible conditions for Japanese woody biomass utilization: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, , Early access, doi:10.1007/s11356-021-13966-8
642) Yoshinuma, M; Ida, K; Yamasaki, K; Chen, J; Murakami, I: Measurements of radial profile of isotope density ratio using bulk charge exchange spectroscopy: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 92, Article number:63509
641) Bedawy, A; Yorino, N; Mahmoud, K; Lehtonen, M: An Effective Coordination Strategy for Voltage Regulation in Distribution System Containing High Intermittent Photovoltaic Penetrations: IEEE ACCESS: 9, 117404-117414 (2021)
640) Islam, MA; Shigesada, R; Yamaguchi, T; Kawazome, H; Tamura, N; Okuno, H; Namba, S: VUV Emission Spectroscopy for Evaluation of Optical Thickness in He Cascade Arc Plasmas: PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH, 16, Article number:2406011
639) Ido, T; Fujisawa, A; Takemura, K; Kobayashi, TK; Nishimura, D; Kasuya, N; Fukuyama, A; Moon, C; Yamasaki, K; Inagaki, S; Nagashima, Y; Yamada, T: Conceptual design of heavy ion beam probes on the PLATO tokamak: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 92, Article number:53553
638) Watari, S; Wada, K; Araki, M; Sadahira, T; Ousaka, D; Oozawa, S; Nakatani, T; Imai, Y; Kato, J; Kariyama, R; Watanabe, T; Nasu, Y: Intraluminal diamond-like carbon coating with anti-adhesion and anti-biofilm effects for uropathogens: A novel technology applicable to urinary catheters: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, , Early access, doi:10.1111/iju.14675
637) Pal, P; Kumari, P; Wang, YM; Isobe, S; Kumar, M; Ichikawa, T; Jain, A: Destabilization of LiBH4 by the infusion of Bi2X3 (X = S, Se, Te): an in situ TEM investigation: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 8, Early access, doi:10.1039/d0ta05812b
636) Islam, MA; Yamaguchi, T; Fukuyama, K; Kawazome, H; Tamura, N; Namba, S: Development of High-Performance Cascade Arc Discharge Device for Applications to Plasma Window: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE: 49, 21-25 (2021)
635) Kajimoto, T; Tanaka, K; Endo, S; Kamada, S; Tanaka, H; Takada, M; Hamano, T: Double differential cross sections of neutron production by 135 and 180 MeV protons on A-150 tissue-equivalent plastic: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS: 487, 38-44 (2021)
634) Shinzato, K; Gi, H; Murayama, T; Sadakane, M; Wang, YM; Isobe, S; Ichikawa, T; Miyaoka, H: Catalytic Activities of Various Niobium Oxides for Hydrogen Absorption/Desorption Reactions of Magnesium: ACS OMEGA: 6, 23564-23569 (2021)
633) Noriyuki, H; Zoka, Y; Yorino, N; Sasaki, Y; Fukuba, S; Shoji, T: A Study on the Configuration of Low-Voltage Distribution Networks for High Penetration of Photovoltaic Power Sources: IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING: 16, 965-972 (2021)
632) Sharma, K; Singh, R; Tripathi, B; Ichikawa, T; Kumar, M; Jain, A: All-Solid-State Li-Ion Batteries Using a Combination of Sb2S3/Li2S-P2S5/Acetylene Black as the Electrode Composite and LiBH4 as the Electrolyte: ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS: 4, 6269-6276 (2021)
631) Yamada, S; Shimokuri, D; Shy, S; Yatsufusa, T; Shinji, Y; Chen, YR; Liao, YC; Endo, T; Nou, Y; Saito, F; Sakai, Y; Miyoshi, A: Measurements and simulations of ignition delay times and laminar flame speeds of nonane isomers: COMBUSTION AND FLAME: 227, 283-295 (2021)
630) Guo, GM; Kamigaki, M; Zhang, QW; Inoue, Y; Nishida, K; Hongou, H; Koutoku, M; Yamamoto, R; Yokohata, H; Sumi, S; Ogata, Y: Experimental Study and Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulation of Turbulent Flow in a 90 degrees Curved Square Pipe: ENERGIES, 14, Article number:94
629) Xiao, D; Qiu, SY; Hung, D; Li, XS; Nishida, K; Xu, M: Evaporation and condensation of flash boiling sprays impinging on a cold surface: FUEL, 287, Article number:119423
628) Taufer, NL; Benedetti, V; Pecchi, M; Matsumura, Y; Baratieri, M: Coupling hydrothermal carbonization of digestate and supercritical water gasification of liquid products: RENEWABLE ENERGY: 173, 934-941 (2021)
627) Kobayashi, T; Fujisawa, A; Nagashima, Y; Moon, C; Nishimura, D; Yamasaki, K; Inagaki, S: Proposal of Analysis Method for Pattern Recognition of Two-Dimensional Structure of Plasma: PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH, 16, Article number:1201082
626) Molkov, VV; Cirrone, DMC; Shentsov, VV; Dery, W; Kim, W; Makarov, DV: Dynamics of blast wave and fireball after hydrogen tank rupture in a fire in the open atmosphere: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY: 46, 4644-4665 (2021)
625) Choi, K; Osada, Y; Kim, W; Suzuki, T: Experimental study on electrostatic discharges from a metal protrusion inside a silo during continuous loading of polypropylene powder: POWDER TECHNOLOGY: 391, 362-368 (2021)
624) Cano-Banda, F; Gallardo-Gutierrez, A; Luviano-Ortiz, L; Hernandez-Guerrero, A; Jain, A; Ichikawa, T: High capacity MgH2 composite electrodes for all-solid-state Li-ion battery operating at ambient temperature: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY: 46, 1030-1037 (2021)
623) Mainil, RI; Matsumura, Y: Effect of heating rate on gasification and phosphorus recovery for palm oil mill effluent in supercritical water: JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, 173, Article number:105217
621) Yaguchi, J; Kim, W; Mogi, T; Dobashi, R: Flame acceleration and blast wave of H-2-O-2-N-2-Ar mixtures in unconfined areas: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY: 46, 12329-12337 (2021)
620) Kawazome, H; Islam, MA; Namba, S: Numerical Study on Radiation Trapping of He I Resonance Lines in Arc Plasma Under High-Gas Pressures: PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH, 16, Article number:2401012
619) Nishimura, D; Fujisawa, A; Nagashima, Y; Moon, C; Yamasaki, K; Kobayashi, T; Inagaki, S: Fourier-Rectangular Function Analysis of Spatiotemporal Structure of Bursting Phenomenon in a Cylindrical Plasma: PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH, 16, Article number:1201075
618) Okamura, Y; Takahashi, H; Shiida, A; Hirata, Y; Takeyama, H; Suzuki, K: Screening of Neutrophil Activating Factors from a Metagenome Library of Sponge-Associated Bacteria: MARINE DRUGS, 19, Article number:427
617) Moon, C; Yamasaki, K; Nagashima, Y; Inagaki, S; Ido, T; Yamada, T; Kasuya, N; Kosuga, Y; Sasaki, M; Kawachi, Y; Nishimura, D; Kobayashi, T; Fujisawa, A: The first observation of 4D tomography measurement of plasma structures and fluctuations: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11, Article number:3720
616) Luo, HL; Chang, FX; Zhan, C; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Zhang, J; Yao, J; Kong, XD; Zhu, JY: Microscopic characteristics of multiple droplets behaviors at the near-wall region during the quasi-steady state: FUEL, 286, Article number:119431
615) Sharma, K; Singh, R; Ichikawa, T; Kumar, M; Jain, A: Lithiation mechanism of antimony chalcogenides (Sb2X3; X = S, Se, Te) electrodes for high-capacity all-solid-state Li-ion battery: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH: 45, 11135-11145 (2021)
614) Kindaichi, S; Takehara, K; Nishina, D: Applicability of entrainment law to heat release processes in reservoir-source heat pump systems: APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 185, Article number:116428
613) Luo, HL; Zhang, GX; Chang, FX; Jin, Y; Ba, KX; Ogata, YC; Nishida, KY: Comparisons in spray and atomization characteristics with/without hydro-erosive (HE) grinding in nozzle orifice under non-evaporation and evaporation conditions: FUEL, 297, Article number:120789
612) Chang, FX; Luo, HL; Zhan, C; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Droplets velocity and diameter variations of wall impinging spray created by slicer: FUEL, 299, Article number:120894
611) Kato, J; Takemura, K; Kato, S; Fujii, T; Wada, K; Iwasaki, Y; Aoi, Y; Matsushika, A; Murakami, K; Nakashimada, Y: Metabolic engineering of Moorella thermoacetica for thermophilic bioconversion of gaseous substrates to a volatile chemical: AMB EXPRESS, 11, Article number:59
610) Safiullah; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Oda, T; Ohsawa, K: Effects of nozzle hole size and rail pressure on diesel spray and mixture characteristics under similar injection rate profile – experimental, computational and analytical studies under non-evaporating spray condition: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, , Article number:9544070211022100
609) Tunchai, M; Hida, A; Oku, S; Tajima, T; Kato, J: Chemotactic disruption as a method to control bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum: BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY: 85, 697-702 (2021)
608) Kanna, M; Oyama, H; Ichikawa, T; Yamamoto, K; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y; Ichikawa, T: Synergetic NH3 absorption properties of the NaBH4-LiBH4 mixed system: CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS: 57, 6003-6006 (2021)
607) Guo, GM; Kamigaki, M; Inoue, Y; Nishida, K; Hongou, H; Koutoku, M; Yamamoto, R; Yokohata, H; Sumi, S; Ogata, Y: Experimental Study and Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulation of Pulsating Flow in Straight and 90 degrees Curved Square Pipes: ENERGIES, 14, Article number:3953
606) Watanabe, K; Perez, CMT; Kitahori, T; Hata, K; Aoi, M; Takahashi, H; Sakuma, T; Okamura, Y; Nakashimada, Y; Yamamoto, T; Matsuyama, K; Mayuzumi, S; Aki, T: Improvement of fatty acid productivity of thraustochytrid, Aurantiochytrium sp. by genome editing: JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING: 131, 373-380 (2021)
605) Zhou, NX; Yamaguchi, M; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y: Temperature rise of LaNi5-based alloys by hydrogen adsorption: CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS: 57, 9374-9377 (2021)
604) Nurcahyani, PR; Matsumura, Y: Reutilization of Algal Supercritical Water Gasification Waste for Microalgae Chlorella vulgaris Cultivation: ACS OMEGA: 6, 12551-12556 (2021)
603) Cano-Banda, F; Singh, R; Hernandez-Guerrero, A; Jain, A; Ichikawa, T: Enhanced performance of MgH2 composite electrode using glass-ceramic electrolytes for all-solid-state Li-ion batteries: JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 863, Article number:158729
602) Hirano, T; Tomonaga, D; Ogi, T; Shimokuri, D: Direct spray combustion in a tubular flame burner toward fine particle synthesis: JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 16, Article number:21-00232
601) Dutta, S; Miura-Mattausch, M; Ochi, Y; Yorino, N; Mattausch, HJ: Gyro-Sensor-Based Vibration Control for Dynamic Humanoid-Robot Walking on Inclined Surfaces: SENSORS, 20, Article number:7139
600) Singh, R; Fernando, CB; Ichikawa, T; Jain, A: Conversion reaction of TiFe hydride as anode material for all-solid-state Lithium-ion batteries: MATERIALS LETTERS-X, 10, Article number:100067
599) Yamaguchi, M; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y: Thermodynamic and Spectroscopic Analyses of Zirconium Phosphate-Absorbed Ammonia: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C: 125, 3758-3763 (2021)
598) Horio, K; Takahashi, H; Kobori, T; Watanabe, K; Aki, T; Nakashimada, Y; Okamura, Y: Visualization of Gene Reciprocity among Lactic Acid Bacteria in Yogurt by RNase H-Assisted Rolling Circle Amplification-Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization: Article number:1208
597) Zhan, C; Luo, HL; Chang, FX; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Tang, CL; Feng, ZH; Huang, ZH: Experimental study on the droplet characteristics in the spray tip region: Comparison between the free and impinging spray: EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE, 121, Article number:110288
596) Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Hydrogen Production via Thermochemical Water Splitting Process by Alkali Metal Redox Cycle: JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF ENERGY: 100, 29-44 (2021)
595) Fan, CY; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Visualization of diesel spray and combustion from lateral side of two-dimensional piston cavity in rapid compression and expansion machine, second report: Effects of injection pressure and interval of split injection: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH, , Article number:1468087421993060
594) Mojarrad, M; Tajima, T; Hida, A; Kato, J: Psychrophile-based simple biocatalysts for effective coproduction of 3-hydroxypropionic acid and 1,3-propanediol: BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY: 85, 728-738 (2021)
593) Ray, SC; Kim, J; Kakami, S; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Effects of split ratio of diesel spray injection on mixture formation and combustion process: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, , Article number:9544070211014330
592) Kumar, R; Miyaoka, H; Shinzato, K; Ichikawa, T: Analysis of sodium generation by sodium oxide decomposition on corrosion resistance materials: a new approach towards sodium redox water-splitting cycle: RSC ADVANCES: 11, 21017-21022 (2021)
591) Safiullah; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Evaporation and mixture formation characteristics of diesel spray under various nozzle hole size and injection pressure condition employing similar injection rate profile: INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 123, Article number:105184
590) Fan, CY; Wang, DY; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Visualization of diesel spray and combustion from lateral side of two-dimensional piston cavity in rapid compression and expansion machine: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH: 22, 3247-3259 (2021)
589) Takaki, H; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Coloration-decoloration properties and mechanisms of nickel oxide films: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 774, Article number:138624
588) Zhai, C; Jin, Y; Wu, Q; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Diesel spray and combustion of multi-hole injectors with micro-hole under ultra-high injection pressure-Combustion characteristics: FUEL, 300, Article number:120949
586) Suzuki, Y; Takaki, H; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Change in ionization potential of magnesium tin oxide films before and after photochromism: AIP ADVANCES, 11, Article number:85108
585) Guo, FQ; Namba, K; Miyaoka, H; Jain, A; Ichikawa, T: Hydrogen storage behavior of TiFe alloy activated by different methods: MATERIALS LETTERS-X, 9, Article number:100061
584) Singh, PK; Gi, H; Shinzato, K; Katagiri, K; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Synthesis of Highly Activated Magnesium by Niobium and Tantalum Gel Oxide Catalyst: MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS: 62, 284-289 (2021)
583) Seki, Y; Kobayashi, R; Kim, W; Johzaki, T; Endo, T: Promotion of deflagration-to-detonation transition by repeated obstacle rods: JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 16, Article number:20-427
582) Kim, W; Namba, T; Johzaki, T; Endo, T: Self-similar propagation of spherically expanding flames in lean hydrogen-air mixtures: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY: 45, 25608-25614 (2020)
581) Matsumura, Y; Suganuma, Y; Ichikawa, T; Kim, W; Nakashimada, Y; Nishida, K: Reaction Rate of Hydrothermal Ammonia Production from Chicken Manure: ACS OMEGA: 6, 23442-23446 (2021)
580) Sharma, S; Guo, FQ; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y; Jain, A; Agarwal, S: Enhancement in hydrogenation dehydrogenation kinetics of KSiH3 by the addition of Ti-based catalysts: MATERIALS LETTERS-X, 11, Article number:100086
579) Singh, PK; Singh, A; Kain, V; Kojima, Y; Miyaoka, H; Kumar, S: Development of Ca-Mg-H-2-ZrCl4 composite for hydrogen storage applications: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY: 46, 34362-34368 (2021)


578) Singh, R; Kumari, P; Kumar, M; Ichikawa, T; Jain, A: Implementation of Bismuth Chalcogenides as an Efficient Anode: A Journey from Conventional Liquid Electrolyte to an All-Solid-State Li-Ion Battery, MOLECULES, 25, , 3733 (2020).
577) Johzaki, T; Hino, M; Horio, M; Takeda, S; Kim, W; Endo, T; Fujioka, S; Sentoku, Y; Nagatomo, H; Sunahara, A: Intensification of laser-produced relativistic electron beam using converging magnetic fields for ignition in fast ignition laser fusion, HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, 36, , 100841 (2020).
576) Namba, S; John, C; Morishita, T; Kubo, N; Kishimoto, M; Hasegawa, N; Nishikino, M: Observation of gain coefficients of 15.47 nm Li-like Al soft x-ray laser in a recombining plasma pumped by a compact YAG laser, HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, 36, , 100790 (2020).
575) Abe, Y; Johzaki, T; Sunahara, A; Arikawa, Y; Ozaki, T; Ishii, K; Hanayama, R; Okihara, S; Miura, E; Komeda, O; Sakata, S; Matsuo, K; Morita, H; Takizawa, R; Mizutani, R; Iwamoto, A; Sakagami, H; Sentoku, Y; Shiraga, H; Nakai, M; Fujioka, S; Mori, Y; Kitagawa, Y: Monte Carlo particle collision model for qualitative analysis of neutron energy spectra from anisotropic inertial confinement fusion, HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, 36, , 100803 (2020).
574) Li, H; Sakata, S; Johzaki, T; Tang, XB; Matsuo, K; Lee, S; Law, KFF; Arikawa, Y; Ochiai, Y; Liu, C; Nishibata, J; Takizawa, R; Morita, H; Azechi, H; Sentoku, Y; Fujioka, S: Enhanced relativistic electron beams intensity with self-generated resistive magnetic field, HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, 36, , 100773 (2020).
573) Kumari, P; Sharma, K; Agarwal, S; Awasthi, K; Ichikawa, T; Kumar, M; Jain, A: The destabilization of LiBH4 through the addition of Bi2Se3 nanosheets, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 45, 23947-23953 (2020).
572) Tanaka, K; Kajimoto, T; Sakurai, Y; Bengua, G; Endo, S: A simulation study on beam property of Sb-124-Be isotope-based neutron for BNCT, APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 164, , 109227 (2020).
571) Pal, P; Jain, A; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y; Ichikawa, T: Eutectic melting in x(2LiBH(4)-MgH2) hydrogen storage system by the addition of KH, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 45, 17000-17005 (2020).
570) Kumari, P; Pal, P; Shinzato, K; Awasthi, K; Ichikawa, T; Jain, A; Kumar, M: Nanostructured Bi2Te3 as anode material as well as a destabilizing agent for LiBH4, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 45, 16992-16999 (2020).
569) Naing, S; Kristyawan, IPA; Murakami, H; Hinokuma, S; Matsumoto, Y; Omori, T; Wang, YL; Yokohata, H; Kawano, M; Takebayashi, H; Miyoshi, A; Shimokuri, D: Development of Detailed Surface Reaction Mechanism of C2H4/C(3)H(6)Oxidation on Pt/Al(2)O(3)Monolith Catalyst Based on Gas Phase and Surface Species Analyses, COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, , ().
568) Shimokuri, D; Murakami, H; Hinokuma, S; Matsumoto, Y; Naing, S; Naito, K; Yokohata, H; Takebayashi, H; Miyoshi, A: Development of Surface Reaction Mechanisms of CO/O-2 on Pt and Rh for Three-Way Catalyst based on Gas Phase and Surface Species Analyses, COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, , ().
567) Pal, P; Kumari, P; Wang, YM; Isobe, S; Kumar, M; Ichikawa, T; Jain, A: Destabilization of LiBH4 by the infusion of Bi2X3 (X = S, Se, Te): an in situ TEM investigation, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 8, , (2020).
566) Zhan, C; Luo, HL; Chang, FX; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Tang, CL; Feng, ZH; Huang, ZH: Experimental study on the droplet characteristics in the spray tip region: Comparison between the free and impinging spray, EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE, 121, , 110288 (2021).
564) Luo, HL; Chang, FX; Zhan, C; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Zhang, J; Yao, J; Kong, XD; Zhu, JY: Microscopic characteristics of multiple droplets behaviors at the near-wall region during the quasi-steady state, FUEL, 286, , 119431 (2021).
563) Miura, E; Mori, Y; Ishii, K; Sakata, S; Abe, Y; Arikawa, Y; Nakajima, N; Takizawa, R; Morita, H; Matsuo, K; Mirfayzi, SR; Sunahara, A; Ozaki, T; Iwamoto, A; Komeda, O; Hanayama, R; Okihara, S; Sentoku, Y; Fujioka, S; Sakagami, H; Johzaki, T; Kitagawa, Y: Verification of fast heating of core plasmas produced by counter-illumination of implosion lasers, HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, 37, , 100890 (2020).
562) Prasetya, R; Sou, A; Oki, J; Nakashima, A; Nishida, K; Wada, Y; Ueki, Y; Yokohata, H: Three-dimensional flow structure and string cavitation in a fuel injector and their effects on discharged liquid jet, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH, 22, 243-256 (2021).
561) John, C; Kishimoto, M; Matsumoto, Y; Morishita, T; Higashiguchi, T; Endo, T; Sunahara, A; Johzaki, T; Namba, S: Observation of water-window soft x-ray emission from laser-produced Au plasma under optically thin condition, HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, 37, , 100845 (2020).
560) Yamamura, T; Edamoto, M; Kojima, T; Morita, T; Yamamoto, N; Sunahara, A; Johzaki, T; Nakashima, H: Numerical analysis on a conical shaped target for laser fusion rocket, HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, 37, , 100894 (2020).
559) Sharma, S; Guo, FQ; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y; Agarwal, S; Jain, A: Iron based catalyst for the improvement of the sorption properties of KSiH3, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 45, 33681-33686 (2020).
558) Endo, S; Matsutani, Y; Kajimoto, T; Tanaka, K; Suzuki, M: Internal exposure rate conversion coefficients and absorbed fractions of mouse for Cs-137, Cs-134 and Sr-90 contamination in body, JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH, 61, 535-545 (2020).
557) Chikaraishi, M; Khan, D; Yasuda, B; Fujiwara, A: Risk perception and social acceptability of autonomous vehicles: A case study in Hiroshima, Japan, TRANSPORT POLICY, 98, 105-115 (2020).
556) Nakagawa, T; Uesato, H; Burrell, AK; Ichikawa, T; Miyaoka, H; Davis, BL; Kojima, Y: Surface-Controlled Conversion of Ammonia Borane from Boron Nitride, ENERGIES, 13, , 5569 (2020).
555) Luo, HL; Jin, Y; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Yao, J; Chen, R: Microscopic characteristics of impinging spray sliced by a cone structure under increased injection pressures, FUEL, 284, , 119033 (2021).
554) Mojarrad, M; Hirai, K; Fuki, K; Tajima, T; Hida, A; Kato, J: Efficient production of 1,3-propanediol by psychrophile-based simple biocatalysts in Shewanella livingstonensis Ac10 and Shewanella frigidimarina DSM 12253, JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 323, 293-301 (2020).
553) Zou, MX; Aono, Y; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Response of Palladium and Carbon Nanotube Composite Films to Hydrogen Gas and Behavior of Conductive Carriers, MATERIALS, 13, , 4568 (2020).
552) Luo, HL; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Zhang, WC: Microscopic characteristics of near-nozzle spray at the initial and end stages, FUEL, 283, , 118953 (2021).
551) Endo, T; Kobayashi, R; Kuwajima, S; Seki, Y; Kim, W; Johzaki, T: Detonation propagation from a cylindrical tube into a diverging cone, JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 15, , JTST0030 (2020).
550) Inoue, S; Tobinaga, K; Suzuki, K; Matsumura, Y: Emission shift by co-doping and color reproducibility improvement by mixing phosphors, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 759, , 137974 (2020).
549) Shibuya, A; Chen, GH; Miyoshi, A; Futaba, DN: Improving the synthetic efficiency of single-wall carbon nanotube forests using a gas-analysis-designed mixed carbon feedstock, CARBON, 170, 59-65 (2020).
547) Changsuwan, P; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Supercritical Water Gasification of Guaiacol with Acetic Acid as a Radical Scavenger: Interaction Effect on Char Formation and Gas Composition, ACS OMEGA, 5, 24818-24825 (2020).
546) Stepanenko, V; Kaprin, A; Ivanov, S; Shegay, P; Zhumadilov, K; Petukhov, A; Kolyzhenkov, T; Bogacheva, V; Zharova, E; Iaskova, E; Chaizhunusova, N; Shabdarbayeva, D; Amantayeva, G; Baurzhan, A; Ruslanova, B; Abishev, Z; Apbassova, M; Kairkhanova, Y; Uzbekov, D; Khismetova, Z; Zhunussov, Y; Fujimoto, N; Sato, H; Shichijo, K; Nakashima, M; Sakaguchi, A; Toyoda, S; Kawano, N; Ohtaki, M; Otani, K; Endo, S; Yamamoto, M; Hoshi, M: Internal doses in experimental mice and rats following exposure to neutron-activated(56)MnO(2)powder: results of an international, multicenter study, RADIATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOPHYSICS, 59, 683-692 (2020).
545) Takada, M; Nunomiya, T; Masuda, A; Matsumoto, T; Tanaka, H; Nakamura, S; Endo, S; Nakamura, M; Aoyama, K; Ueda, O; Narita, M; Nakamura, T: Characterization of a real-time neutron detector for boron neutron capture therapy using a thin silicon diode, RADIATION MEASUREMENTS, 137, , 106381 (2020).
544) Gi, H; Shinzato, K; Balgis, R; Ogi, T; Sadakane, M; Wang, YM; Isobe, S; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T: Effective Factor on Catalysis of Niobium Oxide for Magnesium, ACS OMEGA, 5, 21906-21912 (2020).
543) Endo, T; Kuwajima, S; Kim, W; Johzaki, T; Shimokuri, D; Miyoshi, A; Namba, S: Deflagration-to-detonation transition in laser-ignited explosive gas contained in a smooth-wall tube, COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 219, 275-282 (2020).
542) Kawasaki, H; Tamura, T; Sunahara, A; Nishikino, M; Namba, S; O’Sullivan, G; Higashiguchi, T: Charge-separated spectra of suprathermal highly charged bismuth ions in a dual laser-produced plasma soft x-ray source, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 91, , 86103 (2020).
541) Serrat, C; Seres, J; Seres, E; Dinh, TH; Hasegawa, N; Nishikino, M; Namba, S: Parametric attosecond pulse amplification far from the ionization threshold from high order harmonic generation in He+, OPTICS EXPRESS, 28, 24243-24252 (2020).
540) Kumari, P; Singh, R; Awasthi, K; Ichikawa, T; Jain, A; Kumar, M: Electrochemical reaction mechanism for Bi2Te3-based anode material in highly durable all solid-state lithium-ion batteries, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, 31, 16429-16436 (2020).
539) Kim, W; Anraku, S; Endo, T; Choi, K: Flammability and flame propagation of propane/L-leucine powder hybrid mixtures, POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 372, 694-702 (2020).
538) Nurcahyani, PR; Hashimoto, S; Matsumura, Y: Supercritical water gasification of microalgae with and without oil extraction, JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, 165, , 104936 (2020).
537) Hida, A; Oku, S; Miura, M; Matsuda, H; Tajima, T; Kato, J: Characterization of methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) for amino acids in plant-growth-promoting rhizobacterium Pseudomonas protegens CHAO and enhancement of amino acid chemotaxis by MCP genes overexpression, BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 84, 1948-1957 (2020).
536) Takahashi, H; Horio, K; Kato, S; Kobori, T; Watanabe, K; Aki, T; Nakashimada, Y; Okamura, Y: Direct detection of mRNA expression in microbial cells by fluorescence in situ hybridization using RNase H-assisted rolling circle amplification, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10, , (2020).
535) Shinzato, K; Nakagawa, Y; Hamamoto, S; Hayashi, Y; Miyaoka, H; Isobe, S; Shibayama, T; Ogita, N; Ichikawa, T: Surface modification effects of graphite for selective hydrogen absorption by titanium at room temperature, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 56, 7237-7240 (2020).
534) Kumari, P; Singh, R; Awasthi, K; Ichikawa, T; Kumar, M; Jain, A: Cho ck forupdates Highly stable nanostructured Bi 2 Se 3 anode material for all solid-state lithium -ion batteries, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 838, , 155403 (2020).
533) Kawasaki, H; Sunahara, A; Shimada, Y; Ejima, T; Jiang, WH; O’Sullivan, G; Nishikino, M; Namba, S; Higashiguchi, T: Electron temperature and soft x-ray intensity scaling in laser heavy element plasma interaction, AIP ADVANCES, 10, , (2020).
532) Oka, T; Takahashi, A; Koarai, K; Mitsuyasu, Y; Kino, Y; Sekine, T; Shimizu, Y; Chiba, M; Suzuki, T; Osaka, K; Sasaki, K; Urushihara, Y; Endo, S; Suzuki, M; Shinoda, H; Fukumoto, M: External exposure dose estimation by electron spin resonance technique for wild Japanese macaque captured in Fukushima Prefecture, RADIATION MEASUREMENTS, 134, , 106315 (2020).
531) Hu, N; Tanaka, H; Takata, T; Endo, S; Masunaga, S; Suzuki, M; Sakurai, Y: Evaluation of PHITS for microdosimetry in BNCT to support radiobiological research, APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 161, , 109148 (2020).
530) Ikoma, N; Miyake, Y; Takahashi, M; Okuno, H; Namba, S; Takahashi, K; Sasaki, T; Kikuchi, T: Characteristics of plasma window with various channel diameters for accelerator applications, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 91, , (2020).
529) Guo, FQ; Jain, A; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y; Ichikawa, T: Critical Temperature and Pressure Conditions of Degradation during Thermochemical Hydrogen Compression: A Case Study of V-Based Hydrogen Storage Alloy, ENERGIES, 13, , 2324 (2020).
528) Sakata, S; Johzaki, T; Lee, S; Morita, H; Matsuo, K; Kodama, R; Arikawa, Y; Sentoku, Y; Fujioka, S: Simple Analysis of the Laser-to-Core Energy Coupling Efficiency with Magnetized Fast Isochoric Laser Heating, PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH, 14, , 3404138 (2019).
527) Choong, YJ; Yokoyama, H; Matsumura, Y; Lam, MK; Uemura, Y; Dasan, YK; Kadir, WNA; Lim, JW: The potential of using microalgae for simultaneous oil removal in wastewater and lipid production, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 17, 2755-2766 (2020).
526) Luo, HL; Nishida, K; Uchitomi, S; Ogata, Y; Zhang, W; Fujikawa, T: Effect of spray impingement distance on piston top fuel adhesion in direct injection gasoline engines, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH, 21, 742-754 (2020).
525) Oki, J; Kuga, Y; Yamamoto, R; Nakamura, K; Yokohata, H; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Unsteady Secondary Motion of Pulsatile Turbulent Flow through a Double 90 degrees-Bend Duct, FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION, 104, 817-833 (2020).
524) Wang, C; Wang, Y; Zhu, JY; Long, WQ; Nishida, K: Design and application of an algorithm for measuring particle velocity based on multiple characteristics of a particle, FUEL, 271, , 117605 (2020).
523) Hayashi, SI; Ono, K; Fujino, K; Ikeda, S; Tanaka, K: Novel radiochromic gel dosimeter based on a polyvinyl alcohol – Iodide complex, RADIATION MEASUREMENTS, 131, , 106226 (2020).
522) Luo, GLF; Fujino, M; Nakano, S; Hida, A; Tajima, T; Kato, J: Accelerating itaconic acid production by increasing membrane permeability of whole-cell biocatalyst based on a psychrophilic bacterium Shewanella livingstonensis Ac10, JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 312, 56-62 (2020).
521) Yamaguchi, T; Shinzato, K; Yamamoto, K; Wang, YM; Nakagawa, Y; Isobe, S; Ichikawa, T; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T: Pseudo catalytic ammonia synthesis by lithium-tin alloy, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 45, 6806-6812 (2020).
520) Rahayu, F; Tajima, T; Kato, J; Kato, S; Nakashimada, Y: Ethanol yield and sugar usability in thermophilic ethanol production from lignocellulose hydrolysate by genetically engineered Moorella thermoacetica, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 129, 160-164 (2020).
519) Luo, HL; Wang, C; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Chen, R: Characteristics of droplet behaviors after the end of injection in a high-pressure constant volume chamber, FUEL, 267, , 117291 (2020).
518) Sambayev, YK; Zhumalina, AG; Zhumadilov, KS; Sakaguchi, A; Kajimoto, T; Tanaka, K; Endo, S; Kawano, N; Hoshi, M; Yamamoto, M: Temporal variation of atmospheric Be-7 and Pb-210 concentrations and their activity size distributions at Astana, Kazakhstan in Central Asia, JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY, 323, 663-674 (2020).
517) Navarro, RR; Otsuka, Y; Matsuo, K; Sasaki, K; Sasaki, K; Hori, T; Habe, H; Nakamura, M; Nakashimada, Y; Kimbara, K; Kato, J: Combined simultaneous enzymatic saccharification and comminution (SESC) and anaerobic digestion for sustainable biomethane generation from wood lignocellulose and the biochemical characterization of residual sludge solid, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 300, , 122622 (2020).
516) Matsuo, K; Higashi, N; Iwata, N; Sakata, S; Lee, S; Johzaki, T; Sawada, H; Iwasa, Y; Law, KFF; Morita, H; Ochiai, Y; Kojima, S; Abe, Y; Hata, M; Sano, T; Nagatomo, H; Sunahara, A; Morace, A; Yogo, A; Nakai, M; Sakagami, H; Ozaki, T; Yamanoi, K; Norimatsu, T; Nakata, Y; Tokita, S; Kawanaka, J; Shiraga, H; Mima, K; Azechi, H; Kodama, R; Arikawa, Y; Sentoku, Y; Fujioka, S: Petapascal Pressure Driven by Fast Isochoric Heating with a Multipicosecond Intense Laser Pulse, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 124, , 35001 (2020).
515) Takaki, H; Shinzato, K; Inoue, S; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Matsumura, Y: Understanding the mechanism of photochromism in double-layer metal oxide using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 739, , 136973 (2020).
514) Kubota, A; Matsuoka, K; Kawasaki, A; Kasahara, J; Watanabe, H; Matsuo, A; Endo, T: Optical Measurement of Fluid Motion in Semi-Valveless Pulse Detonation Combustor with High-Frequency Operation, COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 192, 197-212 (2020).
513) Suparmaniam, U; Lam, MK; Uemura, Y; Shuit, SH; Lim, JW; Show, PL; Lee, KT; Matsumura, Y; Le, PTK: Flocculation of Chlorella vulgaris by shell waste-derived bioflocculants for biodiesel production: Process optimization, characterization and kinetic studies, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 702, , 134995 (2020).
512) Rocabado, DSR; Ishimoto, T; Koyama, M: The effect of SnO2(110) supports on the geometrical and electronic properties of platinum nanoparticles, SN APPLIED SCIENCES, 1, , UNSP 1485 (2019).
511) Xie, W; Koyama, M: Theoretical design of a technetium-like alloy and its catalytic properties, CHEMICAL SCIENCE, 10, 5461-5469 (2019).
510) Lim, M; Matsuoka, L: Quantitative analysis and speciation of alkali metal emissions from biomass combustion in a 150?kW(th) furnace by optical emission spectroscopy, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COMMUNICATIONS, , ().
509) Munar, MP; Takahashi, H; Okamura, Y: Discovery of a Novel Gene Conferring Tellurite Tolerance Through Tellurite Reduction to Escherichia coli Transformant in Marine Sediment Metagenomic Library, MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY, , ().
508) Shimada, Y; Kawasaki, H; Watanabe, K; Hara, H; Anraku, K; Shoji, M; Oba, T; Matsuda, M; Jiang, WH; Sunahara, A; Nishikino, M; Namba, S; O’Sullivan, G; Higashiguchi, T: Optimized highly charged ion production for strong soft x-ray sources obeying a quasi-Moseley’s law, AIP ADVANCES, 9, , 115315 (2019).
507) Kim, W; Endo, T; Kato, T; Tsuchiya, H; Choi, K: Ignition characteristics of amino acid powders, JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES, 62, , UNSP 103976 (2019).
506) Devanadera, MKP; Bennett, RM; Watanabe, K; Santiago, MR; Ramos, MC; Aki, T; Dedeles, GR: Marine Oomycetes (Halophytophthora and Salispina): A Potential Source of Fatty Acids with Cytotoxic Activity Against Breast Adenocarcinoma Cells (MCF7), JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE, 68, 1163-1174 (2019).
505) Mainil, RI; Matsumura, Y: New Application of Supercritical Water Gasification to Palm Oil Mill Effluent: Gasification and Phosphorus Recovery, ENERGY & FUELS, 33, 11145-11152 (2019).
504) Lokasani, R; Kawasaki, H; Shimada, Y; Shoji, M; Anraku, K; Ejima, T; Hatano, T; Jiang, WH; Namba, S; Nikl, J; Zeman, M; Cysullivan, G; Higashiguchi, T; Limpouch, J: Soft X-ray spectral analysis of laser produced molybdenum plasmas using the fundamental and second harmonics of a Nd:YAG laser, OPTICS EXPRESS, 27, 33350-33357 (2019).
503) Mastuli, MS; Kamarulzaman, N; Kasim, MF; Mahat, AM; Matsumura, Y; Taufiq-Yap, YH: Catalytic supercritical water gasification of oil palm frond biomass using nanosized MgO doped Zn catalysts, JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, 154, , UNSP 104610 (2019).
502) Zhang, TF; Miyaoka, H; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Review on Ammonia Absorption Materials: Metal Hydrides, Halides, and Borohydrides, ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, 1, 232-242 (2018).
501) Nishiya, N; Matsuoka, L: Numerical Study of Change in Shape of Saturated Absorption Spectrum of Argon Arcjet Plasma by Strong Velocity-Changing Collisions, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 47, 1129-1133 (2019).
500) Xiao, D; Yukihiko, I; Li, XS; Hung, D; Nishida, K; Xu, M: Film breakup of tilted impinging spray under various pressure conditions, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH, , UNSP 1468087419859694 ().
499) Caguimbal, NALE; Devanadera, MKP; Bennett, RM; Arafiles, KHV; Watanabe, K; Aki, T; Dedeles, GR: Growth and fatty acid profiles of Halophytophthora vesicula and Salispina spinosa from Philippine mangrove leaves, LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, , ().
498) Matsumura, Y; Takagishi, K; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T: Vanadium Hydride as Conversion Type Negative Electrode for All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion-Battery, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 60, 2183-2187 (2019).
497) Ikoma, N; Miyake, Y; Takahashi, M; Okuno, H; Namba, S; Takahashi, K; Sasaki, T; Kikuchi, T: Demonstration of Plasma Window with 20mm Diameter and Pressure Separation for Accelerator Applications, PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH, 14, , 1206148 (2019).
496) Luo, HL; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Evaporation characteristics of fuel adhesion on the wall after spray impingement under different conditions through RIM measurement system, FUEL, 258, , UNSP 116163 (2019).
495) Inoue, S; Tomita, Y; Matsumura, Y: Effect of thickness of carbon nanotube films on enhancement of sensor response, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 734, , UNSP 136730 (2019).
494) Nagatomo, H; Johzaki, T; Asahina, T; Hata, M; Sentoku, Y; Mima, K; Sakagami, H: Study of fast ignition target design for ignition and burning experiments, NUCLEAR FUSION, 59, , 106055 (2019).
493) Kumari, P; Awasthi, K; Agarwal, S; Ichikawa, T; Kumar, M; Jain, A: Flower-like Bi2S3 nanostructures as highly efficient anodes for all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries, RSC ADVANCES, 9, 29549-29555 (2019).
492) Amemiya, S; Toyoda, H; Kimura, M; Saito, H; Kobayashi, H; Ihara, K; Kamagata, K; Kawabata, R; Kato, S; Nakashimada, Y; Furuta, T; Hamamoto, S; Uozumi, N: The mechanosensitive channel YbdG from Escherichia coli has a role in adaptation to osmotic up-shock, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 294, 12281-12292 (2019).
491) Takaki, H; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Requirements for photochromism in double-layer metal oxide films, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 732, , UNSP 136620 (2019).
490) Kojima, S; Hata, M; Iwata, N; Arikawa, Y; Morace, A; Sakata, S; Lee, S; Matsuo, K; Law, KFF; Morita, H; Ochiai, Y; Yogo, A; Nagatomo, H; Ozaki, T; Johzaki, T; Sunahara, A; Sakagami, H; Zhang, Z; Tosaki, S; Abe, Y; Kawanaka, J; Tokita, S; Nakai, M; Nishimura, H; Shiraga, H; Azechi, H; Sentoku, Y; Fujioka, S: Electromagnetic field growth triggering super-ponderomotive electron acceleration during multi-picosecond laser-plasma interaction, COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, 2, , 99 (2019).
489) Ueno, K; Kamebuchi, K; Kakutani, J; Matsuoka, L; Namba, S; Fujii, K; Shikama, T; Hasuo, M: Spatially Resolved Measurements of Metastable Atom Density and Electric Field Strength in a Microhollow Cathode Helium Plasma by Laser Absorption Spectroscopy, PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH, 13, , 3406070 (2018).
488) Shinzato, K; Hamamoto, S; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T: Room-Temperature Hydrogen Absorption of Titanium with Surface Modification by Organic Solvents, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 123, 19269-19274 (2019).
487) Caguimbal, NALE; Devanadera, MKP; Bennett, RM; Arafiles, KNV; Watanabe, K; Aki, T; Dedeles, GR: Growth and fatty acid profiles of Halophytophthora vesicula and Salispina spinosa from Philippine mangrove leaves, LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, 69, 221-228 (2019).
486) Selvaraj, S; Jain, A; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y; Ichikawa, T: Hydrogen Sorption and Cyclic Compressor Performance Of V40Ti21.5Cr33.5M5 (M = Nb, Zr, Fe) Alloys, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF ENERGY, 98, 157-164 (2019).
485) Kim, W; Sato, Y; Johzaki, T; Endo, T: Experimental study on the onset of flame acceleration due to cellular instabilities, JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES, 60, 264-268 (2019).
484) Mahipant, G; Kato, J; Kataoka, N; Vangnai, AS: An alternative genome-integrated method for undomesticated Bacillus subtilis and related species, JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, 65, 96-105 (2019).
483) Mahmud, R; Kurisu, T; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Kanzaki, J; Tadokoro, T: Experimental study on flat-wall impinging spray flame and its heat flux on wall under diesel engine-like condition: First report-effect of impingement distance, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, 233, 2187-2202 (2019).
482) Lee, CH; Nakagawa, Y; Isobe, S; Hashimoto, N; Sugino, S; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T: Synthesis of sodium-magnesium amidoborane by sodium amide: An investigation of functional properties for hydrogen/ammonia storage, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 801, 645-650 (2019).
481) Nakashima, A; Nitta, G; Nishida, K; Hongou, H; Yokohata, H; Ogata, Y: Experimental study on oil-air multiphase flow in a right circular cylindrical channel during reciprocating motion, JOURNAL OF FLUID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 14, , 18-00466 (2019).
480) Matsuoka, K; Taki, H; Kawasaki, A; Kasahara, J; Watanabe, H; Matsuo, A; Endo, T: Semi-valveless pulse detonation cycle at a kilohertz-scale operating frequency, COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 205, 434-440 (2019).
479) Perez, CMT; Watanabe, K; Okamura, Y; Nakashimada, Y; Aki, T: Metabolite Profile Analysis of Aurantiochytrium limacinum SR21 Grown on Acetate-based Medium for Lipid Fermentation, JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE, 68, 541-549 (2019).
478) Kajiyama, H; Kuhoyama, S; Otomo, A; Uyama, H; Matsuura, T; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y; Takata, K; Tomita, K; Uchino, K: VHF Plasma CVD Synthesis of Photochromic ZnO Nanoparticle, MRS ADVANCES, 4, 1573-1577 (2019).
477) Luo, HL; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Fuel adhesion characteristics under non-evaporation and evaporation conditions: Part 2-Effect of ambient pressure, FUEL, 251, 98-105 (2019).
476) Kumari, P; Sharma, K; Pal, P; Kumar, M; Ichikawa, T; Jain, A: Highly efficient & stable Bi & Sb anodes using lithium borohydride as solid electrolyte in Li-ion batteries, RSC ADVANCES, 9, 13077-13081 (2019).
475) Hirano, T; Kikkawa, J; Rinaldi, FG; Kitawaki, K; Shimokuri, D; Tanabe, E; Ogi, T: Tubular Flame Combustion for Nanoparticle Production, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 58, 7193-7199 (2019).
474) Goshome, K; Jain, A; Miyaoka, H; Yamamoto, H; Kojima, Y; Ichikawa, T: Eutectic Phenomenon of LiNH2-KH Composite in MH-NH3 Hydrogen Storage System, MOLECULES, 24, , 1348 (2019).
473) Kondo, N; Uemura, K; Nakagawa, N; Okada, K; Kuroda, S; Sudo, T; Hadano, N; Matstukawa, H; Satoh, D; Sasaki, M; Abe, T; Fukuda, S; Oshita, A; Nakashima, A; Hashimoto, Y; Ohdan, H; Murakami, Y; Kondo, N; Uemura, K; Sudo, T; Matstukawa, H; Kuroda, S; Murakami, Y; Kondo, N; Hadano, N; Satoh, D; Sasaki, M; Abe, T; Fukuda, S; Oshita, A; Nakashima, A; Hashimoto, Y; Kondo, N; Hadano, N; Nakagawa, N; Okada, K; Satoh, D; Sasaki, M; Abe, T; Fukuda, S; Oshita, A; Nakashima, A; Hashimoto, Y; Ohdan, H; Murakami, Y; Kondo, N; Nakagawa, N; Okada, K; Kuroda, S; Kondo, N; Uemura, K; Okada, K; Nakagawa, N; Kondo, N; Sudo, T; Matstukawa, H; Sasaki, M; Abe, T; Fukuda, S; Oshita, A; Nakashima, A; Hashimoto, Y; Murakami, Y; Uemura, K; Ohdan, H; Kondo, N; Murakami, Y: A Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Trial Comparing Reinforced Staplers with Bare Staplers During Distal Pancreatectomy (HiSCO-07 Trial), ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, 26, 1519-1527 (2019).
472) Kim, W; Soga, T; Johzaki, T; Endo, T; Kato, T; Choi, K: Minimum ignition energy and minimum explosible concentration of L-isoleucine and glycine powder, POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 347, 207-214 (2019).
471) Choi, K; Kato, T; Kim, W: Experimental study on the electrostatic characteristics of L-isoleucine powder, POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 347, 125-129 (2019).
470) Amrullah, A; Matsumura, Y: Sewage Sludge Gasification under a Hydrothermal Condition: Phosphorus Behavior and Its Kinetics, ENERGY & FUELS, 33, 2301-2307 (2019).
469) Tanaka, K; Takahashi, H; Hyogo, H; Ono, M; Oza, N; Kitajima, Y; Kawanaka, M; Chayama, K; Saibara, T; Anzai, K; Eguchi, Y: Epidemiological survey of hemoglobin A1c and liver fibrosis in a general population with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, HEPATOLOGY RESEARCH, 49, 296-303 (2019).
468) John, C; Kishimoto, M; Johzaki, T; Higashiguchi, T; Kakunaka, N; Matsumot, Y; Hasegawa, N; Nishikin, M; Ejima, T; Sunahara, A; Endo, T; Namba, S: Enhancement of water-window soft x-ray emission from laser-produced Au plasma under low-pressure nitrogen atmosphere, OPTICS LETTERS, 44, 1439-1442 (2019).
467) Kim, W; Endo, T; Mogi, T; Kuwana, K; Dobashi, R: Wrinkling of Large-Scale Flame in Lean Propane-Air Mixture Due to Cellular Instabilities, COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 191, 491-503 (2019).
466) Nakajima, K; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, K; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Operando spectroscopic analyses for the ammonia absorption process of sodium borohydride, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 55, 2150-2153 (2019).
465) Hida, A; Tajima, T; Kato, J: Two citrate chemoreceptors involved in chemotaxis to citrate and/or citrate-metal complexes in Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 127, 169-175 (2019).
464) Amrullah, A; Paksung, N; Matsumura, Y: Cell structure destruction and its kinetics during hydrothermal treatment of sewage sludge, KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 36, 433-438 (2019).
463) Kobayashi, T; Matsuoka, L; Yokoyama, K: A quasiclassical trajectory calculation to compute the reaction cross section and thermal rate constant for the cesium exchange reaction (CsI)-Cs-133+Cs-135 -> Cs-133+(ICs)-Cs-135, COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, 1150, 40-48 (2019).
462) Asahina, T; Nagatomo, H; Sunahara, A; Johzaki, T; Hata, M; Mima, K; Sentoku, Y: Enhanced heat transport in ablation plasma under transverse magnetic field by upper hybrid resonance heating, HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, 30, 8-12 (2019).
461) Ueno, K; Kamebuchi, K; Kakutani, J; Matsuoka, L; Namba, S; Fujii, K; Shikama, T; Hasuo, M: Spatially resolved laser absorption spectroscopy on a micro-hollow cathode He plasma, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 58, , SAAB03 (2019).
460) Uesato, H; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Hybrid nickel-metal hydride/hydrogen battery, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 44, 4263-4270 (2019).
459) Mastuli, MS; Kamarulzaman, N; Kasim, MF; Zainal, Z; Matsumura, Y; Taufiq-Yap, YH: Comparative study between supported and doped MgO catalysts in supercritical water gasification for hydrogen production, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 44, 3690-3701 (2019).
458) Tobinaga, K; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Synthesis of broad yellow phosphors by co-doping and realization of high quality of white light, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 717, 11-15 (2019).
457) Aoyama, T; Li, L; Jiang, MJ; Takaki, T; Ishii, I; Yang, H; Umemoto, C; Matsuda, H; Chikaraishi, M; Fujiwara, A: Vision-Based Modal Analysis Using Multiple Vibration Distribution Synthesis to Inspect Large-Scale Structures, JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 141, , 31007 (2019).
456) Kikuchi, Y; Ichikawa, T; Sugiyama, M; Koyama, M: Battery-assisted low-cost hydrogen production from solar energy: Rational target setting for future technology systems, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 44, 1451-1465 (2019).
455) Zhumalina, AG; Sambaev, EK; Sakaguchi, A; Endo, S; Tanaka, K; Kadzhimoto, T; Kavano, N; Zhumadilov, KS; Khoshi, M: Measurements of Pb-210 concentrations in air in Astana city, BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KARAGANDA-PHYSICS, 4, 88-92 (2018).
454) Duy, LN; Sekiya, R; Tosaka, M; Yamago, S; Matsumoto, T; Nishino, T; Ichikawa, T; Haino, T: Organogelators of 5,17-Difunctionalized Calix[4]arenes, CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 48, 43-46 (2019).
453) Corral-Lugo, A; Matilla, MA; Martin-Mora, D; Jimenez, HS; Torres, NM; Kato, J; Hida, A; Oku, S; Conejero-Muriel, M; Gavira, JA; Krell, T: High-Affinity Chemotaxis to Histamine Mediated by the TlpQ Chemoreceptor of the Human Pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MBIO, 9, , e01894-18 (2018).
452) Jain, A; Agarwal, S; Ichikawa, T: Catalytic Tuning of Sorption Kinetics of Lightweight Hydrides: A Review of the Materials and Mechanism, CATALYSTS, 8, , 651 (2018).
451) Nguyen, TT; Kajimoto, T; Tanaka, K; Endo, S: Determination of radiocesium depth profile by unfolding method with imaging plate, APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 142, 128-134 (2018).
450) Luo, HL; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Zhang, W; Fujikawa, T: Fuel adhesion characteristics under non-evaporation and evaporation conditions: Part 1-effect of injection pressure, FUEL, 240, 317-325 (2019).
449) Kang, XJ; Namgung, M; Fujiwara, A; Kim, W; Wang, WJ: Analysis of Vehicle Maneuverability and Driving Characteristics on a Curved Road Condition, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, 23, 420-432 (2019).
448) Endo, T; Okada, K; Ito, Y; Kim, W; Johzaki, T; Namba, S: Experiments on laser cleaning of sooted optical windows, APPLIED OPTICS, 57, 10522-10527 (2018).
447) Navarro, RR; Otsuka, Y; Nojiri, M; Ishizuka, S; Nakamura, M; Shikinaka, K; Matsuo, K; Sasaki, K; Sasaki, K; Kimbara, K; Nakashimada, Y; Kato, J: Simultaneous enzymatic saccharification and comminution for the valorization of lignocellulosic biomass toward natural products, BMC BIOTECHNOLOGY, 18, , 79 (2018).
446) Nakamura, S; Kajimoto, T; Tanaka, K; Yoshida, H; Maeda, M; Endo, S: Measurement of Sr-90 radioactivity in cesium hot particles originating from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident, JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH, 59, 677-684 (2018).
445) Singh, R; Kumari, P; Rathore, RK; Shinzato, K; Ichikawa, T; Verma, AS; Saraswat, VK; Awasthi, K; Jain, A; Kumar, M: LiBH4 as solid electrolyte for Li-ion batteries with Bi2Te3 nanostructured anode, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 43, 21709-21714 (2018).
444) Namba, S; Iwamoto, Y; Asano, Y; Shugyo, T; Fukuyama, K; Ikoma, N; Okuno, H; Tamura, N; Endo, T: High-density cascade arc plasma sources for application to plasma windows for virtual vacuum interfaces, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 25, , 113511 (2018).
443) Shikama, T; Kado, S; Okada, H; Yamamoto, S; Matsuoka, L; Mizuuchi, T; Minami, T; Kobayashi, S; Nagasaki, K; Oshima, S; Nakamura, Y; Ishizawa, A; Konoshima, S; Hasuo, M: Near-infrared Zeeman spectroscopy for the spatially resolved measurement of helium emission spectra in Heliotron J, PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, 61, , 25001 (2019).
442) Mainil, RI; Paksung, N; Matsumura, Y: Determination of retro-aldol reaction type for glyceraldehyde under hydrothermal conditions, JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, 143, 370-377 (2019).
441) Tsurui, N; Goshome, K; Hino, S; Endo, N; Maeda, T; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T: Hydrogen Desorption Isobar Properties of Ti1.1CrMn at High Temperatures and Pressures, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 59, 855-857 (2018).
440) Changsuwan, P; Paksung, N; Inoue, S; Inoue, T; Kawai, Y; Noguchi, T; Tanigawa, H; Matsumura, Y: Conversion of guaiacol in supercritical water gasification: Detailed effect of feedstock concentration, JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, 142, 32-37 (2018).
439) Takaki, H; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Photochromic behavior at the interface of two transparent thin films and the possibility for its use in a high-performance battery, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 712, 25-29 (2018).
438) Arai, G; Hara, H; Hatano, T; Ejima, T; Jiang, WH; Ohashi, H; Namba, S; Sunahara, A; Sasaki, A; Nishikino, M; O’Sullivan, G; Higashiguch, T: Intense water-window soft x-ray emission by spectral control using dual laser pulses, OPTICS EXPRESS, 26, 27748-27756 (2018).
437) Kobayashi, T; Matsuoka, L; Yokoyama, K: A Quasi-classical Trajectory Calculation for the Cesium Exchange Reaction of (CsI)-Cs-133 (v = 0, j = 0), JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF ENERGY, 96, 441-444 (2017).
436) Matsumura, Y; Goto, S; Takase, Y; Inoue, S; Inoue, T; Kawa, Y; Noguchi, T; Tanigawa, H: Suppression of Radical Char Production in Supercritical Water Gasification by Addition of Organic Acid Radical Scavenger, ENERGY & FUELS, 32, 9568-9571 (2018).
435) Sakata, S; Lee, S; Morita, H; Johzaki, T; Sawada, H; Iwasa, Y; Matsuo, K; Law, KFF; Yao, A; Hata, M; Sunahara, A; Kojima, S; Abe, Y; Kishimoto, H; Syuhada, A; Shiroto, T; Morace, A; Yogo, A; Iwata, N; Nakai, M; Sakagami, H; Ozaki, T; Yamanoi, K; Norimatsu, T; Nakata, Y; Tokita, S; Miyanaga, N; Kawanaka, J; Shiraga, H; Mima, K; Nishimura, H; Bailly-Grandvaux, M; Santos, JJ; Nagatomo, H; Azechi, H; Kodama, R; Arikawa, Y; Sentoku, Y; Fujioka, S: Magnetized fast isochoric laser heating for efficient creation of ultra-high-energy-density states, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 9, , 3937 (2018).
434) Luo, HL; Nishida, K; Uchitomi, S; Ogata, Y; Zhang, W; Fujikawa, T: Effect of temperature on fuel adhesion under spray-wall impingement condition, FUEL, 234, 56-65 (2018).
433) Kajimoto, T; Sanami, T; Nakao, N; Froeschl, R; Roesler, S; Iliopoulou, E; Infantino, A; Brugger, M; Tanaka, K; Endo, S: Reproduction of neutron fluence by unfolding method with an NE213 scintillator, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 906, 141-149 (2018).
432) Inoue, S; Tomita, Y; Kokabu, T; Matsumura, Y: Principles of detection mechanism for adsorbed gases using carbon nanotube nanomat, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 709, 77-81 (2018).
431) Ohashi, H; Hara, H; Arai, G; Hatano, T; Ejima, T; Suzuki, C; Namba, S; Sasaki, A; Nishikino, M; O’Sullivan, G; Higashiguchi, T: Spectral dynamics of soft X-ray emission in dual-laser-produced medium-Z plasma, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 124, , 193 (2018).
430) Zhang, TF; Wang, YM; Song, T; Miyaoka, H; Shinzato, K; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Shi, SQ; Zhang, XG; Isobe, S; Hashimoto, N; Kojima, Y: Ammonia, a Switch for Controlling High Ionic Conductivity in Lithium Borohydride Ammoniates, JOULE, 2, 1522-1533 (2018).
429) Miyaoka, H; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Highly purified hydrogen production from ammonia for PEM fuel cell, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 43, 14486-14492 (2018).
428) Itadani, Y; Morita, T; Saito, N; Edamoto, M; Kojima, T; Takagi, M; Nagashima, K; Fujioka, S; Yogo, A; Nishimura, H; Sunahara, A; Mori, Y; Johzaki, T; Nakashima, H; Yamamoto, N: Thomson Scattering Measurement of Laser-Produced Plasma in a Magnetic Thrust Chamber, PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH, 13, , 1306016 (2018).
427) Paksung, N; Kato, J; Nakashimada, Y; Matsumura, Y: Process Design and Evaluation of Supercritical Water Gasification of Tomato Residue in a Rural Area of Japan, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 61, 213-218 (2018).
426) Hara, H; Kawasaki, H; Tamura, T; Hatano, T; Ejima, T; Jiang, W; Ohashi, H; Namba, S; Sunahara, A; Sasaki, A; Nishikino, M; O’Sullivan, G; Higashiguchi, T: Emission of water-window soft x-rays under optically thin conditions using low-density foam targets, OPTICS LETTERS, 43, 3750-3753 (2018).
425) Tanaka, K; Kajimoto, T; Hayashi, T; Asanuma, O; Hori, M; Kamo, K; Sumida, I; Takahashi, Y; Tateoka, K; Bengua, G; Sakata, K; Endo, S: An in vitro verification of strength estimation for moving an I-125 source during implantation in brachytherapy, JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH, 59, 484-489 (2018).
424) Nakashima, A; Nitta, G; Nishida, K; Hongou, H; Yokohata, H; Ogata, Y: An experimental investigation of the behavior of oil jets injected by a 90 degrees curved circular nozzle, JOURNAL OF FLUID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 13, , 18-00102 (2018).
423) Oki, J; Kuga, Y; Ogata, Y; Nishida, K; Yamamoto, R; Nakamura, K; Yanagida, H; Yokohata, H: Stereo and time-resolved PIV for measuring pulsatile exhaust flow from a motorized engine, JOURNAL OF FLUID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 13, , 17-00628 (2018).
422) Kim, W; Sato, Y; Johzaki, T; Endo, T; Shimokuri, D; Miyoshi, A: Experimental study on self-acceleration in expanding spherical hydrogen-air flames, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 43, 12556-12564 (2018).
421) Asano, Y; Iwamoto, Y; Fukuyama, K; Tamura, N; Endo, T; Namba, S: Generation of a Large Diameter He Cascade Arc Plasma for a Plasma Window Application, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 46, 2626-2629 (2018).
420) Kajimoto, T; Sanami, T; Nakao, N; Froeschl, R; Roesler, S; Iliopoulou, E; Infantino, A; Brugger, M; Lee, E; Shigyo, N; Hagiwara, M; Yashima, H; Yamazaki, H; Tanaka, K; Endo, S: Neutron energy spectrum measurement using an NE213 scintillator at CHARM, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 429, 27-33 (2018).
419) El Kharbachi, A; Uesato, H; Kawai, H; Wenner, S; Miyaoka, H; Sorby, MH; Fjellvag, H; Ichikawa, T; Hauback, BC: MgH2-CoO: a conversion-type composite electrode for LiBH4-based all-solid-state lithium ion batteries, RSC ADVANCES, 8, 23468-23474 (2018).
418) Matsumura, Y; Kokabu, T; Inoue, S; Charinpanitkul, T; Kuboon, S: Effect of Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Catalysts on Hydrothermal Pretreatment of Cellulose, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 61, 199-204 (2018).
417) Nguyen, HTA; Chikaraishi, M; Fujiwara, A; Zhang, JY: Mediation Effects of Income on Travel Mode Choice Analysis of Short-Distance Trips Based on Path Analysis with Multiple Discrete Outcomes, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 23-30 (2017).
416) Iwasaka, H; Koyanagi, R; Satoh, R; Nagano, A; Watanabe, K; Hisata, K; Satoh, N; Aki, T: A Possible Trifunctional beta-Carotene Synthase Gene Identified in the Draft Genome of Aurantiochytrium sp Strain KH105, GENES, 9, , 200 (2018).
415) Endo, S; Fujii, K; Kajimoto, T; Tanaka, K; Stepanenko, V; Kolyzhenkov, T; Petukhov, A; Akhmedova, U; Bogacheva, V: Comparison of calculated beta- and gamma-ray doses after the Fukushima accident with data from single-grain luminescence retrospective dosimetry of quartz inclusions in a brick sample, JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH, 59, 286-290 (2018).
414) Takahashi, H; Ohkawachi, M; Horio, K; Kobori, T; Aki, T; Matsumura, Y; Nakashimada, Y; Okamura, Y: RNase H-assisted RNA-primed rolling circle amplification for targeted RNA sequence detection, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8, , 7770 (2018).
413) Miyoshi, A: Kinetics of autoignition: a simple intuitive interpretation and its relation to the Livengood-Wu integral, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 20, 10762-10769 (2018).
412) Watanabe, K; Arafiles, KHV; Higashi, R; Okamura, Y; Tajima, T; Matsumura, Y; Nakashimada, Y; Matsuyama, K; Aki, T: Isolation of High Carotenoid-producing Aurantiochytrium sp Mutants and Improvement of Astaxanthin Productivity Using Metabolic Information, JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE, 67, 571-578 (2018).
411) Namba, S; Shikama, T; Sasano, W; Tamura, N; Endo, T: Characteristics of an under-expanded supersonic flow in arcjet plasmas, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 57, , 66101 (2018).
410) Endo, T; Kuwamoto, K; Kim, W; Johzaki, T; Shimokuri, D; Namba, S: Comparative study of laser ignition and spark-plug ignition in high-speed flows, COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 191, 408-416 (2018).
409) Inoue, S; Lojindarat, S; Kawamoto, T; Matsumura, Y; Charinpanitkul, T: Spontaneous and controlled-diameter synthesis of single-walled and few-walled carbon nanotubes, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 699, 88-92 (2018).
408) Luo, HL; Nishida, K; Uchitomi, S; Ogata, Y; Zhang, W; Fujikawa, T: Microscopic behavior of spray droplets under flat-wall impinging condition, FUEL, 219, 467-476 (2018).
407) Si, ZB; Shimasaki, N; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Guo, M; Tang, CL; Huang, ZH: Experimental study on impingement spray and near-field spray characteristics under high-pressure cross-flow conditions, FUEL, 218, 12-22 (2018).
406) Saito, N; Yamamoto, N; Morita, T; Edamoto, M; Nakashima, H; Fujioka, S; Yogo, A; Nishimura, H; Sunahara, A; Mori, Y; Johzaki, T: Experimental demonstration of ion extraction from magnetic thrust chamber for laser fusion rocket, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 57, , 50303 (2018).
405) Syaftika, N; Matsumura, Y: Comparative study of hydrothermal pretreatment for rice straw and its corresponding mixture of cellulose, xylan, and lignin, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 255, 1-6 (2018).
404) Tajima, T; Tomita, K; Miyahara, H; Watanabe, K; Aki, T; Okamura, Y; Matsumura, Y; Nakashimada, Y; Kato, J: Efficient conversion of mannitol derived from brown seaweed to fructose for fermentation with a thraustochytrid, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 125, 180-184 (2018).
403) Paksung, N; Matsumura, Y: Interaction among Glucose, Xylose, and Guaiacol in Supercritical Water, ENERGY & FUELS, 32, 1788-1795 (2018).
402) Chalermsaktrakul, T; Matsumura, Y: Effect of Acetic Acid Addition on Decomposition of Xylose in Supercritical Water, ENERGY & FUELS, 32, 1754-1760 (2018).
401) Amrullah, A; Matsumura, Y: Supercritical water gasification of sewage sludge in continuous reactor, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 249, 276-283 (2018).
400) Aoyama, T; Li, L; Jiang, MJ; Inoue, K; Takaki, T; Ishii, I; Yang, H; Umemoto, C; Matsuda, H; Chikaraishi, M; Fujiwara, A: Vibration Sensing of a Bridge Model Using a Multithread Active Vision System, IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, 23, 179-189 (2018).
399) Selvaraj, S; Jain, A; Kumar, S; Zhang, TF; Isobe, S; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y; Ichikawa, T: Study of cyclic performance of V-Ti-Cr alloys employed for hydrogen compressor, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 43, 2881-2889 (2018).
398) Jangir, M; Jain, A; Agarwal, S; Zhang, TF; Kumar, S; Selvaraj, S; Ichikawa, T; Jain, IP: The enhanced de/re-hydrogenation performance of MgH2 with TiH2 additive, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH, 42, 1139-1147 (2018).
397) Inoue, S; Kokabu, T; Matsumura, Y: Effects of physical and chemical adsorption on the electric conductance of carbon nanotube films, AIP ADVANCES, 8, , 15222 (2018).
396) Zhang, YY; Li, SY; Qi, WY; Nishida, K: Evaporation characterization of fuel spray impinging on a flat wall by laser-based measurement, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH, 18, 776-784 (2017).
395) Oku, S; Hida, A; Mattana, T; Tajima, T; Nakashimada, Y; Kato, J: Involvement of many chemotaxis sensors in negative chemotaxis to ethanol in Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum Ps29, MICROBIOLOGY-SGM, 163, 1880-1889 (2017).
394) ElRamlawy, KG; Fujimura, T; Aki, T; Okada, A; Suzuki, T; Abe, T; Hayashi, T; Epton, MJ; Thomas, WR; Rafeet, IH; Al-Azhary, DB; Ono, K; Kawamoto, S: Prominent IgE-binding and cytokine-inducing capacities of a newly cloned N-terminal region of Der f 14, an apolipophorin-like house dust mite allergen, JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, 163, 51-60 (2018).
393) Murahashi, M; Toyoda, S; Hoshi, M; Ohtaki, M; Endo, S; Tanaka, K; Yamada, Y: The sensitivity variation of the radiation induced signal in deciduous teeth to be used in ESR tooth enamel dosimetry, RADIATION MEASUREMENTS, 106, 450-454 (2017).
392) Syaftika, N; Matsumura, Y: Simple Equation for Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose Using Cellulase Complex and beta-Glucosidase Mixture, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 60, 322-328 (2017).
391) Tomita, Y; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Transient behavior of carbon nanotube thin film for adsorption of polar and non-polar molecules, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 691, 351-354 (2018).
390) Kajimoto, T; Tanaka, K; Endo, S; Hamano, T; Takada, M: Light output due to cosmic-ray muons for an EJ301 scintillator of 12.7 cm in diameter and length, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 880, 53-57 (2018).
389) Nakagawa, Y; Lee, CH; Matsui, K; Kousaka, K; Isobe, S; Hashimoto, N; Yamaguchi, S; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Doping effect of Nb species on hydrogen desorption properties of AlH3, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 734, 55-59 (2018).
388) Ueno, K; Kamebuchi, K; Kakutani, J; Matsuoka, L; Namba, S; Fujii, K; Shikama, T; Hasuo, M: Laser absorption spectroscopy for measurement of He metastable atoms of a microhollow cathode plasma, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 57, , 01AA03 (2018).
387) Tunchai, M; Hida, A; Oku, S; Nakashimada, Y; Nikata, T; Tajima, T; Kato, J: Negative chemotaxis of Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum to maleate and identification of the maleate chemosensory protein, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 124, 647-652 (2017).
386) Chikaraishi, M; Jana, A; Bardhan, R; Varghese, V; Fujiwara, A: A framework to analyze capability and travel in formal and informal urban settings: A case from Mumbai, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 65, 101-110 (2017).
385) Seres, E; Seres, J; Namba, S; Afa, J; Serrat, C: Attosecond sublevel beating and nonlinear dressing on the 3d-to-5p and 3p-to-5s core-transitions at 91.3 eV and 210.4 eV in krypton, OPTICS EXPRESS, 25, 31774-31788 (2017).
384) Kim, W; Shentsov, V; Makarov, D; Molkov, V: Simulations of Blast Wave and Fireball Occurring Due to Rupture of High-Pressure Hydrogen Tank, SAFETY, 3, , (2017).
383) Matsuoka, L; Nishiya, N; Yuki, K; Sonoyama, Y: Numerical study of collisional effects in saturated absorption spectrum of argon arcjet plasma, JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, 12, , C11023 (2017).
382) Xu, SN; Yamakawa, H; Nishida, K; Filipi, Z: Quasi-Dimensional Diesel Engine Combustion Modeling With Improved Diesel Spray Tip Penetration, Ignition Delay, and Heat Release Submodels, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 139, , 112802 (2017).
381) Samanmulya, T; Farobie, O; Matsumura, Y: Gasification characteristics of histidine and 4-methylimidazole under supercritical water conditions, BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY, 7, 487-494 (2017).
380) Kawashima, R; Morita, T; Yamamoto, N; Saito, N; Fujioka, S; Nishimura, H; Matsukuma, H; Sunahara, A; Mori, Y; Johzaki, T; Nakashima, H: The Measurement of Plasma Structure in a Magnetic Thrust Chamber, PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH, 11, , UNSP 3406012 (2016).
379) Kawazome, H; Namba, S: Numerical Study of Spectral Line Shapes in High-Density He Plasmas, PLASMA AND FUSION RESEARCH, 11, , UNSP 2401124 (2016).
378) Duangkaew, P; Inoue, S; Aki, T; Nakashimada, Y; Okamura, Y; Tajima, T; Matsumura, Y: Quantitative In Situ Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Mannitol Decomposition Products under Hydrothermal Conditions, ENERGY & FUELS, 31, 10866-10873 (2017).
377) Farobie, O; Matsumura, Y: State of the art of biodiesel production under supercritical conditions, PROGRESS IN ENERGY AND COMBUSTION SCIENCE, 63, 173-203 (2017).
376) Jain, A; Miyaoka, H; Kumar, S; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: A new synthesis route of ammonia production through hydrolysis of metal – Nitrides, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 42, 24897-24903 (2017).
375) Rahayu, F; Kawai, Y; Iwasaki, Y; Yoshida, K; Kita, A; Tajima, T; Kato, J; Murakami, K; Hoshino, T; Nakashimada, Y: Thermophilic ethanol fermentation from lignocellulose hydrolysate by genetically engineered Moorella thermoacetica, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 245, 1393-1399 (2017).
374) Miura, T; Kita, A; Okamura, Y; Aki, T; Matsumura, Y; Tajima, T; Kato, J; Nakashimada, Y: Improved methanization and microbial diversity during batch mode cultivation with repetition of substrate addition using defined organic matter and marine sediment inoculum at seawater salinity, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 245, 833-840 (2017).
373) Oki, J; Ikeguchi, M; Ogata, Y; Nishida, K; Yamamoto, R; Nakamura, K; Yanagida, H; Yokohata, H: Experimental and numerical investigation of a pulsatile flow field in an S-shaped exhaust pipe of an automotive engine, JOURNAL OF FLUID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 12, , (2017).
372) Kumar, S; Jain, A; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Study on the thermal decomposition of NaBH4 catalyzed by ZrCl4, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 42, 22432-22437 (2017).
371) Jain, A; Kumar, S; Miyaoka, H; Zhang, TF; Isobe, S; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Ammonia suppression during decomposition of sodium amide by the addition of metal hydride, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 42, 22388-22394 (2017).
370) Kumar, S; Singh, A; Nakajima, K; Jain, A; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Dey, GK; Kojima, Y: Improved hydrogen release from magnesium borohydride by ZrCl4 additive, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 42, 22342-22347 (2017).
369) Duangkaew, P; Inoue, S; Aki, T; Nakashimada, Y; Okamura, Y; Tajima, T; Matsumura, Y: Real-Time Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Hydrothermal Reaction Products, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 56, 9993-9998 (2017).
368) Yuki, K; Kobayashi, T; Matsuoka, L: Numerical analysis of highly efficient laser-based method of radioactive Cs isotope separation utilizing light-induced drift in D-1 and D-2 transitions in rare gases, JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 54, 1240-1250 (2017).
367) Shizuma, K; Kajimoto, T; Endo, S; Matsugi, K; Arimatsu, Y; Nojima, H: Non-destructive analysis of ancient bimetal swords from western Asia by gamma-ray radiography and X-ray fluorescence, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 407, 244-255 (2017).
366) Morita, T; Edamoto, M; Miura, S; Sunahara, A; Saito, N; Itadani, Y; Kojima, T; Mori, Y; Johzaki, T; Kajimura, Y; Fujioka, S; Yogo, A; Nishimura, H; Nakashima, H; Yamamoto, N: Control of unsteady laser-produced plasma-flow with a multiple-coil magnetic nozzle, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7, , 8910 (2017).
365) Tanaka, K; Sakurai, Y; Hayashi, SI; Kajimoto, T; Uchida, R; Tanaka, H; Takata, T; Bengua, G; Endo, S: Computational investigation of suitable polymer gel composition for the QA of the beam components of a BNCT irradiation field, APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 127, 253-259 (2017).
364) Hida, A; Oku, S; Nakashimada, Y; Tajima, T; Kato, J: Identification of boric acid as a novel chemoattractant and elucidation of its chemoreceptor in Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum Ps29, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7, , 8609 (2017).
363) Takaki, H; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Defects control in the synthesis of low-dimensional zinc oxide, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 684, 113-116 (2017).
362) Say, EKP; Yabut, ATV; Cinco, NET; Caguimba, NALE; Devanadera, MKP; Bennett, RM; Arafiles, KHV; Aki, T; Dedeles, GR: Growth and Fatty Acid Production of Halophytophthora S13005YL1-3.1 under Different Salinity and pH Levels, PHILIPPINE AGRICULTURAL SCIENTIST, 100, S6-S11 (2017).
361) Kim, SK; Fukuda, D; Shimo, D; Kataoka, M; Nishida, K: Simultaneous improvement of exhaust emissions and fuel consumption by optimization of combustion chamber shape of a diesel engine, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH, 18, 412-421 (2017).
360) Kumar, S; Jain, A; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Catalytic effect of bis (cyclopentadienyl) nickel II on the improvement of the hydrogenation dehydrogenation of Mg-MgH2 system, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 42, 17178-17183 (2017).
359) Jain, A; Agarwal, S; Kumar, S; Yamaguchi, S; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y; Ichikawa, T: How does TiF4 affect the decomposition of MgH2 and its complex variants? – An XPS investigation, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 5, 15543-15551 (2017).
358) Endo, S; Sato, H; Shimazaki, T; Nakajima, E; Kotani, K; Suda, M; Hamano, T; Kajimoto, T; Tanaka, K; Hoshi, M: Determination of the thermal and epithermal neutron sensitivities of an LBO chamber, RADIATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOPHYSICS, 56, 269-276 (2017).
357) Farobie, O; Matsumura, Y: Continuous production of biodiesel under supercritical methyl acetate conditions: Experimental investigation and kinetic model, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 241, 720-725 (2017).
356) Kokabu, T; Takashima, K; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y; Yamamoto, T: Transport phenomena of electrons at the carbon nanotube interface with molecular adsorption, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 122, , 15308 (2017).
355) Kumar, S; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Dey, GK; Kojima, Y: Micro-alloyed Mg2Ni for better performance as negative electrode of Ni-MIS battery and hydrogen storage, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 42, 5220-5226 (2017).
354) Yamaguchi, S; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Thermal decomposition of sodium amide, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 42, 5213-5219 (2017).
353) Nagatomo, H; Johzaki, T; Asahina, T; Hata, M; Matsuo, K; Lee, S; Sunahara, A; Sakagami, H; Mima, K; Iwano, K; Fujioka, S; Shiraga, H; Azechi, H: Compression and electron beam heating of solid target under the external magnetic field for fast ignition, NUCLEAR FUSION, 57, , 86009 (2017).
352) Kim, W; Imamura, T; Mogi, T; Dobashi, R: Experimental investigation on the onset of cellular instabilities and acceleration of expanding spherical flames, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 42, 14821-14828 (2017).
351) Yamamoto, Y; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Thermal decomposition products of various carbon sources in chemical vapor deposition synthesis of carbon nanotube, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, 75, 1-5 (2017).
350) Nguyen, TAH; Chikaraishi, M; Seya, H; Fujiwara, A; Zhang, JY: Elderly’s heterogeneous responses to topographical factors in travel mode choice within a hilly neighborhood: An analysis based on combined GPS and paper-based surveys, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH, 17, 411-424 (2017).
349) Farobie, O; Changkiendee, P; Inoue, S; Inoue, T; Kawai, Y; Noguchi, T; Tanigawa, H; Matsumura, Y: Effect of the Heating Rate on the Supercritical Water Gasification of a Glucose/Guaiacol Mixture, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 56, 6401-6407 (2017).
348) Royle, R; Sentoku, Y; Mancini, RC; Paraschiv, I; Johzaki, T: Kinetic modeling of x-ray laser-driven solid Al plasmas via particle-in-cell simulation, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 95, , 63203 (2017).
347) Zhang, TF; Isobe, S; Jain, A; Wang, YM; Yamaguchi, S; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y; Hashimoto, N: Enhancement of hydrogen desorption kinetics in magnesium hydride by doping with lithium metatitanate, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 711, 400-405 (2017).
346) Kumar, S; Jain, A; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y; Dey, GK: Development of vanadium based hydrogen storage material: A review, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, 72, 791-800 (2017).
345) Mahipant, G; Paemanee, A; Roytrakul, S; Kato, J; Vangnai, AS: The significance of proline and glutamate on butanol chaotropic stress in Bacillus subtilis 168, BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR BIOFUELS, 10, , 122 (2017).
344) Arikawa, Y; Kojima, S; Morace, A; Hata, M; Sakata, S; Fujioka, S; Kawashima, T; Hironaka, Y; Shigemori, K; Abe, Y; Zhang, Z; Vaisseau, X; Lee, S; Gawa, T; Matsuo, K; Law, KFF; Kato, Y; Matsubara, S; Tosaki, S; Yogo, A; Nagatomo, H; Tokita, S; Nakata, Y; Jitsuno, T; Miyanaga, N; Kawanaka, J; Fujimoto, Y; Yamanoi, K; Norimatsu, T; Nakai, M; Nishimura, H; Shiraga, H; Azechi, H; Sunahara, A; Johzaki, T; Ozaki, T; Sakagami, H: Improvement in the heating efficiency of fast ignition inertial confinement fusion through suppression of the preformed plasma, NUCLEAR FUSION, 57, , 66022 (2017).
343) Endo, S; Taniguchi, T; Kajimoto, T; Tanaka, K; Takada, M; Kamada, S; Horiguchi, T; Fujikawa, K: Measurement of the gamma-ray energy spectrum of the educational Kinki University Reactor (UTR-KINKI), APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 124, 90-92 (2017).
342) Duangkaew, P; Inoue, S; Aki, T; Nakashimada, Y; Okamura, Y; Tajima, T; Matsumura, Y: In situ mass spectrometry of glucose decomposition under hydrothermal reactions, KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 34, 1524-1530 (2017).
341) Matsuoka, L; Segawa, E; Yuki, K; Konno, N; Obata, N: Asymptotic behavior of a rotational population distribution in a molecular quantum-kicked rotor with ideal quantum resonance, PHYSICS LETTERS A, 381, 1773-1779 (2017).
340) Asahina, T; Nagatomo, H; Sunahara, A; Johzaki, T; Hata, M; Mima, K; Sentoku, Y: Validation of thermal conductivity in magnetized plasmas using particle-in-cell simulations, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 24, , 42117 (2017).
339) Duangkaew, P; Inoue, S; Aki, T; Nakashimada, Y; Okamura, Y; Tajima, T; Matsumura, Y: In-situ Mass Spectroscopic Analysis of Glucose Decomposition under Hydrothermal Condition: Quantitative Analysis for Reaction Kinetics, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 60, 101-109 (2017).
338) Sakimoto, K; Kanna, M; Matsumura, Y: Kinetic model of cellulose degradation using simultaneous saccharification and fermentation, BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, 99, 116-121 (2017).
337) Nakagawa, Y; Shinzato, K; Nakagawa, T; Nakajima, K; Isobe, S; Goshome, K; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T: Synthesis, structural characterization, and hydrogen desorption properties of Na[Al(NH2BH3)(4)], INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 42, 6173-6180 (2017).
336) Kumar, S; Jain, A; Yamaguchi, S; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Mukherjee, A; Dey, GK; Kojima, Y: Surface modification of MgH2 by ZrCl4 to tailor the reversible hydrogen storage performance, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 42, 6152-6159 (2017).
335) Yamaguchi, S; Ichikawa, T; Wang, YM; Nakagawa, Y; Isobe, S; Kojima, Y; Miyaoka, H: Nitrogen Dissociation via Reaction with Lithium Alloys, ACS OMEGA, 2, 1081-1088 (2017).
334) Iwasaki, Y; Kita, A; Yoshida, K; Tajima, T; Yano, S; Shou, T; Saito, M; Kato, J; Murakami, K; Nakashimada, Y: Homolactic Acid Fermentation by the Genetically Engineered Thermophilic Homoacetogen Moorella thermoacetica ATCC 39073, APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 83, , UNSP e00247 (2017).
333) Khazaai, SNM; Maniam, GP; Rahim, MHA; Yusoff, MM; Matsumura, Y: Review on methyl ester production from inedible rubber seed oil under various catalysts, INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS, 97, 191-195 (2017).
332) Leng, XY; Jin, Y; He, ZX; Long, WQ; Nishida, K: Numerical study of the internal flow and initial mixing of diesel injector nozzles with V-type intersecting holes, FUEL, 197, 31-41 (2017).
331) Kumar, S; Jain, U; Jain, A; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y; Dey, GK: Development of Mg-Li-B based advanced material for onboard hydrogen storage solution, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 42, 3963-3970 (2017).
330) Matsuoka, K; Muto, K; Kasahara, J; Watanabe, H; Matsuo, A; Endo, T: Investigation of fluid motion in valveless pulse detonation combustor with high-frequency operation, PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE, 36, 2641-2647 (2017).
329) Dong, P; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y: Characterization of multi-hole nozzle sprays and internal flow for different nozzle hole lengths in direct-injection diesel engines, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, 231, 500-515 (2017).
328) Endo, T; Takenaka, Y; Sako, Y; Johzaki, T; Namba, S; Shimokuri, D: An experimental study on the ignition ability of a laser-induced gaseous breakdown, COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 178, 1-6 (2017).
327) Tunchai, M; Hida, A; Oku, S; Nakashimada, Y; Tajima, T; Kato, J: Identification and characterization of chemosensors for D-malate, unnatural enantiomer of malate, in Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum, MICROBIOLOGY-SGM, 163, 233-242 (2017).
326) Takada, M; Yamada, T; Takahara, T; Endo, S; Tanaka, K; Kajimoto, T; Okuda, T: Temporal changes in vertical distribution of Cs-137 in litter and soils in mixed deciduous forests in Fukushima, Japan, JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 54, 452-458 (2017).
325) Mohamad, R; Aki, T; Nakashimada, Y; Okamura, Y; Tajima, T; Matsumura, Y: Decomposition kinetics of uronic acids obtained from kelp under hydrothermal condition, JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE, 90, 185-190 (2017).
324) Nishida, K; Zhu, JY; Leng, XY; He, ZX: Effects of micro-hole nozzle and ultra-high injection pressure on air entrainment, liquid penetration, flame lift-off and soot formation of diesel spray flame, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH, 18, 51-65 (2017).
323) Stepanenko, V; Rakhypbekov, T; Otani, K; Endo, S; Satoh, K; Kawano, N; Shichijo, K; Nakashima, M; Takatsuji, T; Sakaguchi, A; Kato, H; Onda, Y; Fujimoto, N; Toyoda, S; Sato, H; Dyussupov, A; Chaizhunusova, N; Sayakenov, N; Uzbekov, D; Saimova, A; Shabdarbaeva, D; Skakov, M; Vurim, A; Gnyrya, V; Azimkhanov, A; Kolbayenkov, A; Zhumadilov, K; Kairikhanova, Y; Kaprin, A; Galkin, V; Ivanov, S; Kolyzhenkov, T; Petukhov, A; Yaskova, E; Belukha, I; Khailov, A; Skvortsov, V; Ivannikov, A; Akhmedova, U; Bogacheva, V; Hoshi, M: Internal exposure to neutron-activated Mn-56 dioxide powder in Wistar rats: part 1: dosimetry, RADIATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOPHYSICS, 56, 47-54 (2017).
322) Samanmulya, T; Farobie, O; Matsumura, Y: Gasification Characteristics of Aminobutyric Acid and Serine as Model Compounds of Proteins under Supercritical Water Conditions, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 60, 34-40 (2017).
321) Sasaki, MS; Endo, S; Hoshi, M; Nomura, T: Neutron relative biological effectiveness in Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb survivors: a critical review, JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH, 57, 583-595 (2016).
320) Tran, MT; Zhang, JY; Fujiwara, A: Interdependences between current choices and future expectations in the context of Hanoians’ residential location choices, TRANSPORTMETRICA B-TRANSPORT DYNAMICS, 5, 42-59 (2017).
319) Sasano, W; Shikama, T; Kozue, K; Matsuoka, L; Tamura, N; Namba, S: Measurement of Ion Mach Number of Arcjet Plasmas by a Directional Langmuir Probe Under High-Gas Pressure, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 45, 485-488 (2017).
318) Lin, YC; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y; Chen, JC: Effect of preparation conditions in sol-gel method on yellow phosphor with wide spectrum, AIP ADVANCES, 7, , 15208 (2017).
317) Yogo, A; Mima, K; Iwata, N; Tosaki, S; Morace, A; Arikawa, Y; Fujioka, S; Johzaki, T; Sentoku, Y; Nishimura, H; Sagisaka, A; Matsuo, K; Kamitsukasa, N; Kojima, S; Nagatomo, H; Nakai, M; Shiraga, H; Murakami, M; Tokita, S; Kawanaka, J; Miyanaga, N; Yamanoi, K; Norimatsu, T; Sakagami, H; Bulanov, SV; Kondo, K; Azechi, H: Boosting laser-ion acceleration with multi-picosecond pulses, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7, , 42451 (2017).
316) Matsuoka, K; Muto, K; Kasahara, J; Watanabe, H; Matsuo, A; Endo, T: Development of High-Frequency Pulse Detonation Combustor Without Purging Material, JOURNAL OF PROPULSION AND POWER, 33, 43-50 (2017).
315) Zeng, L; Ichikawa, T; Kawahito, K; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y: Bulk-Type All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries: Remarkable Performances of a Carbon Nanofiber-Supported MgH2 Composite Electrode, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 9, 2261-2266 (2017).
314) Shimokuri, D; Taomoto, Y; Matsumoto, R: Development of a powerful miniature power system with a meso-scale vortex combustor, PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE, 36, 4253-4260 (2017).
313) Endo, T; Masuda, K; Watanabe, W; Mukai, T; Nagai, H; Johzaki, T; Matsuoka, K: Reduction of air flow rate for pulse-detonation-turbine-engine operation by water-droplet injection, JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 11, , 16-322 (2016).
312) Kokabu, T; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Estimation of adsorption energy for water molecules on a multi-walled carbon nanotube thin film by measuring electric resistance, AIP ADVANCES, 6, , 115212 (2016).
311) Farobie, O; Leow, ZYM; Samanmulya, T; Matsumura, Y: In-depth study of continuous production of biodiesel using supercritical 1-butanol, ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, 132, 410-417 (2017).
310) Jain, A; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T: Two-Peak Mystery of LiNH2 NaH Dehydrogenation Is Solved? A Study of the Analogous Sodium Amide/Lithium Hydride System, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 120, 27903-27909 (2016).
309) Johzaki, T; Nagatomo, H; Sunahara, A; Sentoku, Y; Sakagami, H; Hata, M; Taguchi, T; Mima, K; Kai, Y; Ajimi, D; Isoda, T; Endo, T; Yogo, A; Arikawa, Y; Fujioka, S; Shiraga, H; Azechi, H: Integrated simulation of magnetic-field-assist fast ignition laser fusion, PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, 59, , 14045 (2017).
308) Kobayashi, T; Yuki, K; Matsuoka, L: An Ab Initio Study on Four Low-lying Electronic Potential Energy Curves for Atomic Cesium and Rare Gas Pairs, CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 45, 1400-1402 (2016).
307) Inokawa, H; Driss, H; Trovela, F; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y; Zaman, SF; Al-Zahrani, A; Alhamed, Y; Petrov, L: Catalytic hydrolysis of sodium borohydride on Co catalysts, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH, 40, 2078-2090 (2016).
306) Nguyen, TT; Kajimoto, T; Tanaka, K; Nguyen, CC; Endo, S: Triple ionization chamber method for clinical dose monitoring with a Be-covered Li BNCT field, MEDICAL PHYSICS, 43, 6050-6057 (2016).
305) Yanagida, T; Matsumura, Y; Abdulkadir, BA; Afandi, SSBM; Osman, N; Uemura, Y: Fossil Diesel Substitution Potential of Biodiesel Produced from Rubber Seed Oil as a Byproduct of Rubber Wood Plantation, ENERGY & FUELS, 30, 8031-8036 (2016).
304) Paksung, N; Nagano, R; Matsumura, Y: Detailed Mechanism of Xylose Decomposition in Near-Critical and Supercritical Water, ENERGY & FUELS, 30, 7930-7936 (2016).
303) ElRamlawy, KG; Fujimura, T; Baba, K; Kim, JW; Kawamoto, C; Isobe, T; Abe, T; Hodge-Hanson, K; Downs, DM; Refaat, IH; Al-Azhary, DB; Aki, T; Asaoku, Y; Hayashi, T; Katsutani, T; Tsuboi, S; Ono, K; Kawamoto, S: Der f 34, a Novel Major House Dust Mite Allergen Belonging to a Highly Conserved Rid/YjgF/YER057c/UK114 Family of Imine Deaminases, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 291, 21607-21615 (2016).
302) Seres, E; Seres, J; Serrat, C; Namba, S: Core-level attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy of laser-dressed solid films of Si and Zr, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 94, , 165125 (2016).
301) Tian, JP; Zhao, M; Long, WQ; Nishida, K; Fujikawa, T; Zhang, W: Experimental study on spray characteristics under ultra-high injection pressure for DISI engines, FUEL, 186, 365-374 (2016).
300) Dong, PB; Nishida, K; Inaba, T; Ogata, Y: Characterization of Internal Flow and Spray Behaviors of Hole-Type Nozzle under Tiny and Normal Injection Quantity Conditions for Diesel Engine, SAE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUELS AND LUBRICANTS, 9, 125-137 (2016).
299) Lestinsky, M; Andrianov, V; Aurand, B; Bagnoud, V; Bernhardt, D; Beyer, H; Bishop, S; Blaum, K; Bleile, A; Borovik, A; Bosch, F; Bostock, CJ; Brandau, C; Brauning-Demian, A; Bray, I; Davinson, T; Ebinger, B; Echler, A; Egelhof, P; Ehresmann, A; Engstrom, M; Enss, C; Ferreira, N; Fischer, D; Fleischmann, A; Forster, E; Fritzsche, S; Geithner, R; Geyer, S; Glorius, J; Gobel, K; Gorda, O; Goullon, J; Grabitz, P; Grisenti, R; Gumberidze, A; Hagmann, S; Heil, M; Heinz, A; Herfurth, F; Hess, R; Hillenbrand, PM; Hubele, R; Indelicato, P; Kallberg, A; Kester, O; Kiselev, O; Knie, A; Kozhuharov, C; Kraft-Bermuth, S; Kuhl, T; Lane, G; Litvinov, YA; Liesen, D; Ma, XW; Martin, R; Moshammer, R; Muller, A; Namba, S; Neumeyer, P; Nilsson, T; Nortershauser, W; Paulus, G; Petridis, N; Reed, M; Reifarth, R; Reiss, P; Rothhardt, J; Sanchez, R; Sanjari, MS; Schippers, S; Schmidt, HT; Schneider, D; Scholz, P; Schuch, R; Schulz, M; Shabaev, V; Simonsson, A; Sjoholm, J; Skeppstedt, O; Sonnabend, K; Spillmann, U; Stiebing, K; Steck, M; Stohlker, T; Surzhykov, A; Torilov, S; Trabert, E; Trassinelli, M; Trotsenko, S; Tu, XL; Uschmann, I; Walker, PM; Weber, G; Winters, DFA; Woods, PJ; Zhao, HY; Zhang, YH: Physics book: CRYRING@ESR, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS, 225, 797-882 (2016).
298) Arikawa, Y; Kojima, S; Morace, A; Sakata, S; Gawa, T; Taguchi, Y; Abe, Y; Zhang, Z; Vaisseau, X; Lee, SH; Matsuo, K; Tosaki, S; Hata, M; Kawabata, K; Kawakami, Y; Ishida, M; Tsuji, K; Matsuo, S; Morio, N; Kawasaki, T; Tokita, S; Nakata, Y; Jitsuno, T; Miyanaga, N; Kawanaka, J; Nagatomo, H; Yogo, A; Nakai, M; Nishimura, H; Shiraga, H; Fujioka, S; Azechi, H; Sunahara, A; Johzaki, T; Ozaki, T; Sakagami, H; Sagisaka, A; Ogura, K; Pirozhkov, AS; Nishikino, M; Kondo, K; Inoue, S; Teramoto, K; Hashida, M; Sakabe, S: Ultrahigh-contrast kilojoule-class petawatt LFEX laser using a plasma mirror, APPLIED OPTICS, 55, 6850-6857 (2016).
297) Namba, S; Endo, T; Fujino, S; Suzuki, C; Tamura, N: Development of a cascade arc discharge source for an atmosphere-vacuum interface device, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 87, , 83503 (2016).
296) Goshome, K; Miyaoka, H; Yamamoto, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Hydrogen Ab/Desorption of LiH-KH Composite and Ammonia System, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 57, 1215-1219 (2016).
295) Farobie, O; Leow, ZYM; Samanmulya, T; Matsumura, Y: New insights in biodiesel production using supercritical 1-propanol, ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, 124, 212-218 (2016).
294) Tanaka, K; Sakurai, Y; Kajimoto, T; Tanaka, H; Takata, T; Endo, S: Design study of multi-imaging plate system for BNCT irradiation field at Kyoto university reactor, APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 115, 212-220 (2016).
293) Kajimoto, T; Endo, S; Tanaka, K; Okashiro, Y; Kai, H; Fujii, S; Mishima, A; Matsubara, T; Yoshida, S: Apparatus development for measurement of Cs-134 and Cs-137 radioactivity of soil contaminated by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 115, 4-7 (2016).
292) Tran, MT; Zhang, J; Chikaraishi, M; Fujiwara, A: A joint analysis of residential location, work location and commuting mode choices in Hanoi, Vietnam, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 54, 181-193 (2016).
291) Jangir, M; Jain, A; Yamaguchi, S; Ichikawa, T; Lal, C; Jain, IP: Catalytic effect of TiF4 in improving hydrogen storage properties of MgH2, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 41, 14178-14183 (2016).
290) Goshome, K; Yamada, T; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: High compressed hydrogen production via direct electrolysis of liquid ammonia, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 41, 14529-14534 (2016).
289) Guo, M; Shimasaki, N; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Wada, Y: Experimental study on fuel spray characteristics under atmospheric and pressurized cross-flow conditions, FUEL, 184, 846-855 (2016).
288) Mohamad, R; Aki, T; Nakashimada, Y; Okamura, Y; Tajima, T; Matsumura, Y: Decomposition Kinetics of Mannose, Its Sugar Alcohol, and Its Uronic Acid under Hydrothermal Condition, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN, 49, 663-667 (2016).
287) Mohamad, R; Aki, T; Nakashimada, Y; Okamura, Y; Tajima, T; Matsumura, Y: Kinetics of Sorbitol Decomposition under Hydrothermal Condition, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 59, 149-154 (2016).
286) Takahashi, H; Satoh, T; Kanahara, H; Kubota, Y; Hirose, T; Yamazaki, H; Yamamoto, K; Okamura, Y; Suzuki, T; Kobori, T: Development of a bench-top extra-cleanroom for DNA amplification, BIOTECHNIQUES, 61, 42-46 (2016).
285) Kanna, M; Matsunami, Y; Matsumura, Y: Effect of Preculture Conditions on Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation for Effective Ethanol Production, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 59, 93-96 (2016).
284) Fujioka, S; Arikawa, Y; Kojima, S; Johzaki, T; Nagatomo, H; Sawada, H; Lee, SH; Shiroto, T; Ohnishi, N; Morace, A; Vaisseau, X; Sakata, S; Abe, Y; Matsuo, K; Law, KFF; Tosaki, S; Yogo, A; Shigemori, K; Hironaka, Y; Zhang, Z; Sunahara, A; Ozaki, T; Sakagami, H; Mima, K; Fujimoto, Y; Yamanoi, K; Norimatsu, T; Tokita, S; Nakata, Y; Kawanaka, J; Jitsuno, T; Miyanaga, N; Nakai, M; Nishimura, H; Shiraga, H; Kondo, K; Bailly-Grandvaux, M; Bellei, C; Santos, JJ; Azechi, H: Fast ignition realization experiment with high-contrast kilo-joule peta-watt LFEX laser and strong external magnetic field, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 23, , 56308 (2016).
283) Kawahito, K; Zeng, L; Ichikawa, T; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y: Electrochemical Performance of Titanium Hydride for Bulk-Type All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 57, 755-757 (2016).
282) Inoue, S; Kawamoto, T; Matsumura, Y; Tomita, K; Uchino, K; Takata, K; Kajiyama, H: Synthesis of photochromic nanoparticles and determination of the mechanism of photochromism, AIP ADVANCES, 6, , 55214 (2016).
281) Kokabu, T; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Effect of molecular coverage on the electric conductance of a multi-walled carbon nanotube thin film, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 654, 9-12 (2016).
280) Urushihara, Y; Kawasumi, K; Endo, S; Tanaka, K; Hirakawa, Y; Hayashi, G; Sekine, T; Kino, Y; Kuwahara, Y; Suzuki, M; Fukumoto, M; Yamashiro, H; Abe, Y; Fukuda, T; Shinoda, H; Isogai, E; Arai, T; Fukumoto, M: Analysis of Plasma Protein Concentrations and Enzyme Activities in Cattle within the Ex-Evacuation Zone of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Accident, PLOS ONE, 11, , e0155069 (2016).
279) Yu, BY; Zhang, JY; Fujiwara, A: Who rebounds in the private transport sector? A comparative analysis between Beijing and Tokyo, ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-PLANNING & DESIGN, 43, 561-579 (2016).
278) Jain, A; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T: Destabilization of lithium hydride by the substitution of group 14 elements: A review, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 41, 5969-5978 (2016).
277) Kanna, M; Fukutomi, Y; Matsumura, Y: Optimization of Conditions for Hydrothermal Dissolution of Cellulose, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 59, 59-64 (2016).
276) Serrat, C; Roca, D; Budesca, JM; Seres, J; Seres, E; Aurand, B; Hoffmann, A; Namba, S; Kuehl, T; Spielmann, C: Avalanche of stimulated forward scattering in high harmonic generation, OPTICS EXPRESS, 24, 8028-8044 (2016).
275) Endo, T; Obayashi, R; Tajiri, T; Kimura, K; Morohashi, Y; Johzaki, T; Matsuoka, K; Hanafusa, T; Mizunari, S: Thermal Spray Using a High-Frequency Pulse Detonation Combustor Operated in the Liquid-Purge Mode, JOURNAL OF THERMAL SPRAY TECHNOLOGY, 25, 494-508 (2016).
274) Hirota, S; Inoue, S; Inoue, T; Kawai, Y; Wada, Y; Noguchi, T; Matsumura, Y: Inhibition of char deposition using a particle bed in heating section of supercritical water gasification, KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 33, 1261-1266 (2016).
273) Dong, PB; Inaba, T; Nishida, K; Shimo, D: Characteristics of the internal flow and the near-field spray of a single-hole injector and a multi-hole injector for diesel engines, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, 230, 632-649 (2016).
272) Abouelenien, F; Namba, Y; Nishio, N; Nakashimada, Y: Dry Co-Digestion of Poultry Manure with Agriculture Wastes, APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 178, 932-946 (2016).
271) Kita, A; Miura, T; Kawata, S; Yamaguchi, T; Okamura, Y; Aki, T; Matsumura, Y; Tajima, T; Kato, J; Nishio, N; Nakashimada, Y: Bacterial community structure and predicted alginate metabolic pathway in an alginate-degrading bacterial consortium, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 121, 286-292 (2016).
270) Kimura, Z; Kita, A; Iwasaki, Y; Nakashimada, Y; Hoshino, T; Murakami, K: Glycerol acts as alternative electron sink during syngas fermentation by thermophilic anaerobe Moorella thermoacetica, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 121, 268-273 (2016).
269) Hino, S; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y; Sorby, MH; Hauback, BC: A new complex alkali metal aluminium amide borohydride, Li2Al(ND2)(4)BH4: synthesis, thermal analysis and crystal structure, RSC ADVANCES, 6, 28761-28766 (2016).
268) Kita, A; Suehira, K; Miura, T; Okamura, Y; Aki, T; Matsumura, Y; Tajima, T; Nishio, N; Nakashimada, Y: Characterization of a halotolerant acetoclastic methanogen highly enriched from marine sediment and its application in removal of acetate, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 121, 196-202 (2016).
267) Kita, A; Kobayashi, K; Miura, T; Okamura, Y; Aki, T; Matsumura, Y; Tajima, T; Nishio, N; Nakashimada, Y: High-rate Fermentation of Acetate to Methane under Saline Condition by Aceticlastic Methanogens Immobilized in Marine Sediment, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 55, 9-15 (2016).
266) Endo, T; Takenaka, Y; Sako, Y; Honda, T; Johzaki, T; Namba, S: Reinjection of transmitted laser light into laser-produced plasma for efficient laser ignition, APPLIED OPTICS, 55, 1132-1137 (2016).
265) Watanabe, K; Ohno, M; Aki, T: Detection of Acyl-CoA Derivatized with Butylamide for in vitro Fatty Acid Desaturase Assay, JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE, 65, 161-167 (2016).
264) Watanabe, K; Ohno, M; Taguchi, M; Kawamoto, S; Ono, K; Aki, T: Identification of amino acid residues that determine the substrate specificity of mammalian membrane-bound front-end fatty acid desaturases, JOURNAL OF LIPID RESEARCH, 57, 89-99 (2016).
263) Okamura, Y; Nakai, S; Ohkawachi, M; Suemitsu, M; Takahashi, H; Aki, T; Matsumura, Y; Tajima, T; Nakashimada, Y; Matsumoto, M: Isolation and characterization of bacterium producing lipid from short-chain fatty acids, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 201, 215-221 (2016).
262) Miura, T; Kita, A; Okamura, Y; Aki, T; Matsumura, Y; Tajima, T; Kato, J; Nakashimada, Y: Semi-continuous methane production from undiluted brown algae using a halophilic marine microbial community, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 200, 616-623 (2016).
260) Chikaraishi, M; Fujiwara, A; Ueda, M; Zhang, JY: Exploring spillover effects of Mobility Management: A case study on changes in electricity consumptions by the Great East Japan Earthquake, CASE STUDIES ON TRANSPORT POLICY, 3, 111-119 (2015).
259) Imanaka, T; Hayashi, G; Endo, S: Comparison of the accident process, radioactivity release and ground contamination between Chernobyl and Fukushima-1, JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH, 56, I56-I61 (2015).
258) Endo, S; Kajimoto, T; Tanaka, K; Nguyen, TT; Hayashi, G; Imanaka, T: Mapping of the cumulative beta-ray dose on the ground surface surrounding the Fukushima area, JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH, 56, I48-I55 (2015).
257) Hayashi, G; Moro, CF; Rohila, JS; Shibato, J; Kubo, A; Imanaka, T; Kimura, S; Ozawa, S; Fukutani, S; Endo, S; Ichikawa, K; Agrawal, GK; Shioda, S; Hori, M; Fukumoto, M; Rakwal, R: 2D-DIGE-based proteome expression changes in leaves of rice seedlings exposed to low-level gamma radiation at Iitate village, Fukushima, PLANT SIGNALING & BEHAVIOR, 10, , e1103406 (2015).
256) Tanaka, K; Sakurai, Y; Tanaka, H; Kajimoto, T; Takata, T; Takada, J; Endo, S: Measurement of spatial distribution of neutrons and gamma rays for BNCT using multi-imaging plate system, APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 106, 125-128 (2015).
255) Shimokuri, D; Hara, T; Matsumoto, R: Development of a small-scale power system with meso-scale vortex combustor and thermo-electric device, JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING, 25, , 104004 (2015).
254) Hino, S; Grove, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y; Sorby, MH; Hauback, BC: Metal aluminum amides for hydrogen storage – Crystal structure studies, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 40, 16938-16947 (2015).
253) Kita, A; Miura, T; Okamura, Y; Aki, T; Matsumura, Y; Tajima, T; Kato, J; Nakashimada, Y: Dysgonomonas alginatilytica sp nov., an alginate-degrading bacterium isolated from a microbial consortium, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY, 65, 3570-3575 (2015).
252) Namba, S; Hasegawa, N; Kishimoto, M; Nishikino, M; Ishino, M; Kawachi, T: Construction of a magnetic bottle spectrometer and its application to pulse duration measurement of X-ray laser using a pump-probe method, AIP ADVANCES, 5, , 117101 (2015).
251) Aoki, T; Miyaoka, H; Inokawa, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Activation on Ammonia Absorbing Reaction for Magnesium Chloride, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 119, 26296-26302 (2015).
250) Ohga, Y; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: In situ measurement of activation energy for pyrolysis of ethanol as a first reaction in the synthesis of carbon nanotubes, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 639, 261-265 (2015).
249) Miura, T; Kita, A; Okamura, Y; Aki, T; Matsumura, Y; Tajima, T; Kato, J; Nakashimada, Y: Effect of Salinity on Methanogenic Propionate Degradation by Acclimated Marine Sediment-Derived Culture, APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 177, 1541-1552 (2015).
248) Ikeda, S; Ichikawa, T; Goshome, K; Yamaguchi, S; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y: Anode properties of Al2O3-added MgH2 for all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries, JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY, 19, 3639-3644 (2015).
247) Miyaoka, H; Tange, K; Yamamoto, H; Hino, S; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Correlation between particle size and hydrogen generation properties on ammonia and lithium hydride system, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 40, 14911-14915 (2015).
246) Pylypko, S; Petit, JF; Ould-Amara, S; Hdhili, N; Taihei, A; Chiriac, R; Ichikawa, T; Cretin, M; Miele, P; Demirci, UB: Metal hydride-hydrazine borane: Towards hydrazinidoboranes or composites as hydrogen carriers, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 40, 14875-14884 (2015).
245) Nagatomo, H; Johzaki, T; Asahina, T; Sunahara, A; Sano, T; Sakagami, H; Mima, K; Fujioka, S; Shiraga, H; Azechi, H: Computational study of magnetic field compression by laser-driven implosion, NUCLEAR FUSION, 55, , 93028 (2015).
244) Hida, A; Oku, S; Kawasaki, T; Nakashimada, Y; Tajima, T; Kato, J: Identification of the mcpA and mcpM Genes, Encoding Methyl-Accepting Proteins Involved in Amino Acid and L-Malate Chemotaxis, and Involvement of McpM-Mediated Chemotaxis in Plant Infection by Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum (Formerly Ralstonia solanacearum Phylotypes I and III), APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 81, 7420-7430 (2015).
243) Uemura, Y; Matsumoto, R; Saadon, S; Matsumura, Y: A study on torrefaction of Laminaria japonica, FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 138, 133-138 (2015).
242) Tajima, T; Hamada, M; Nakashimada, Y; Kato, J: Efficient aspartic acid production by a psychrophile-based simple biocatalyst, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY, 42, 1319-1324 (2015).
241) Sampedro, I; Kato, J; Hill, JE: Elastin degradation product isodesmosine is a chemoattractant for Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MICROBIOLOGY-SGM, 161, 1496-1503 (2015).
240) Farobie, O; Matsumura, Y: Energy analysis for the production of biodiesel in a spiral reactor using supercritical tert-butyl methyl ether (MTBE), BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 196, 65-71 (2015).
239) Miyaoka, H; Nakajima, K; Yamaguchi, S; Aoki, T; Yamamoto, H; Okuda, T; Goshome, K; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Catalysis of Lithium Chloride and Alkali Metal Borohydrides on Hydrogen Generation of Ammonia and Lithium Hydride System, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 119, 19922-19927 (2015).
238) Jain, A; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Tailoring the absorption-desorption properties of KSiH3 compound using nano-metals (Ni, Co, Nb) as catalyst, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 645, S144-S147 (2015).
237) Miyaoka, H; Wang, YM; Hino, S; Isobe, S; Tokoyoda, K; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Kinetic Modification on Hydrogen Desorption of Lithium Hydride and Magnesium Amide System, MATERIALS, 8, 3896-3909 (2015).
236) Matsumoto, R; Aki, T; Nakashimada, Y; Okamura, Y; Tajima, T; Matsumura, Y: Determination of Mannitol Decomposition Rate under Hydrothermal Pretreatment Condition, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 58, 252-255 (2015).
235) Paksung, N; Matsumura, Y: Decomposition of Xylose in Sub- and Supercritical Water, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 54, 7604-7613 (2015).
234) Farobie, O; Matsumura, Y: A comparative study of biodiesel production using methanol, ethanol, and tert-butyl methyl ether (MTBE) under supercritical conditions, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 191, 306-311 (2015).
233) Maeda, N; Urabe, Y; Murakami, M; Itotani, K; Kato, J: Discriminant analysis for predictor of falls in stroke patients by using the Berg Balance Scale, SINGAPORE MEDICAL JOURNAL, 56, 280-283 (2015).
232) Kanna, M; Matsumura, Y: Effect of Low-concentration Furfural on Sulfur Amino Acid Biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 58, 165-168 (2015).
231) Moury, R; Petit, JF; Demirci, UB; Ichikawa, T; Miele, P: Pure hydrogen-generating “doped” sodium hydrazinidoborane, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 40, 7475-7482 (2015).
230) Janjarasskul, T; Lee, SG; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y; Charinpanitkul, T: Enhancement of the effective thermal conductivity in packed beds by direct synthesis of carbon nanotubes, JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 10, , 15-079 (2015).
229) Fujioka, S; Johzaki, T; Arikawa, Y; Zhang, Z; Morace, A; Ikenouchi, T; Ozaki, T; Nagai, T; Abe, Y; Kojima, S; Sakata, S; Inoue, H; Utsugi, M; Hattori, S; Hosoda, T; Lee, SH; Shigemori, K; Hironaka, Y; Sunahara, A; Sakagami, H; Mima, K; Fujimoto, Y; Yamanoi, K; Norimatsu, T; Tokita, S; Nakata, Y; Kawanaka, J; Jitsuno, T; Miyanaga, N; Nakai, M; Nishimura, H; Shiraga, H; Nagatomo, H; Azechi, H: Heating efficiency evaluation with mimicking plasma conditions of integrated fast-ignition experiment, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 91, , 63102 (2015).
228) Zeng, L; Kawahito, K; Ikeda, S; Ichikawa, T; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y: Metal hydride-based materials towards high performance negative electrodes for all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 51, 9773-9776 (2015).
227) Kataoka, N; Vangnai, AS; Pongtharangkul, T; Tajima, T; Yakushi, T; Matsushita, K; Kato, J: Construction of CoA-dependent 1-butanol synthetic pathway functions under aerobic conditions in Escherichia coli, JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 204, 25-32 (2015).
226) Li, KC; Nishida, K; Ogata, Y; Shi, BL: Effect of flat-wall impingement on diesel spray combustion, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, 229, 535-549 (2015).
225) Kokabu, T; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Trial for simple gas sensor composed of as-grown carbon nanotubes, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 628, 81-84 (2015).
224) Farobie, O; Sasanami, K; Matsumura, Y: A novel spiral reactor for biodiesel production in supercritical ethanol, APPLIED ENERGY, 147, 20-29 (2015).
223) Ichihara, A; Matsuoka, L; Kurosaki, Y; Yokoyama, K: Quantum control of isotope-selective rovibrational excitation of diatomic molecules in the thermal distribution, OPTICAL REVIEW, 22, 153-156 (2015).
222) Johzaki, T; Taguchi, T; Sentoku, Y; Sunahara, A; Nagatomo, H; Sakagami, H; Mima, K; Fujioka, S; Shiraga, H: Control of an electron beam using strong magnetic field for efficient core heating in fast ignition, NUCLEAR FUSION, 55, , 53022 (2015).
221) Matsuoka, L: Unified parameter for localization in isotope-selective rotational excitation of diatomic molecules using a train of optical pulses, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 91, , 43420 (2015).
220) Farobie, O; Matsumura, Y: Effectiveness of Spiral Reactor for Biodiesel Production Using Supercritical t-Butyl Methyl Ether (MTBE), JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 58, 110-117 (2015).
219) Miura, T; Kita, A; Okamura, Y; Aki, T; Matsumura, Y; Tajima, T; Kato, J; Nakashimada, Y: Improved methane production from brown algae under high salinity by fed-batch acclimation, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 187, 275-281 (2015).
218) Kimura, T; Miyaoka, H; Hanada, N; Ichikawa, T: In-Situ XAS for Niobium Oxide Catalyst on Hydrogen Absorption and Desorption of Magnesium, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS, 79, 107-111 (2015).
217) Goshome, K; Miyaoka, H; Yamamoto, H; Ichikawa, T; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Ammonia Synthesis via Non-Equilibrium Reaction of Lithium Nitride in Hydrogen Flow Condition, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 56, 410-414 (2015).
216) Ishikawa, M; Tanaka, K; Endo, S; Hoshi, M: Application of an ultraminiature thermal neutron monitor for irradiation field study of accelerator-based neutron capture therapy, JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH, 56, 391-396 (2015).
215) Ichihara, A; Matsuoka, L; Segawa, E; Yokoyama, K: Isotope-selective dissociation of diatomic molecules by terahertz optical pulses, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 91, , 43404 (2015).
214) Takahara, T; Endo, S; Takada, M; Oba, Y; Nursal, WI; Igawa, T; Doi, H; Yamada, T; Okuda, T: Radiocesium accumulation in the anuran frog, Rana tagoi tagoi, in forest ecosystems after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 199, 89-94 (2015).
211) Inokawa, H; Ichikawa, T; Miyaoka, H: Catalysis of nickel nanoparticles with high thermal stability for ammonia decomposition, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 491, 184-188 (2015).
210) Fukumitsu, K; Yabe, T; Ogata, Y; Oami, T; Ohkubo, T: A new directional-splitting CIP interpolation with high accuracy and low memory consumption, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, 286, 62-69 (2015).
209) Tokoyoda, K; Ichikawa, T; Miyaoka, H: Evaluation of the enthalpy change due to hydrogen desorption for M-N-H (M = Li, Mg, Ca) systems by differential scanning calorimetry, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 40, 1516-1522 (2015).
208) Shimokuri, D; Fukuba, S; Ishizuka, S: Fundamental investigation on the Fuel-NOx emission of the oxy-fuel combustion with a tubular flame burner, PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE, 35, 3573-3580 (2015).
207) Chikaraishi, M; Fujiwara, A; Kaneko, S; Poumanyvong, P; Komatsu, S; Kalugin, A: The moderating effects of urbanization on carbon dioxide emissions: A latent class modeling approach, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 90, 302-317 (2015).
206) Kajimoto, T; Endo, S; Nguyen, TT; Shizuma, K: Calculation of coincidence summing in gamma-ray spectrometry with the EGS5 code, APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 95, 53-58 (2015).
205) Uchida, M; Miyoshi, T; Kaneniwa, M; Ishihara, K; Nakashimada, Y; Urano, N: Production of 16.5% v/v ethanol from seagrass seeds, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 118, 646-650 (2014).
204) Oku, S; Komatsu, A; Nakashimada, Y; Tajima, T; Kato, J: Identification of Pseudomonas fluorescens Chemotaxis Sensory Proteins for Malate, Succinate, and Fumarate, and Their Involvement in Root Colonization, MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 29, 413-419 (2014).
203) Tanaka, K; Endo, S; Tateoka, K; Asanuma, O; Hori, M; Takagi, M; Bengua, G; Kamo, K; Sato, K; Takeda, H; Hareyama, M; Sakata, K; Takada, J: Strength estimation of a moving (125)Iodine source during implantation in brachytherapy: application to linked sources, JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH, 55, 1146-1152 (2014).
202) Sentoku, Y; Paraschiv, I; Royle, R; Mancini, RC; Johzaki, T: Kinetic effects and nonlinear heating in intense x-ray-laser-produced carbon plasmas, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 90, , 51102 (2014).
201) Kongpol, A; Kato, J; Tajima, T; Pongtharangkul, T; Vangnai, AS: Enhanced 3-methylcatechol production by Pseudomonas putida TODE1 in a two-phase biotransformation system, JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, 60, 183-190 (2014).
200) Inoue, S; Nakahara, D; Matsumura, Y: Precursor and formation mechanism in the synthesis of carbon nanotubes by chemical vapor deposition, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 616, 217-221 (2014).
199) Jain, A; Ichikawa, T; Yamaguchi, S; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y: Catalytic modification in dehydrogenation properties of KSiH3, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 16, 26163-26167 (2014).
198) Kumagawa, G; Kozue, K; Fujino, S; Matsuoka, L; Endo, T; Namba, S; Tamura, N; Ezumi, N: Investigation of a shock wave in an arcjet He plasma by using an electric probe and emission spectroscope, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 65, 1252-1256 (2014).
197) Motoyasu, T; Namba, S; Takiyama, K: Measurements of localized potential profiles by LIF polarization spectroscopy in an inertial-electrostatic confinement discharge, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 65, 1205-1208 (2014).
196) Arafiles, KHV; Iwasaka, H; Eramoto, Y; Okamura, Y; Tajima, T; Matsumura, Y; Nakashimada, Y; Aki, T: Value-added lipid production from brown seaweed biomass by two-stage fermentation using acetic acid bacterium and thraustochytrid, APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 98, 9207-9216 (2014).
195) Ikeda, K; Otomo, T; Ohshita, H; Kaneko, N; Tsubota, M; Suzuya, K; Fujisaki, F; Ono, T; Yamanaka, T; Shimoda, K; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Local Structural Analysis on Decomposition Process of LiAl(ND2)(4), MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 55, 1129-1133 (2014).
194) Samanmulya, T; Inoue, S; Inoue, T; Kawai, Y; Kubota, H; Munetsuna, H; Noguchi, T; Matsumura, Y: Gasification Characteristics of Alanine in Supercritical Water, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 57, 225-229 (2014).
193) Hayashi, G; Shibato, J; Imanaka, T; Cho, K; Kubo, A; Kikuchi, S; Satoh, K; Kimura, S; Ozawa, S; Fukutani, S; Endo, S; Ichikawa, K; Agrawal, GK; Shioda, S; Fukumoto, M; Rakwal, R: Unraveling Low-Level Gamma Radiation-Responsive Changes in Expression of Early and Late Genes in Leaves of Rice Seedlings at litate Village, Fukushima, JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 105, 723-738 (2014).
192) Matsumura, Y; Fukutomi, Y; Uemura, Y: Comparative Study of Hydrothermal Pretreatment of Eucalyptus and Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch for Ethanol Fermentation, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 57, 164-170 (2014).
191) Farobie, O; Yanagida, T; Matsumura, Y: New approach of catalyst-free biodiesel production from canola oil in supercritical tert-butyl methyl ether (MTBE), FUEL, 135, 172-181 (2014).
190) Miura, T; Kita, A; Okamura, Y; Aki, T; Matsumura, Y; Tajima, T; Kato, J; Nakashimada, Y: Evaluation of marine sediments as microbial sources for methane production from brown algae under high salinity, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 169, 362-366 (2014).
189) Aoki, T; Ichikawa, T; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y: Thermodynamics on Ammonia Absorption of Metal Halides and Borohydrides, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 118, 18412-18416 (2014).
188) Chen, R; Nishida, K: Spray evaporation of ethanol-gasoline-like blend and combustion of ethanol-gasoline blend injected by hole-type nozzle for direct-injection spark ignition engines, FUEL, 134, 263-273 (2014).
187) Watanabe, Y; Sato, S; Sera, S; Sato, C; Yoshinaga, K; Nagai, T; Sato, R; Iwasaka, H; Aki, T: Enzymatic Analysis of Positional Distribution of Fatty Acids in Solid Fat by 1,3-Selective Transesterification with Candida antarctica Lipase B, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS SOCIETY, 91, 1323-1330 (2014).
186) Ozaki, T; Sunahara, A; Shiraga, H; Arikawa, Y; Fujioka, S; Sakagami, H; Zhang, Z; Nagatomo, H; Johzaki, T; Namimoto, T; Taga, M; Kojima, S; Abe, Y; Ishihara, K; Nagai, T; Sakata, S; Hattori, S; Sakawa, Y; Nishimura, H; Azechi, H: Hot electron spectra in hole-cone shell targets and a new proposal of the target for fast ignition in laser fusion, PHYSICA SCRIPTA, T161, , 14025 (2014).
185) Tanaka, K; Endo, S; Yonai, S; Baba, M; Hoshi, M: A TPD and AR based comparison of accelerator neutron irradiation fields between Li-7 and W targets for BNCT, APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 88, 229-232 (2014).
184) Tanaka, K; Sakurai, Y; Endo, S; Takada, J: Study on detecting spatial distribution of neutrons and gamma rays using a multi-imaging plate system, APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 88, 143-146 (2014).
183) Kataoka, N; Vangnai, AS; Ueda, H; Tajima, T; Nakashimada, Y; Kato, J: Enhancement of (R)-1,3-butanediol production by engineered Escherichia coli using a bioreactor system with strict regulation of overall oxygen transfer coefficient and pH, BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 78, 695-700 (2014).
182) Shimokuri, D; Shiraga, Y; Ishii, K; Toh, H; Ishizuka, S: An experimental study on the high frequency oscillatory combustion in tubular flame burners, COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 161, 2025-2037 (2014).
181) Yamane, A; Shimojo, F; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Cation/anion dependence of metal ammine borohydrides/chlorides studied by ab initio calculations, COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, 1039, 71-74 (2014).
180) Nishi, K; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: Simulation of catalyst behavior during chemical vapor deposition processing of carbon nanotubes, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 604, 1-4 (2014).
178) Moury, R; Demirci, UB; Ban, V; Filinchuk, Y; Ichikawa, T; Zeng, L; Goshome, K; Miele, P: Lithium Hydrazinidoborane: A Polymorphic Material with Potential for Chemical Hydrogen Storage, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 26, 3249-3255 (2014).
177) Endo, S; Tanaka, K; Kajimoto, T; Thanh, NT; Otaki, JM; Imanaka, T: Estimation of beta-ray dose in air and soil from Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant accident, JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH, 55, 476-483 (2014).
176) Nitisakulkan, T; Oku, S; Kudo, D; Nakashimada, Y; Tajima, T; Vangnai, AS; Kato, J: Degradation of chloroanilines by toluene dioxygenase from Pseudomonas putida T57, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 117, 292-297 (2014).
175) Kaminaka, K; Matsumura, Y; Noaman Omar, W; Uemura, Y: Process Evaluation for Torrefaction of Empty Fruit Bunch in Malaysia, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 57, 88-93 (2014).
174) Abouelenien, F; Namba, Y; Kosseva, MR; Nishio, N; Nakashimada, Y: Enhancement of methane production from co-digestion of chicken manure with agricultural wastes, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 159, 80-87 (2014).
173) Shi, BL; Shimokuri, D; Ishizuka, S: Reexamination on methane/oxygen combustion in a rapidly mixed type tubular flame burner, COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 161, 1310-1325 (2014).
172) Murakami, M; Nagatomo, H; Johzaki, T; Sakaiya, T; Velikovich, A; Karasik, M; Gus’kov, S; Zmitrenko, N: Impact ignition as a track to laser fusion, NUCLEAR FUSION, 54, , 54007 (2014).
171) Kemp, AJ; Fiuza, F; Debayle, A; Johzaki, T; Mori, WB; Patel, PK; Sentoku, Y; Silva, LO: Laser-plasma interactions for fast ignition, NUCLEAR FUSION, 54, , 54002 (2014).
170) Chen, R; Nishida, K; Kataoka, H: Characterization of the ignition and combustion processes of spray injected by a hole-type nozzle for a direct-injection spark ignition engine, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, 228, 617-630 (2014).
169) Yong, TLK; Matsumura, Y: Kinetics analysis of phenol and benzene decomposition in supercritical water, JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, 87, 73-82 (2014).
168) Seres, J; Seres, E; Landgraf, B; Ecker, B; Aurand, B; Hoffmann, A; Winkler, G; Namba, S; Kuehl, T; Spielmann, C: Parametric amplification of attosecond pulse trains at 11 nm, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 4, , 4254 (2014).
167) Tsukahara, K; Kita, A; Nakashimada, Y; Hoshino, T; Murakami, K: Genome-guided analysis of transformation efficiency and carbon dioxide assimilation by Moorella thermoacetica Y72, GENE, 535, 150-155 (2014).
166) Aki, T; Yamamoto, M; Takahashi, T; Tomita, K; Toyoura, R; Iwashita, K; Kawamoto, S; Hosokawa, M; Miyashita, K; Ono, K: Regulation of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Biosynthesis by Seaweed Fucoxanthin and Its Metabolite in Cultured Hepatocytes, LIPIDS, 49, 133-141 (2014).
165) Tanaka, K; Endo, S; Tateoka, K; Asanuma, O; Kamo, K; Sato, K; Takeda, H; Takagi, M; Hareyama, M; Takada, J: Measurement of the strength of iodine-125 seed moving at unknown speed during implantation in brachytherapy, JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH, 55, 162-167 (2014).
164) Kerr, GD; Egbert, SD; Al-Nabulsi, I; Beck, HL; Cullings, HM; Endo, S; Hoshi, M; Imanaka, T; Kaul, DC; Maruyama, S; Reeves, GI; Ruehm, W; Sakaguchi, A; Simon, SL; Spriggs, GD; Stram, DO; Tonda, T; Weiss, JF; Weitz, RL; Young, RW: WORKSHOP REPORT ON ATOMIC BOMB DOSIMETRY-RESIDUAL RADIATION EXPOSURE: RECENT RESEARCH AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE STUDIES, HEALTH PHYSICS, 105, 140-149 (2013).
163) Kimura, T; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Catalytic Effect of Niobium Oxide on Hydrogen Absorption and Desorption Process for Magnesium, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS, 77, 636-640 (2013).
162) Nakagawa, T; Ichikawa, T; Miyaoka, H; Tsubota, M; Kojima, Y: Synthesis of Calcium Borohydride by Milling Hydrogenation of Hydride and Boride, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS, 77, 609-614 (2013).
161) Goshome, K; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Ammonia Synthesis via Non-Equilibrium Reaction of Lithium Nitride in Hydrogen Flow Condition, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS, 77, 580-584 (2013).
160) Isobe, S; Dohkoshi, M; Wang, YM; Hashimoto, N; Ohnuki, S; Hino, S; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Investigation of Reaction Mechanism in Li2NH Hydrogen Storage System by TEM, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS, 77, 571-574 (2013).
159) Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Chemical Hydrogen Storage of Carbon Material, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS, 77, 552-558 (2013).
158) Nakamura, N; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Hydrogen production via thermochemical water-splitting by lithium redox reaction, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 580, S410-S413 (2013).
157) Zeng, L; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Improved hydrogen desorption from lithium hydrazide by alkali metal hydride, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 580, S320-S323 (2013).
156) Jain, A; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Correlation between electrochemical behavior and hydrogen storage properties of Li-Sn system, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 580, S211-S215 (2013).
155) Nakagawa, Y; Isobe, S; Wang, YM; Hashimoto, N; Ohnuki, S; Zeng, L; Liu, SS; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Dehydrogenation process of AlH3 observed by TEM, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 580, S163-S166 (2013).
154) Zhu, JY; Kuti, OA; Nishida, K: An investigation of the effects of fuel injection pressure, ambient gas density and nozzle hole diameter on surrounding gas flow of a single diesel spray by the laser-induced fluorescence-particle image velocimetry technique, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH, 14, 630-645 (2013).
153) Vangnai, AS; Takeuchi, K; Oku, S; Kataoka, N; Nitisakulkan, T; Tajima, T; Kato, J: Identification of CtpL as a Chromosomally Encoded Chemoreceptor for 4-Chloroaniline and Catechol in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 79, 7241-7248 (2013).
152) Kimura, T; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Hydrogen absorption of catalyzed magnesium below room temperature, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 38, 13728-13733 (2013).
151) Inokawa, H; Maeda, M; Nishimoto, S; Kameshima, Y; Miyake, M; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y; Miyaoka, H: Synthesis of nickel nanoparticles with excellent thermal stability in micropores of zeolite, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 38, 13579-13586 (2013).
150) Yong, TLK; Matsumura, Y: Reaction Pathways of Phenol and Benzene Decomposition in Supercritical Water Gasification, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 56, 331-343 (2013).
149) Kanna, M; Kimura, N; Yamashita, K; Yanagida, T; Matsumura, Y: Effect of Inhibition Substances on Monod Equation of Yeast Growth, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 56, 326-330 (2013).
148) Yu, BY; Zhang, JY; Fujiwara, A: Rebound effects caused by the improvement of vehicle energy efficiency: An analysis based on a SP-off-RP survey, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT, 24, 62-68 (2013).
147) Azechi, H; Mima, K; Shiraga, S; Fujioka, S; Nagatomo, H; Johzaki, T; Jitsuno, T; Key, M; Kodama, R; Koga, M; Kondo, K; Kawanaka, J; Miyanaga, N; Murakami, M; Nagai, K; Nakai, M; Nakamura, H; Nakamura, T; Nakazato, T; Nakao, Y; Nishihara, K; Nishimura, H; Norimatsu, T; Norreys, P; Ozaki, T; Pasley, J; Sakagami, H; Sakawa, Y; Sarukura, N; Shigemori, K; Shimizu, T; Sunahara, A; Taguchi, T; Tanaka, K; Tsubakimoto, K; Fujimoto, Y; Homma, H; Iwamoto, A: Present status of fast ignition realization experiment and inertial fusion energy development, NUCLEAR FUSION, 53, , 104021 (2013).
146) Hata, M; Sakagami, H; Johzaki, T; Nagatomo, H: Effects of laser profiles on fast electron generation under the same laser energy, LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, 31, 371-377 (2013).
145) Isobe, S; Yamada, S; Wang, YM; Hashimoto, N; Ohnuki, S; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Microscopic characterization of metal-carbon-hydrogen composites (metal = Li, Mg), JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 114, , 93509 (2013).
144) Zhang, Z; Nishimura, H; Namimoto, T; Fujioka, S; Arikawa, Y; Nagatomo, H; Nakai, M; Ozaki, T; Koga, M; Johzaki, T; Sunahara, A; Chen, H; Park, J; Williams, GJ; Shiraga, H; Kojima, S; Nishikino, M; Kawachi, T; Hosoda, H; Okano, Y; Miyanaga, N; Kawanaka, J; Nakata, Y; Jitsuno, T; Azechi, H: Quantitative measurement of hard X-ray spectra from laser-driven fast ignition plasma, HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, 9, 435-438 (2013).
143) Iwasaka, H; Aki, T; Adachi, H; Watanabe, K; Kawamoto, S; Ono, K: Utilization of Waste Syrup for Production of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Xanthophylls by Aurantiochytrium, JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE, 62, 729-736 (2013).
142) Matsumura, Y; Hara, S; Kaminaka, K; Yamashita, Y; Yoshida, T; Inoue, S; Kawai, Y; Minowa, T; Noguchi, T; Shimizu, Y: Gasification Rate of Various Biomass Feedstocks in Supercritical Water, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 56, 1-10 (2013).
141) Kuti, OA; Nishida, K; Zhu, JY: Experimental studies on spray and gas entrainment characteristics of biodiesel fuel: Implications of gas entrained and fuel oxygen content on soot formation, ENERGY, 57, 434-442 (2013).
140) Ikeda, S; Ichikawa, T; Kawahito, K; Hirabayashi, K; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y: Anode properties of magnesium hydride catalyzed with niobium oxide for an all solid-state lithium-ion battery, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 49, 7174-7176 (2013).
139) Ikeda, S; Ichikawa, T; Kawahito, K; Hirabayashi, K; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y: Anode properties of magnesium hydride catalyzed with niobium oxide for an all solid-state lithium-ion battery, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 49, 7174-7176 (2013).
138) Yong, TLK; Matsumura, Y: Kinetic Analysis of Guaiacol Conversion in Sub- and Supercritical Water, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 52, 9048-9059 (2013).
137) Shao, HY; Matsuda, J; Li, HW; Akiba, E; Jain, A; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Phase and morphology evolution study of ball milled Mg-Co hydrogen storage alloys, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 38, 7070-7076 (2013).
136) Kataoka, N; Vangnai, AS; Tajima, T; Nakashimada, Y; Kato, J: Improvement of (R)-1,3-butanediol production by engineered Escherichia coli, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 115, 475-480 (2013).
135) Nakagawa, T; Ichikawa, T; Shimoda, K; Tsubota, M; Miyaoka, H; Isobe, S; Honma, T; Michimura, S; Iga, F; Ohnuki, S; Kojima, Y: Microstructure and hydrogen desorption characteristics of hydrogenated ScH2-MBn (M = Mg and Ca) systems synthesized by mechanical milling, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 38, 6744-6749 (2013).
134) Shizuma, K; Endo, S; Shinozaki, K; Fukushima, H: Neutron-induced Ni-63 activity and microscopic observation of copper samples exposed to the Hiroshima atomic bomb, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 302, 1-8 (2013).
133) Nagatomo, H; Johzaki, T; Sunahara, A; Sakagami, H; Mima, K; Shiraga, H; Azechi, H: Computational study of strong magnetic field generation in a nonspherical, cone-guided implosion, NUCLEAR FUSION, 53, , 63018 (2013).
132) Maeno, A; Yamamoto, N; Fujioka, S; Mori, Y; Sunahara, A; Johzaki, T; Nakashima, H: Analysis of Laser Wavelength and Energy Dependences of the Impulse in a Magnetic Thrust Chamber System for a Laser Fusion Rocket, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES, 56, 170-172 (2013).
131) Iwasaki, Y; Kita, A; Sakai, S; Takaoka, K; Yano, S; Tajima, T; Kato, J; Nishio, N; Murakami, K; Nakashimada, Y: Engineering of a functional thermostable kanamycin resistance marker for use in Moorella thermoacetica ATCC39073, FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS, 343, 8-12 (2013).
130) Yu, BY; Zhang, JY; Fujiwara, A: Evaluating the direct and indirect rebound effects in household energy consumption behavior: A case study of Beijing, ENERGY POLICY, 57, 441-453 (2013).
129) Kita, A; Iwasaki, Y; Sakai, S; Okuto, S; Takaoka, K; Suzuki, T; Yano, S; Sawayama, S; Tajima, T; Kato, J; Nishio, N; Murakami, K; Nakashimada, Y: Development of genetic transformation and heterologous expression system in carboxydotrophic thermophilic acetogen Moorella thermoacetica, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 115, 347-352 (2013).
128) Yong, TLK; Matsumura, Y: Kinetic Analysis of Lignin Hydrothermal Conversion in Sub- and Supercritical Water, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 52, 5626-5639 (2013).
127) Kubota, A; Miyaoka, H; Tsubota, M; Shimoda, K; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Synthesis and characterization of magnesium-carbon compounds for hydrogen storage, CARBON, 56, 50-55 (2013).
126) Phothisantikul, PP; Tuanpusa, R; Nakashima, M; Charinpanitkul, T; Matsumura, Y: Effect of CH3COOH and K2CO3 on Hydrothermal Pretreatment of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 52, 5009-5015 (2013).
125) Moury, R; Demirci, UB; Ichikawa, T; Filinchuk, Y; Chiriac, R; van der Lee, A; Miele, P: Sodium Hydrazinidoborane: A Chemical Hydrogen-Storage Material, CHEMSUSCHEM, 6, 667-673 (2013).
124) Jain, A; Kawasako, E; Miyaoka, H; Ma, T; Isobe, S; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Destabilization of LiH by Li Insertion into Ge, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 117, 5650-5657 (2013).
123) Yu, BY; Zhang, JY; Fujiwara, A: A household time-use and energy-consumption model with multiple behavioral interactions and zero consumption, ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-PLANNING & DESIGN, 40, 330-349 (2013).
122) Kita, A; Iwasaki, Y; Yano, S; Nakashimada, Y; Hoshino, T; Murakami, K: Isolation of Thermophilic Acetogens and Transformation of Them with the pyrF and kan(r) Genes, BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 77, 301-306 (2013).
121) Cola, BA; Daiguji, H; Dames, C; Fang, N; Fushinobu, K; Inoue, S; Kikugawa, G; Kohno, M; Kumar, S; Li, DY; Lukes, JR; Malen, JA; McGaughey, AJH; Nakabeppu, O; Pipe, K; Reddy, P; Shen, S; Shi, L; Shibahara, M; Taguchi, Y; Takahashi, K; Yamamoto, T; Zolotoukhina, T: Report on the Seventh U.S.-Japan Joint Seminar on Nanoscale Transport Phenomena-Science and Engineering, NANOSCALE AND MICROSCALE THERMOPHYSICAL ENGINEERING, 17, 25-49 (2013).
120) Takaoka, Y; Kawamoto, S; Katayama, A; Nakano, T; Yamanaka, Y; Takahashi, M; Shimada, Y; Chiang, KC; Ohmori, N; Aki, T; Goto, T; Sato, S; Goto, S; Chen, CL; Ono, K: Unexpected T cell regulatory activity of anti-histone H1 autoantibody: Its mode of action in regulatory T cell-dependent and -independent manners, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 431, 246-252 (2013).
119) Fukuhara, D; Namba, S; Kozue, K; Yamasaki, T; Takiyama, K: Characterization of a Microhollow Cathode Discharge Plasma in Helium or Air with Water Vapor, PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 15, 129-132 (2013).
118) Kozue, K; Kumakawa, G; Namba, S; Endo, T; Takiyama, K; Sato, K; Tamura, N: Spectroscopic Measurement of Shock Waves in an Arcjet Plasma Expanding Through a Conical Nozzle, PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 15, 89-92 (2013).
117) Endo, S; Kajimoto, T; Shizuma, K: Paddy-field contamination with Cs-134 and Cs-137 due to Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident and soil-to-rice transfer coefficients, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY, 116, 59-64 (2013).
115) Fujioka, S; Zhang, Z; Ishihara, K; Shigemori, K; Hironaka, Y; Johzaki, T; Sunahara, A; Yamamoto, N; Nakashima, H; Watanabe, T; Shiraga, H; Nishimura, H; Azechi, H: Kilotesla Magnetic Field due to a Capacitor-Coil Target Driven by High Power Laser, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 3, , 1170 (2013).
114) Kuti, OA; Zhu, JY; Nishida, K; Wang, XG; Huang, ZH: Characterization of spray and combustion processes of biodiesel fuel injected by diesel engine common rail system, FUEL, 104, 838-846 (2013).
113) Shimokuri, D; Karatsu, Y; Ishizuka, S: Effects of inert gases on the vortex bursting in small diameter tubes, PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE, 34, 3403-3410 (2013).
112) Shi, BL; Shimokuri, D; Ishizuka, S: Methane/oxygen combustion in a rapidly mixed type tubular flame burner, PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE, 34, 3369-3377 (2013).
111) Ishizuka, S; Yamashita, T; Shimokuri, D: Further investigation on the enhancement of flame speed in vortex ring combustion, PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE, 34, 745-753 (2013).
110) Hayashi, K; Park, I; Dotsu, K; Ueno, I; Nishino, S; Matsuoka, M; Yasuda, H; Fukazawa, Y; Ohsugi, T; Mizuno, T; Takahashi, H; Ohno, M; Endo, S; Tanaka, T; Tajima, H; Kokubun, M; Watanabe, S; Takahashi, T; Nakazawa, K; Uchihori, Y; Kitamura, H: Radiation effects on the silicon semiconductor detectors for the ASTRO-H mission, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 699, 225-229 (2013).
109) Tajima, T; Fuki, K; Kataoka, N; Kudou, D; Nakashimada, Y; Kato, J: Construction of a simple biocatalyst using psychrophilic bacterial cells and its application for efficient 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde production from glycerol, AMB EXPRESS, 3, , 69 (2013).
108) Wu, LL; Zhang, JY; Fujiwara, A: Dynamic Analysis of Japanese Tourists’ Three Stage Choices Tourism Participation, Destination Choice, and Travel Mode Choice, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 91-101 (2012).
107) Tajima, T; Hayashida, N; Matsumura, R; Omura, A; Nakashimada, Y; Kato, J: Isolation and characterization of tetrahydrofuran-degrading Rhodococcus aetherivorans strain M8, PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY, 47, 1665-1669 (2012).
106) Takahashi, T; Mitsunobu, A; Ogawa, Y; Kato, S; Yokoyama, H; Susa, A; Endo, T: Experiments on energy balance and thermal efficiency of pulse detonation turbine engine, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS, 73, 181-187 (2012).
105) Yanagida, T; Akune, R; Munetsuna, H; Minowa, T; Matsumura, Y: Dehydration of Biodiesel Fuel Using Desiccant, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 55, 358-362 (2012).
104) Fujioka, S; Zhang, Z; Yamamoto, N; Ohira, S; Fujii, Y; Ishihara, K; Johzaki, T; Sunahara, A; Arikawa, Y; Shigemori, K; Hironaka, Y; Sakawa, Y; Nakata, Y; Kawanaka, J; Nagatomo, H; Shiraga, H; Miyanaga, N; Norimatsu, T; Nishimura, H; Azechi, H: High-energy-density plasmas generation on GEKKO-LFEX laser facility for fast-ignition laser fusion studies and laboratory astrophysics, PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, 54, , 124042 (2012).
103) Oku, S; Komatsu, A; Tajima, T; Nakashimada, Y; Kato, J: Identification of Chemotaxis Sensory Proteins for Amino Acids in Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1 and Their Involvement in Chemotaxis to Tomato Root Exudate and Root Colonization, MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 27, 462-469 (2012).
102) Yamasaki, T; Namba, S; Takiyama, K; Nojima, H: Pressure Dependences of Gas Temperature and Electron Density in Microhollow Cathode Discharges in He and He+H2O Gases, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 51, , 126101 (2012).
101) Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Nakamura, N; Kojima, Y: Low-temperature water-splitting by sodium redox reaction, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 37, 17709-17714 (2012).
100) Vangnai, AS; Kataoka, N; Soonglerdsongpha, S; Kalambaheti, C; Tajima, T; Kato, J: Construction and application of an Escherichia coli bioreporter for aniline and chloroaniline detection, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY, 39, 1801-1810 (2012).
99) Miyaoka, H; Fujii, H; Yamamoto, H; Hino, S; Nakanishi, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Improvement of reaction kinetics by metal chloride on ammonia and lithium hydride system, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 37, 16025-16030 (2012).
98) Ohira, S; Fujioka, S; Sunahara, A; Johzaki, T; Nagatomo, H; Matsuo, S; Morio, N; Kawanaka, J; Nakata, Y; Miyanaga, N; Shiraga, H; Nishimura, H; Azechi, H: X-ray backlight measurement of preformed plasma by kJ-class petawatt LFEX laser, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 112, , 63301 (2012).
97) Honda, K; Imura, M; Okano, K; Omasa, T; Kato, J; Ohtake, H: Identification of the Replication Region of a 111-kb Circular Plasmid from Rhodococcus opacus B-4 by lambda Red Recombination-Based Deletion Analysis, BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 76, 1758-1764 (2012).
96) Shimoda, K; Yamane, A; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: First-Principles Calculations of Potassium Amidoborane KNH2BH3: Structure and K-39 NMR Spectroscopy, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 116, 20666-20672 (2012).
95) Yamamoto, M; Takada, T; Nagao, S; Koike, T; Shimada, K; Hoshi, M; Zhumadilov, K; Shima, T; Fukuoka, M; Imanaka, T; Endo, S; Sakaguchi, A; Kimura, S: An early survey of the radioactive contamination of soil due to the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, with emphasis on plutonium analysis, GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 46, 341-353 (2012).
94) Yong, TLK; Matsumura, Y: Reaction Kinetics of the Lignin Conversion in Supercritical Water, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 51, 11975-11988 (2012).
93) Kanna, M; Matsumura, Y: Applicability of Monod Equation to Growth Curves of Various Microorganisms, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 55, 236-240 (2012).
92) Michigoe, A; Hasegawa, T; Ogita, N; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y; Isobe, S; Udagawa, M: Raman Scattering Study of Hydrogen Storage Material LiNH2, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 81, , 94603 (2012).
91) Takada, M; Kamada, S; Suda, M; Fujii, R; Nakamura, M; Hoshi, M; Sato, H; Endo, S; Hamano, T; Arai, S; Higashimata, A: Innovative real-time and non-destructive method of beam profile measurement under large beam current irradiation for BNCT, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 689, 22-28 (2012).
90) Hult, M; Marissens, G; Sahin, N; Hoshi, M; Hasai, H; Shizuma, K; Tanaka, K; Endo, S: Distribution of Co-60 in steel samples from Hiroshima, APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 70, 1974-1976 (2012).
89) Endo, S; Kimura, S; Takatsuji, T; Nanasawa, K; Imanaka, T; Shizuma, K: Measurement of soil contamination by radionuclides due to the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident and associated estimated cumulative external dose estimation, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY, 111, 18-27 (2012).
88) Yu, BY; Zhang, JY; Fujiwara, A: Analysis of the residential location choice and household energy consumption behavior by incorporating multiple self-selection effects, ENERGY POLICY, 46, 319-334 (2012).
87) Zhou, S; Iino, H; Nakashimada, Y; Hosomi, M: Evaluation of anaerobic biodegradability of forage rice straw fertilized with livestock waste, WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 66, 438-444 (2012).
86) Siriphongphaew, A; Pisnupong, P; Wongkongkatep, J; Inprakhon, P; Vangnai, AS; Honda, K; Ohtake, H; Kato, J; Ogawa, J; Shimizu, S; Urlacher, VB; Schmid, RD; Pongtharangkul, T: Development of a whole-cell biocatalyst co-expressing P450 monooxygenase and glucose dehydrogenase for synthesis of epoxyhexane, APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 95, 357-367 (2012).
85) Yamasaki, T; Namba, S; Takiyama, K; Nojima, H: Effect of Cathode Length on Electrical Characteristics of a Microhollow Cathode Discharge in Helium, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 51, , 66001 (2012).
84) Kamada, N; Saito, O; Endo, S; Kimura, A; Shizuma, K: Radiation doses among residents living 37 km northwest of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY, 110, 84-89 (2012).
83) Chikaraishi, M; Zhang, JY; Fujiwara, A: Effects of nursing care on time use behaviour: a comparative analysis in Japan, TRANSPORTMETRICA, 8, 181-208 (2012).
82) Machida, A; Honda, M; Hattori, T; Sano-Furukawa, A; Watanuki, T; Katayama, Y; Aoki, K; Komatsu, K; Arima, H; Ohshita, H; Ikeda, K; Suzuya, K; Otomo, T; Tsubota, M; Doi, K; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y; Kim, DY: Formation of NaCl-Type Monodeuteride LaD by the Disproportionation Reaction of LaD2, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 108, , 205501 (2012).
81) Shimogori, M; Mine, T; Ohyatsu, N; Takarayama, N; Matsumura, Y: Effects of fine ash particles and alkali metals on ash deposition characteristics at the initial stage of ash deposition determined in 1.5 MWth pilot plant tests, FUEL, 97, 233-240 (2012).
80) Ohkouchi, K; Kawamoto, S; Tatsugawa, K; Yoshikawa, N; Takaoka, Y; Miyauchi, S; Aki, T; Yamashita, M; Murooka, Y; Ono, K: Prophylactic effect of Lactobacillus oral vaccine expressing a Japanese cedar pollen allergen, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 113, 536-541 (2012).
78) Tomie, T; Inoue, S; Iba, Y; Matsumura, Y: In situ mass spectroscopic analysis of alcohol catalytic chemical vapor deposition process for single-walled carbon nanotube, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 536, 104-108 (2012).
77) Wu, LL; Zhang, JY; Fujiwara, A: A Tourist’s Multi-Destination Choice Model with Future Dependency, ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH, 17, 121-132 (2012).
76) Zeng, L; Shimoda, K; Zhang, Y; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Lithium hydrazide as a potential compound for hydrogen storage, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 37, 5750-5753 (2012).
75) Yong, TLK; Matsumura, Y: Catalytic Gasification of Poultry Manure and Eucalyptus Wood Mixture in Supercritical Water, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 51, 5685-5690 (2012).
74) Paik, B; Hasegawa, T; Ishii, I; Michigoe, A; Suzuki, T; Udagawa, M; Ogita, N; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: The anharmonic vibration of Li in lithium amide, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, , 151911 (2012).
73) Tomie, T; Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: In situ mass spectroscopic analysis for chemical vapor deposition synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 533, 56-59 (2012).
72) Rejitha, KS; Ichikawa, T; Mathew, S: Investigations on the thermal behaviour of [Ni(NH3)(6)](NO3)(2) and [Ni(en)(3)](NO3)(2) using TG-MS and TR-XRD under inert condition, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, 107, 887-892 (2012).
71) Suankaew, N; Matsumura, Y; Saramala, I; Ruktanonchai, UR; Soottitantawat, A; Charinpanitkul, T: L-Menthol crystal micronized by rapid expansion of supercritical carbon dioxide, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 18, 904-908 (2012).
70) Kongpol, A; Kato, J; Tajima, T; Vangnai, AS: Characterization of Acetonitrile-Tolerant Marine Bacterium Exiguobacterium sp SBH81 and Its Tolerance Mechanism, MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 27, 30-35 (2012).
69) Imanaka, T; Endo, S; Kawano, N; Tanaka, K: Radiation exposure and disease questionnaires of early entrants after the Hiroshima bombing, RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY, 149, 91-96 (2012).
68) Endo, S; Tanaka, K; Shizuma, K; Hoshi, M; Imanaka, T: Estimation of beta-ray skin dose from exposure to fission fallout from the Hiroshima atomic bomb, RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY, 149, 84-90 (2012).
67) Gasparro, J; Hult, M; Marissens, G; Hoshi, M; Tanaka, K; Endo, S; Laubenstein, M; Dombrowski, H; Arnold, D: MEASUREMENTS OF Co-60 IN MASSIVE STEEL SAMPLES EXPOSED TO THE HIROSHIMA ATOMIC BOMB EXPLOSION, HEALTH PHYSICS, 102, 400-409 (2012).
66) Shimoda, K; Doi, K; Nakagawa, T; Zhan, Y; Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Tansho, M; Shimizu, T; Burrell, AK; Kojima, Y: Comparative Study of Structural Changes in NH3BH3, LiNH2BH3, and KNH2BH3 During Dehydrogenation Process, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 116, 5957-5964 (2012).
65) Shimogori, M; Yoshizako, H; Matsumura, Y: Determination of coal ash emissivity using simplified equation for thermal design of coal-fired boilers, FUEL, 95, 241-246 (2012).
64) Inoue, S; Iba, Y; Matsumura, Y: Drastic enhancement of effective thermal conductivity of a metal hydride packed bed by direct synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 37, 1836-1841 (2012).
63) Wangrangsimagul, N; Klinsakul, K; Vangnai, AS; Wongkongkatep, J; Inprakhon, P; Honda, K; Ohtake, H; Kato, J; Pongtharangkul, T: Bioproduction of vanillin using an organic solvent-tolerant Brevibacillus agri 13, APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 93, 555-563 (2012).
61) Zhang, JY; Xu, LL; Fujiwara, A: Developing an integrated scobit-based activity participation and time allocation model to explore influence of childcare on women’s time use behaviour, TRANSPORTATION, 39, 125-149 (2012).
59) Chikaraishi, M; Fujiwara, A; Zhang, JY; Axhausen, KW; Zumkeller, D: Changes in Variations of Travel Time Expenditure Some Methodological Considerations and Empirical Results from German Mobility Panel, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 121-131 (2011).
58) Kuwano, M; Zhang, JY; Fujiwara, A: Dynamic Discrete Choice Model for Multiple Social Interactions, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 68-75 (2011).
57) Kojima, Y; Hayashi, H; Shibata, M; Endo, S; Shizuma, K; Taniguchi, A: A spectrometer for lifetime determination by beta-gamma-gamma delayed coincidence technique at KUR-ISOL, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 659, 193-197 (2011).
56) Chen, WT; Yamada, Y; Liu, GN; Kubota, A; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y; Guo, GC; Fukuzumi, S: X-Ray crystal structure of [HSm{(VO)-O-IV(TPPS)}](n) and encapsulation of nitrogen molecules in 1-D channels, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 40, 12826-12831 (2011).
55) Chikaraishi, M; Fujiwara, A; Zhang, JY; Axhausen, KW: Identifying variations and co-variations in discrete choice models, TRANSPORTATION, 38, 993-1016 (2011).
54) Kang, B; Honda, K; Okano, K; Aki, T; Omasa, T; Ohtake, H: Thermal analysis for differentiating between oleaginous and non-oleaginous microorganisms, BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 57, 23-29 (2011).
53) Tanda, T; Shirai, K; Matsumura, Y; Kitahara, H: New Correlation for Mass Transfer Characteristics of Spray Column, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 50, 13554-13560 (2011).
52) Tanaka, K; Endo, S; Hoshi, M; Takada, J: Development of monitoring method of spatial neutron distribution in neutrons-gamma rays mixed field using imaging plate for NCT-Depression of the field, APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 69, 1885-1887 (2011).
51) Namba, S; Hasegawa, N; Kishimoto, M; Nishikino, M; Takiyama, K; Kawachi, T: Electron spectra of xenon clusters irradiated with a laser-driven plasma soft-x-ray laser pulse, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 84, , 53202 (2011).
50) Teng, YL; Ichikawa, T; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y: Improvement of hydrogen desorption kinetics in the LiH-NH3 system by addition of KH, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 47, 12227-12229 (2011).
49) Zhumadilov, K; Ivannikov, A; Zharlyganova, D; Zhumadilov, Z; Stepanenko, V; Abralina, S; Sadvokasova, L; Zhumadilova, A; Toyoda, S; Endo, S; Okamoto, T; Hoshi, M: ESR dosimetry study for the residents of Kazakhstan exposed to radioactive fallout on 24, August 1956, RADIATION MEASUREMENTS, 46, 793-796 (2011).
48) Namba, S; Yamasaki, T; Hane, Y; Fukuhara, D; Kozue, K; Takiyama, K: Emission spectroscopy of a microhollow cathode discharge plasma in helium-water gas mixtures, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 110, , 73307 (2011).
47) Dong, BX; Ichikawa, T; Hanada, N; Hino, S; Kojima, Y: Liquid ammonia electrolysis by platinum electrodes, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 509, S891-S894 (2011).
46) Yamane, A; Shimojo, F; Hoshino, K; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Cluster size effect on hydrogen desorption process from LinHn-NH3 hydrogen storage system, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 509, S728-S731 (2011).
45) Hanada, N; Kamura, A; Suzuki, H; Takai, K; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Electrochemical charge and discharge properties for the formation of magnesium and aluminum hydrides, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 509, S584-S587 (2011).
44) Ma, T; Isobe, S; Morita, E; Wang, YM; Hashimoto, N; Ohnuki, S; Kimura, T; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Correlation between kinetics and chemical bonding state of catalyst surface in catalyzed magnesium hydride, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 36, 12319-12323 (2011).
43) Inoue, S; Matsumura, Y: MD Study of Functionalized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube, JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 6, 256-267 (2011).
42) Kazembe-Phiri, HW; Matsumura, Y; Minowa, T: Reaction Characteristics of Glycerol Pretreatment of Bio-oil with Calcium Hydroxide for Biodiesel Production, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 54, 266-271 (2011).
41) Wu, LL; Zhang, JY; Fujiwara, A: Representing tourists’ heterogeneous choices of destination and travel party with an integrated latent class and nested logit model, TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 32, 1407-1413 (2011).
40) Promdej, C; Matsumura, Y: Temperature Effect on Hydrothermal Decomposition of Glucose in Sub- And Supercritical Water, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 50, 8492-8497 (2011).
39) Isobe, S; Hino, S; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Identifying catalyst in Li-N-H system by x-ray absorption spectroscopy, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 99, , 13101 (2011).
38) Yu, BY; Zhang, JY; Fujiwara, A: Representing in-home and out-of-home energy consumption behavior in Beijing, ENERGY POLICY, 39, 4168-4177 (2011).
37) Yang, YJ; Kurokawa, T; Takahama, Y; Nindita, Y; Mochizuki, S; Arakawa, K; Endo, S; Kinashi, H: pSLA2-M of Streptomyces rochei Is a Composite Linear Plasmid Characterized by Self-Defense Genes and Homology with pSLA2-L, BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 75, 1147-1153 (2011).
36) Miyaoka, H; Ichikawa, T; Hino, S; Kojima, Y: Compressed hydrogen production via reaction between liquid ammonia and alkali metal hydride, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 36, 8217-8220 (2011).
35) Isobe, S; Ohnuki, S; David, WIF; Gutmann, M; Jones, MO; Edwards, PP; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Variable temperature neutron diffraction studies of single crystals of LiND2, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 36, 7909-7913 (2011).
34) Chuntanapum, A; Shii, T; Matsumura, Y: Acid-Catalyzed Char Formation from 5-HMF in Subcritical Water, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN, 44, 431-436 (2011).
33) Nugroho, SB; Fujiwara, A; Zhang, JY: An empirical analysis of the impact of a bus rapid transit system on the concentration of secondary pollutants in the roadside areas of the TransJakarta corridors – A structural equation model and artificial neural network approach, STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT, 25, 655-669 (2011).
32) Nakatsu, Y; Sakoda, H; Kushiyama, A; Zhang, J; Ono, H; Fujishiro, M; Kikuchi, T; Fukushima, T; Yoneda, M; Ohno, H; Horike, N; Kanna, M; Tsuchiya, Y; Kamata, H; Nishimura, F; Isobe, T; Ogihara, T; Katagiri, H; Oka, Y; Takahashi, S; Kurihara, H; Uchida, T; Asano, T: Peptidyl-prolyl Cis/Trans Isomerase NIMA-interacting 1 Associates with Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 and Enhances Insulin Actions and Adipogenesis, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 286, 20812-20822 (2011).
31) Ono, T; Shimoda, K; Tsubota, M; Kohara, S; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, K; Tansho, M; Shimizu, T; Kojima, Y: Ammonia Desorption Property and Structural Changes of LiAl(NH2)(4) on Thermal Decomposition, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 115, 10284-10291 (2011).
30) Zhumadilov, K; Ivannikov, A; Zharlyganova, D; Stepanenko, V; Zhumadilov, Z; Apsalikov, K; Toyoda, S; Endo, S; Tanaka, K; Miyazawa, C; Okamoto, T; Hoshi, M: The influence of the Lop Nor Nuclear Weapons Test Base to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, RADIATION MEASUREMENTS, 46, 425-429 (2011).
29) Hasegawa, S; Shimizu, M; Susa, A; Endo, T: Experiments on detonation initiation and propagation in extremely thin channels, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS, 72, 62-67 (2011).
28) Li, T; Nishida, K; Hiroyasu, H: Droplet size distribution and evaporation characteristics of fuel spray by a swirl type atomizer, FUEL, 90, 2367-2376 (2011).
27) Kang, B; Honda, K; Aki, T; Omasa, T; Ohtake, H: Simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis for comparing burning characteristics between oleaginous and non-oleaginous microorganisms, THERMOCHIMICA ACTA, 517, 115-120 (2011).
26) Sorby, MH; Lovvik, OM; Tsubota, M; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y; Hauback, BC: Crystal structure and dynamics of Mg(ND3)(6)Cl-2, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 13, 7644-7648 (2011).
25) Yabu, H; Sakai, C; Fujiwara, T; Nishio, N; Nakashimada, Y: Thermophilic two-stage dry anaerobic digestion of model garbage with ammonia stripping, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 111, 312-319 (2011).
24) Yamane, A; Shimojo, F; Hoshino, K; Ichikawa, T; Kojima, Y: Ab initio study on the hydrogen desorption from MH-NH3 (M = Li, Na, K) hydrogen storage systems, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 134, , 124515 (2011).
23) Jermsuntiea, W; Aki, T; Toyoura, R; Iwashita, K; Kawamoto, S; Ono, K: Purification and characterization of intracellular lipase from the polyunsaturated fatty acid-producing fungus Mortierella alliacea, NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, 28, 158-164 (2011).
22) Nakashimada, Y; Michinaka, A; Watanabe, K; Nishio, N; Fujii, T: Brewer’s yeast cell wall affects microbiota composition and decreases Bacteroides fragilis populations in an anaerobic gut intestinal model, JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 111, 178-184 (2011).
21) Wang, XG; Huang, ZH; Zhang, W; Kuti, OA; Nishida, K: Effects of ultra-high injection pressure and micro-hole nozzle on flame structure and soot formation of impinging diesel spray, APPLIED ENERGY, 88, 1620-1628 (2011).
19) Chuntanapum, A; Matsumura, Y: Role of 5-HMF in Supercritical Water Gasification of Glucose, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN, 44, 91-97 (2011).
18) Yanagida, T; Matsumura, Y: Proposal for Bioethanol Fermentation System with N, P, K Recycling by Wet Oxidation, JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE, 54, 45-49 (2011).
17) Nakai, S; Yamamura, A; Tanaka, S; Shi, JH; Nishikawa, M; Nakashimada, Y; Hosomi, M: Pathway of 17 beta-estradiol degradation by Nitrosomonas europaea and reduction in 17 beta-estradiol-derived estrogenic activity, ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 9, 1-6 (2011).
16) Kawamoto, S; Kaneoke, M; Ohkouchi, K; Amano, Y; Takaoka, Y; Kume, K; Aki, T; Yamashita, S; Watanabe, K; Kadowaki, M; Hirata, D; Ono, K: Sake Lees Fermented with Lactic Acid Bacteria Prevents Allergic Rhinitis-Like Symptoms and IgE-Mediated Basophil Degranulation, BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 75, 140-144 (2011).
15) Moon, S; Zhang, W; Nishida, K; Matsumoto, Y; Gao, J: Development and evaporation of group-hole nozzle sprays under various surrounding and impinging conditions of direct-injection diesel engines, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH, 12, 41-57 (2011).
14) Shimoda, K; Zhang, Y; Ichikawa, T; Miyaoka, H; Kojima, Y: Solid state NMR study on the thermal decomposition pathway of sodium amidoborane NaNH2BH3, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 21, 2609-2615 (2011).
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